yaserde 0.7.0

Serialization and deserialization library
//! # YaSerDe
//! YaSerDe is a framework for ***ser***ializing and ***de***serializing Rust data
//! structures efficiently and generically from and into XML.
//! YaSerDe makes it easy to serialize XML documents given an properly annotated struct.
//! Please refer to the `examples` directory for the complete code shown below.
//! # Serialize
//! For instance, let's say that one wants to generate a XML file for the
//! [Rust-Embedded community](https://github.com/rust-embedded/). A well known XML
//! file for microcontrollers is called [SVD](https://github.com/rust-embedded/svd/)
//! and it can be defined on YaSerDe via structs like so:
//! use yaserde_derive::YaSerialize;
//! #[derive(Default, PartialEq, Debug, YaSerialize)]
//! #[yaserde(rename = "device")]
//! struct Device {
//!   #[yaserde(attribute)]
//!   schemaversion: String,
//!   #[yaserde(attribute)]
//!   xmlns: String,
//!   #[yaserde(attribute)]
//!   xsnonamespaceschemalocation: String,
//!   #[yaserde(child)]
//!   attributes: DeviceAttributes
//! }
//! #[derive(Default, PartialEq, Debug, YaSerialize)]
//! struct DeviceAttributes {
//!   #[yaserde(child)]
//!   vendor: String,
//! }
//! The interspersed `#[yaserde()]` macros give some indication of what the resulting XML
//! Will look like, namely, a short snippet of the struct above in XML would be depending on
//! concrete values passed to the struct (not shown):
//! (...)
//! <device schemaversion: "1.0-example", xmlns: "ns:.... example"
//! xsnonamespaceschemalocation: "foo_bar_baz">
//!    <devattributes>
//!    </devattributes>
//! (...)
//! Notice the important difference in **XML output representation between `attributes` vs
//! `child`**, since SVD expects information in that particular arrangement. YaSerDe allows that
//! serialized XML to be valid unlike other Rust XML (de)serialization crates (i.e quick-xml).
//! Also the last `DevAttrs` struct field is indeed another struct, so one can chain several
//! structs to compose the XML structure (again, see examples folder for the complete
//! example).
//! Be mindful that the **Cargo.toml** should not only include `yaserde` and
//! `yaserde_derive`, but also `xml-rs` and `log` as your dependencies...
//! [FIXME: Explain better why YaSerDe does not pull `xml-rs` and `log` automatically?](https://github.com/media-io/yaserde/issues/22)
//! [dependencies]
//! # serde = { version = "1.0.123", features = [ "derive" ] }
//! # quick-xml = { version = "0.21.0", features = [ "serialize" ] }
//! yaserde = "0.5.1"
//! yaserde_derive = "0.5.1"
//! xml-rs = "0.8.3"
//! log = "0.4"
//! ```
//! Last but not least, in order to have a nice, pretty printed XML output one can do:
//! ```ignore
//!     // Display pretty printed XML
//!    let yaserde_cfg = yaserde::ser::Config{
//!        perform_indent: true,
//!        .. Default::default()
//!    };
//!     println!("{}", yaserde::ser::to_string_with_config(&dev, &yaserde_cfg).ok().unwrap());
//! ```
//! Avoid using either `{:?}` or `{:#?}` println! formatters since it'll garble the output of your
//! XML.

extern crate log;

#[cfg(feature = "yaserde_derive")]
extern crate yaserde_derive;

use std::io::{Read, Write};
use xml::writer::XmlEvent;

pub mod de;
pub mod ser;

/// A **data structure** that can be deserialized from any data format supported by YaSerDe.
pub trait YaDeserialize: Sized {
  fn deserialize<R: Read>(reader: &mut de::Deserializer<R>) -> Result<Self, String>;

/// A **data structure** that can be serialized into any data format supported by YaSerDe.
pub trait YaSerialize: Sized {
  fn serialize<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut ser::Serializer<W>) -> Result<(), String>;

  fn serialize_attributes(
    attributes: Vec<xml::attribute::OwnedAttribute>,
    namespace: xml::namespace::Namespace,
  ) -> Result<

/// A **visitor** that can be implemented to retrieve information from source file.
pub trait Visitor<'de>: Sized {
  /// The value produced by this visitor.
  type Value;

  fn visit_bool(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, String> {
    Err(format!("Unexpected bool {:?}", v))

  fn visit_i8(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, String> {
    Err(format!("Unexpected i8 {:?}", v))

  fn visit_u8(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, String> {
    Err(format!("Unexpected u8 {:?}", v))

  fn visit_i16(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, String> {
    Err(format!("Unexpected i16 {:?}", v))

  fn visit_u16(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, String> {
    Err(format!("Unexpected u16 {:?}", v))

  fn visit_i32(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, String> {
    Err(format!("Unexpected i32 {:?}", v))

  fn visit_u32(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, String> {
    Err(format!("Unexpected u32 {:?}", v))

  fn visit_i64(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, String> {
    Err(format!("Unexpected i64 {:?}", v))

  fn visit_u64(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, String> {
    Err(format!("Unexpected u64 {:?}", v))

  fn visit_f32(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, String> {
    Err(format!("Unexpected f32 {:?}", v))

  fn visit_f64(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, String> {
    Err(format!("Unexpected f64 {:?}", v))

  fn visit_str(self, v: &str) -> Result<Self::Value, String> {
    Err(format!("Unexpected str {:?}", v))

macro_rules! serialize_type {
  ($type:ty) => {
    impl YaSerialize for $type {
      fn serialize<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut ser::Serializer<W>) -> Result<(), String> {
        let content = format!("{}", self);
        let event = XmlEvent::characters(&content);
        let _ret = writer.write(event);

      fn serialize_attributes(
        attributes: Vec<xml::attribute::OwnedAttribute>,
        namespace: xml::namespace::Namespace,
      ) -> Result<
      > {
        Ok((attributes, namespace))





fn default_visitor() {
  struct Test;
  impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for Test {
    type Value = u8;

  macro_rules! test_type {
    ($visitor:tt, $message:expr) => {{
      let t = Test {};
      assert_eq!(t.$visitor(""), Err($message.to_string()));

  test_type!(visit_bool, "Unexpected bool \"\"");
  test_type!(visit_i8, "Unexpected i8 \"\"");
  test_type!(visit_u8, "Unexpected u8 \"\"");
  test_type!(visit_i16, "Unexpected i16 \"\"");
  test_type!(visit_u16, "Unexpected u16 \"\"");
  test_type!(visit_i32, "Unexpected i32 \"\"");
  test_type!(visit_u32, "Unexpected u32 \"\"");
  test_type!(visit_i64, "Unexpected i64 \"\"");
  test_type!(visit_u64, "Unexpected u64 \"\"");
  test_type!(visit_str, "Unexpected str \"\"");

mod testing {
  macro_rules! test_for_type {
    ($type:ty, $value:expr, $content:expr) => {{
      #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, YaDeserialize, YaSerialize)]
      #[yaserde(rename = "data")]
      pub struct Data {
        item: $type,

      let model = Data { item: $value };

      let content = if let Some(str_value) = $content {
        let str_value: &str = str_value;
        format!("<data><item>{}</item></data>", str_value)
      } else {
        "<data />".to_owned()

      serialize_and_validate!(model, content);
      deserialize_and_validate!(&content, model, Data);

  macro_rules! test_for_attribute_type {
    ($type: ty, $value: expr, $content: expr) => {{
      #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, YaDeserialize, YaSerialize)]
      #[yaserde(rename = "data")]
      pub struct Data {
        item: $type,
      let model = Data { item: $value };

      let content = if let Some(str_value) = $content {
        "<data item=\"".to_string() + str_value + "\" />"
      } else {
        "<data />".to_string()

      serialize_and_validate!(model, content);
      deserialize_and_validate!(&content, model, Data);

  macro_rules! deserialize_and_validate {
    ($content: expr, $model: expr, $struct: tt) => {
      log::debug!("deserialize_and_validate @ {}:{}", file!(), line!());
      let loaded: Result<$struct, String> = yaserde::de::from_str($content);
      assert_eq!(loaded, Ok($model));

  macro_rules! serialize_and_validate {
    ($model: expr, $content: expr) => {
      log::debug!("serialize_and_validate @ {}:{}", file!(), line!());
      let data: Result<String, String> = yaserde::ser::to_string(&$model);

      let content = format!(r#"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>{}"#, $content);
        Ok(content.split("\n").map(|s| s.trim()).collect::<String>())