yary 0.1.1

Lazy, efficient YAML parsing
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the
 * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL
 * was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

//! Library error type, surfacing any issues encountered
//! during library usage.
//! Notably, we allow conversion from `yary`'s [`Error`]
//! type into [`std::io::Error`], which may be more
//! portable, at the expense of losing all of the local
//! context this error type provides.

use std::{error::Error as StdError, fmt};

pub(crate) use macros::mkError;

/// Result typedef used throughout this library's public API
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;

/// Opaque type representing all possible errors which can
/// occur during library usage.
pub struct Error
    /// Note we box the underlying, real error to make this
    /// type cheaply movable up and down the stack.
    inner: Box<internal::Error>,

impl Error
    /// The line at which the error occurred.
    pub fn line(&self) -> u64

    /// The column into the line where the error occurred.
    pub fn column(&self) -> u64

    /// The index into the byte stream at which the error
    /// occurred.
    pub fn at(&self) -> u64

    /// Categorize the error into one of the following:
    /// - [`Category::Syntax`] The YAML stream was
    ///   syntactically invalid
    /// - [`Category::Data`] The YAML stream contained data
    ///   that could not be parsed
    /// - [`Category::IO`] The underlying byte stream
    ///   surfaced an error while doing IO
    /// - [`Category::EOF`] The YAML stream ended
    ///   unexpectedly
    pub fn classify(&self) -> Category

    /// Checks whether this error was contextualized.
    /// If this method returns false then the methods
    /// - [`at()`](#method.at)
    /// - [`column()`](#method.column)
    /// - [`line()`](#method.line)
    /// will return meaningless values.
    pub fn has_context(&self) -> bool

    /// Boxes the internal error, returning new public error
    /// type
    pub(crate) fn new(err: internal::Error) -> Self
        Self {
            inner: Box::new(err),

/// Rough category of an [`Error`].
/// Useful for making decisions upon encountering an error.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Category
    /// The underlying byte stream returned an error while
    /// attempting IO

    /// The YAML stream was not syntactically valid

    /// There was an issue with the data contained in the
    /// YAML stream (e.g: an integer overflowed)

    /// The YAML stream unexpectedly terminated before it
    /// was appropriate to do so

pub(crate) mod internal
    use std::{error::Error as StdError, fmt, io, str::Utf8Error};

    use super::Category;

    /// Internal error representation used throughout the
    /// library.
    /// Contains enough metadata about the position of the
    /// error that we can contextualize it later
    pub(crate) struct Error
        /// Error variant encountered
        pub kind:   ErrorKind,
        /// Position in the byte stream that the error
        /// occurred
        pub at:     u64,
        /// Line number of the error
        pub line:   u64,
        /// Offset into current line the error occurred at
        pub column: u64,

    impl Error
        /// Create a new, contextless [`Error`].
        /// Care should be taken to later apply context, if
        /// at all possible.
        pub fn new<T>(err: T) -> Self
            T: Into<ErrorKind>,
            Self::with_context(err, 0, 0, 0)

        /// Create a new, contextualized [`Error`].
        pub fn with_context<T>(err: T, at: u64, line: u64, column: u64) -> Self
            T: Into<ErrorKind>,
            let kind = err.into();

            Self {

        /// Consume self by value while applying a mutating
        /// closure to `self`
        pub fn with<F>(self, f: F) -> Self
            F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> &mut Self,
            let mut this = self;

            f(&mut this);


        /// Add context to this error, replacing the
        /// existing context (if any exists).
        pub fn context(&mut self, at: u64, line: u64, column: u64) -> &mut Self
            self.at = at;
            self.line = line;
            self.column = column;


        /// Replace the error cause with the given kind.
        pub fn kind<T>(&mut self, kind: T) -> &mut Self
            T: Into<ErrorKind>,
            self.kind = kind.into();


        /// Checks whether this error is contextualized
        pub fn has_context(&self) -> bool
            // Only errors created without context will have a line
            // number of 0
            self.line != 0

        /// Categorize this error
        pub fn classify(&self) -> Category

    /// Unified wrapper around the actual error variants we
    /// can produce
    pub(crate) enum ErrorKind

    /// Lightweight errors, specific to this library.
    /// This enum should never be polluted with large
    /// variants, or wrap underlying errors. Use
    /// [`SourceError`] for those.
    /// Library hot-paths should be able to return this
    /// without adversely affecting the speed of unwinding
    /// up the stack, and while we do not force the
    /// compiler, we would prefer that:
    /// `size_of::<Self> == size_of::<u8>`
    /// is true.
    #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    pub(crate) enum ErrorCode
         * ==== Scanner Errors ====
        /// Got end of stream while parsing a token

        /// Directive was not either YAML or TAG

        /// %YAML 1.1
        ///       ^

        /// %YAML 1.1
        ///         ^

        /// A value was expected, but not found

        /// A directive major or minor digit was not 0..=9

        /// Tag handle was not primary (!), secondary (!!)
        /// or named (!alphanumeric!)

        /// Tag prefix was not separated from the handle by
        /// one or more spaces

        /// Tag suffix was invalid

        /// Either an anchor (*) or alias (&)'s name was
        /// invalid

        /// A flow scalar was invalid for some reason

        /// A plain scalar contained a character sequence
        /// that is not permitted

        /// A block scalar contained a character sequence
        /// that is not permitted

        /// A block entry was not expected or allowed

        /// A tab character '\t' was found in an invalid
        /// context, typically block indentation

        /// A mapping key was not expected or allowed

        /// A mapping value was not expected or allowed

        /// A character that was not valid for the escape
        /// sequence was encountered

        /// Found a character that cannot start a valid
        /// Token

        /// An integer overflowed

         * ==== Parser Errors ====
        /// A mismatch between the stream's actual state and
        /// what the parser is expecting occurred.
        /// Typically, this only happens if a [`Read`]
        /// source is given to two separate parsers.
        /// [`Read`]: trait@crate::reader::Read

        /// More than one `%YAML` directive was found inside
        /// a single document's context.
        /// ## Examples
        /// ```yaml
        /// ---
        /// %YAML 1.2
        /// %YAML 1.2
        /// #^^^^^^^^ DuplicateVersion
        /// ```

        /// More than one `%TAG` directive was found _for
        /// the same handle_ inside a single
        /// document's context.
        /// ## Examples
        /// ```yaml
        /// ---
        /// %TAG !handle! my:custom:tag/
        /// %TAG !handle! my:other:tag/
        /// #    ^^^^^^^^ DuplicateTagDirective
        /// ```

        /// A tag referenced a handle that has not been
        /// defined.
        /// ## Examples
        /// ```yaml
        /// ---
        /// key: !handle! value
        /// #    ^^^^^^^^ UndefinedTag
        /// ```

        /// In certain cases YAML requires an indication
        /// that another document is being started,
        /// necessitating a DocumentStart '---'
        /// symbol.
        /// Most commonly, if a stream contains two
        /// documents the first must include a
        /// DocumentEnd ('...') symbol,
        /// or the second must start with a DocumentStart.
        /// ## Examples
        /// ```yaml
        /// document: 1
        /// # <-- either a '...' or '---' is required here
        /// # ^^^^^ MissingDocumentStart
        /// %YAML 1.2
        /// document: 2
        /// ```

        /// A entry in a block sequence was required but not
        /// found in the stream
        /// ## Examples
        /// ```yaml
        /// - 1
        /// - 2
        /// - 3
        /// foo: bar # should be: '- foo: bar'
        /// #^^ MissingBlockEntry
        /// ```

        /// A YAML node was required but not found.
        /// YAML tends to be very forgiving with missing
        /// nodes, but it is possible to construct a
        /// YAML stream with a required Node, most
        /// commonly if using tags or anchors.
        /// ## Examples
        /// ```yaml
        /// tag: !!str      # wants: !!str 'my tagged scalar'
        /// #    ^^^^^ MissingNode
        /// anchor: &anchor # wants: &anchor 'my anchored scalar'
        /// #       ^^^^^^^ MissingNode
        /// ```

        /// A YAML mapping key was required but not found.
        /// Frequently caused by poor indentation in YAML
        /// documents.
        /// ```yaml
        /// nested:
        ///     key: value
        ///     bad: # YAML requires that a value exist on the same line as its key
        /// #   ^^^^ MissingKey
        ///          value with a different line to key
        /// ```
        /// ```yaml
        /// some very long key over 1024 bytes long...: value
        /// # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MissingKey
        /// ```

        /// A YAML flow sequence was missing a terminus
        /// (']') or continuation (',') symbol.
        /// ## Examples
        /// ```yaml
        /// missing terminus: [1, 2, 3
        /// #                         ^ MissingFlowSequenceEntryOrEnd
        /// #                           No terminus bracket closing out the sequence
        /// ```
        /// ```yaml
        /// missing continuation: [ {key1: value} {key2: value} ]
        /// #                                    ^ MissingFlowSequenceEntryOrEnd
        /// ```

        /// A YAML flow mapping was missing a terminus ('}')
        /// or continuation (',') symbol.
        /// ## Examples
        /// ```yaml
        /// missing terminus: {key1: value, key2: value
        /// #                                          ^ MissingFlowMappingEntryOrEnd
        /// #                                            No terminus bracket closing out the mapping
        /// ```
        /// ```yaml
        /// missing continuation: {first: value second: value}
        /// #                                  ^ MissingFlowMappingEntryOrEnd
        /// ```

    /// Heavy and/or external errors that can occur during
    /// library usage
    pub(crate) enum SourceError
         * ==== Reader Errors ====
        /// Catch all wrapper for any underlying IO errors
        /// reported to us

        /// Encountered invalid an UTF8 sequence

    impl fmt::Debug for Error
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
            let mut this = f.debug_struct("Error");

            this.field("kind", &self.kind);

            if self.has_context()
                this.field("line", &self.line)
                    .field("column", &self.column)
                    .field("index", &self.at);


    impl fmt::Display for Error
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
            use fmt::Display;

            if self.has_context()
                    "{}, on line {}, column {}, at index {}",
                    self.kind, self.line, self.column, self.at
                Display::fmt(&self.kind, f)

    impl StdError for Error
        fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn StdError + 'static)>

    impl From<Error> for super::Error
        fn from(err: Error) -> Self

    impl<T> From<T> for Error
        T: Into<ErrorKind>,
        fn from(t: T) -> Self

    impl From<Error> for std::io::Error
        fn from(err: Error) -> Self
            if let ErrorKind::Source(SourceError::IO(err)) = err.kind
                return err;

            match err.classify()
                Category::Syntax => io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, err),
                Category::Data => io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, err),
                Category::EOF => io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, err),
                Category::IO => unreachable!(),

    impl From<&'_ ErrorKind> for Category
        fn from(kind: &'_ ErrorKind) -> Self
            match kind
                ErrorKind::Code(e) => e.into(),
                ErrorKind::Source(e) => e.into(),

    impl fmt::Display for ErrorKind
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
            match self
                ErrorKind::Code(ref e) => fmt::Display::fmt(e, f),
                ErrorKind::Source(ref e) => fmt::Display::fmt(e, f),

    impl StdError for ErrorKind {}

    impl From<ErrorCode> for ErrorKind
        fn from(e: ErrorCode) -> Self

    impl From<SourceError> for ErrorKind
        fn from(e: SourceError) -> Self

    impl From<ErrorCode> for Category
        fn from(code: ErrorCode) -> Self
            use ErrorCode::*;

            match code
                | MissingMajor
                | MissingMinor
                | MissingValue
                | InvalidVersion
                | InvalidTagHandle
                | InvalidTagPrefix
                | InvalidTagSuffix
                | InvalidAnchorName
                | InvalidFlowScalar
                | InvalidPlainScalar
                | InvalidBlockScalar
                | InvalidBlockEntry
                | InvalidTab
                | InvalidKey
                | InvalidValue
                | UnknownEscape
                | UnknownDelimiter
                | DuplicateVersion
                | DuplicateTagDirective
                | UndefinedTag
                | MissingDocumentStart
                | MissingBlockEntry
                | MissingNode
                | MissingKey
                | MissingFlowSequenceEntryOrEnd
                | MissingFlowMappingEntryOrEnd => Category::Syntax,

                IntOverflow | CorruptStream => Category::Data,

                UnexpectedEOF => Category::EOF,

    impl From<&'_ ErrorCode> for Category
        fn from(code: &'_ ErrorCode) -> Self

    impl fmt::Display for ErrorCode
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
            use ErrorCode::*;

            match self
                UnexpectedEOF => f.write_str("unexpected EOF"),
                UnknownDirective => f.write_str("unknown YAML directive"),
                MissingMajor => f.write_str("%YAML directive missing major version"),
                MissingMinor => f.write_str("%YAML directive missing minor version"),
                MissingValue => f.write_str("missing YAML mapping value"),
                InvalidVersion => f.write_str("%YAML directive is invalid"),
                InvalidTagHandle =>
                    f.write_str("node tag handle is not one of !, !!, or ![a-zA-Z0-9]+!")
                InvalidTagPrefix => f.write_str("%TAG directive prefix is invalid"),
                InvalidTagSuffix => f.write_str("node tag suffix is invalid"),
                InvalidAnchorName =>
                    f.write_str("node anchor or alias contains invalid characters")
                InvalidFlowScalar => f.write_str("flow scalar contains invalid characters"),
                InvalidPlainScalar => f.write_str("plain scalar contains invalid characters"),
                InvalidBlockScalar => f.write_str("block scalar contains invalid characters"),
                InvalidBlockEntry => f.write_str("block entry is not allowed in this context"),
                InvalidTab => f.write_str("indentation contained a tab character"),
                InvalidKey => f.write_str("key node is not allowed in this context"),
                InvalidValue => f.write_str("value node is not allowed in this context"),
                UnknownEscape => f.write_str("unknown escape sequence"),
                UnknownDelimiter => f.write_str("unknown token"),
                IntOverflow => f.write_str("integer overflow while parsing"),
                CorruptStream => f.write_str("invalid or corrupt yaml stream"),
                DuplicateVersion => f.write_str("duplicate %YAML directive found in a document"),
                DuplicateTagDirective =>
                    f.write_str("duplicate %TAG directive for a handle found in a document")
                UndefinedTag => f.write_str("undefined node tag found"),
                MissingDocumentStart => f.write_str("missing document start or end indicator"),
                MissingBlockEntry => f.write_str("block entry was expected"),
                MissingNode => f.write_str("node was expected"),
                MissingKey => f.write_str("key node was expected"),
                MissingFlowSequenceEntryOrEnd =>
                    f.write_str("missing flow sequence delimiter ',' or ']'")
                MissingFlowMappingEntryOrEnd =>
                    f.write_str("missing flow mapping delimiter ',' or '}'")

    impl StdError for ErrorCode {}

    impl From<&'_ SourceError> for Category
        fn from(err: &'_ SourceError) -> Self
            match err
                SourceError::IO(_) => Category::IO,
                SourceError::UTF8(_) => Category::Data,

    impl fmt::Display for SourceError
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
            match self
                SourceError::IO(ref e) => fmt::Display::fmt(e, f),
                SourceError::UTF8(ref e) => fmt::Display::fmt(e, f),

    impl StdError for SourceError
        fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn StdError + 'static)>
            match self
                SourceError::IO(e) => Some(e),
                SourceError::UTF8(e) => Some(e),

    impl From<Utf8Error> for SourceError
        fn from(e: Utf8Error) -> Self

    impl From<io::Error> for SourceError
        fn from(e: io::Error) -> Self

mod macros
    /// mkError allows a caller to convert any .error type
    /// that implements From/Into any of the internal
    /// error types defined by this module into a
    /// external, public error.
    /// These conversions are controlled by the following
    /// tokens, which correspond to one of the
    /// [error](super) error types.
    /// - CODE      => internal::ErrorCode
    /// - SOURCE    => internal::SourceError
    /// - KIND      => internal::ErrorKind
    /// - INTERR    => internal::Error
    /// - ERROR     => Error
    /// Variants
    ///     /1 .error => CODE|SOURCE|KIND|INTERR|ERROR,+
    ///     /2 .error, CODE
    ///         := /1 .error => CODE, KIND, INTERR, ERROR
    ///     /3 .error, SOURCE
    ///         := /1 .error => SOURCE, KIND, INTERR, ERROR
    ///     /4 .error, KIND
    ///         := /1 .error => KIND, INTERR, ERROR
    ///     /5 .error, INTERR
    ///         := /1 .error => INTERR, ERROR
    ///     /6 .error, ERROR
    ///         := /1 .error => ERROR
    macro_rules! mkError {
        ($error:expr, CODE) => {
            $crate::error::mkError!($error => CODE, KIND, INTERR, ERROR)
        ($error:expr, SOURCE) => {
            $crate::error::mkError!($error => SOURCE, KIND, INTERR, ERROR)
        ($error:expr, KIND) => {
            $crate::error::mkError!($error => KIND, INTERR, ERROR)
        ($error:expr, INTERR) => {
            $crate::error::mkError!($error => INTERR, ERROR)
        ($error:expr, ERROR) => {
            $crate::error::mkError!($error => ERROR)
        ($error:expr => $($op:tt),+) => {
            $crate::error::mkError!(@priv Some($error) => $($op),+ ).unwrap()

        // Recursively wrap the error in From conversions until we reach the desired endpoint
        (@priv $error:expr => CODE $(, $rest:tt)*) => {
            $crate::error::mkError!(@priv $error.map($crate::error::internal::ErrorCode::from) => $($rest),*)
        (@priv $error:expr => SOURCE $(, $rest:tt)*) => {
            $crate::error::mkError!(@priv $error.map($crate::error::internal::SourceError::from) => $($rest),*)
        (@priv $error:expr => KIND $(, $rest:tt)*) => {
            $crate::error::mkError!(@priv $error.map($crate::error::internal::ErrorKind::from) => $($rest),*)
        (@priv $error:expr => INTERR $(, $rest:tt)*) => {
            $crate::error::mkError!(@priv $error.map($crate::error::internal::Error::from) => $($rest),*)
        (@priv $error:expr => ERROR $(, $rest:tt)*) => {
            $crate::error::mkError!(@priv $error.map($crate::error::Error::new) => $($rest),*)
        // Recursion terminus
        (@priv $error:expr => $(,)?) => {

    pub(crate) use mkError;

impl fmt::Debug for Error
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
        fmt::Debug::fmt(&self.inner, f)

impl fmt::Display for Error
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result
        fmt::Display::fmt(&self.inner, f)

impl StdError for Error
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn StdError + 'static)>

impl From<Error> for std::io::Error
    fn from(err: Error) -> Self