yarpl 0.0.7

Yet Another Rust Parsing Library

yarpl is Yet Another Parsing Library which uses declarative macros.

Each macro uses a modified function declaration syntax and will expand to a function with the type fn (&str, usize) -> Result<yarpl::core::Progress, yarpl::core::Done>.


yarpl macros will take an identifier, then a block containing that parser's one or more children.

For example to parse a simple terminal symbol you can use the just! macro:

use yarpl::just;

just!(pub fn plus { "+" } ); 

Then just call the function with a &str and an index as arguments.

assert!(plus("+", 0).is_ok());

Calling other parsers within a macro may be done with similarly Rust-like syntax:

use yarpl::and;

and!(pub fn plus_plus_plus {



assert!(plus_plus_plus("+++", 0).is_ok());
assert!(plus_plus_plus("asdf", 0).is_err());