yata 0.6.1

Yet another Technical Analysis library. For rust now.
#![warn(missing_docs, missing_debug_implementations)]

//! Commonly used methods for manipulating timeseries.
//! Every method implements [`Method`](crate::core::Method) trait.
//! To create a method instance use [`Method::new`](crate::core::Method::new).
//! To get new output value over the input value use [`Method::next`](crate::core::Method::next).
//! ```
//! // creating Weighted Moving Average of length `5`
//! use yata::prelude::*;
//! use yata::methods::WMA;
//! let mut wma = WMA::new(5, &20.0).unwrap();
//! let input_value = &34.51;
//! let output_value = wma.next(input_value);
//! ```
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use yata::prelude::*;
//! use yata::methods::SMA;
//! let mut sma = SMA::new(3, &5.0).unwrap();
//! sma.next(&5.0);
//! sma.next(&4.0);
//! assert_eq!(sma.next(&6.0), 5.0);
//! assert_eq!(sma.next(&2.0), 4.0);
//! assert_eq!(sma.next(&-2.0), 2.0);
//! ```

mod sma;
pub use sma::*;
mod wma;
pub use wma::*;
mod ema;
pub use ema::*;
mod wsma;
pub use wsma::*;
mod rma;
pub use rma::*;
mod smm;
pub use smm::*;
mod hma;
pub use hma::*;
mod lin_reg;
pub use lin_reg::*;
mod swma;
pub use swma::*;
mod conv;
pub use conv::*;
mod vwma;
pub use vwma::*;
mod trima;
pub use trima::*;
mod derivative;
pub use derivative::*;
mod integral;
pub use integral::*;
mod momentum;
pub use momentum::*;
mod rate_of_change;
pub use rate_of_change::*;
mod tsi;
pub use tsi::*;
mod st_dev;
pub use st_dev::*;
mod volatility;
pub use volatility::*;
mod cci;
pub use cci::*;
mod mean_abs_dev;
pub use mean_abs_dev::*;
mod median_abs_dev;
pub use median_abs_dev::*;
mod vidya;
pub use vidya::*;

mod cross;
pub use cross::*;
mod reversal;
pub use reversal::*;
mod highest_lowest;
pub use highest_lowest::*;
mod adi;
mod highest_lowest_index;
pub use adi::*;
pub use highest_lowest_index::*;
mod past;
pub use past::*;
mod heikin_ashi;
pub use heikin_ashi::HeikinAshi;
mod tr;
pub use tr::TR;
/// Renko implementation entities
/// For more information see [`Renko`](crate::methods::Renko)
pub mod renko;
pub use renko::Renko;
mod collapse_timeframe;
pub use collapse_timeframe::CollapseTimeframe;

mod tests {
	use crate::core::{Method, ValueType};
	use crate::helpers::assert_eq_float;
	use std::fmt::Debug;

	pub(super) fn test_const<P, I: ?Sized, O: Debug + PartialEq>(
		method: &mut dyn Method<Params = P, Input = I, Output = O>,
		input: &I,
		output: &O,
	) {
		for _ in 0..100 {
			assert_eq!(&method.next(input), output);

	pub(super) fn test_const_float<P, I: ?Sized>(
		method: &mut dyn Method<Params = P, Input = I, Output = ValueType>,
		input: &I,
		output: ValueType,
	) {
		for _ in 0..100 {
			// assert!((method.next(&input) - output).abs() < SIGMA);
			assert_eq_float(output, method.next(input));