yahoo_finance_api 1.1.3

A rust adapter for the yahoo! finance API to fetch histories of market data quotes.
# yahoo! finance API
This project provides a set of functions to receive data from the
the [yahoo! finance]( website via their API. This project
is licensed under Apache 2.0 or MIT license (see files LICENSE-Apache2.0 and LICENSE-MIT).

Since version 0.3 and the upgrade to ```reqwest``` 0.10, all requests to the yahoo API return futures, using ```async``` features.
Therefore, the functions need to be called from within another ```async``` function with ```.await``` or via functions like ```block_on```. The examples are based on the ```tokio``` runtime applying the ```tokio-test``` crate.

Use the `blocking` feature to get the previous behavior back: i.e. `yahoo_finance_api = {"version" = "1.0", features = ["blocking"]}`. 

Get the latest available quote (without the blocking feature enabled):
use yahoo_finance_api as yahoo;
use std::time::{Duration, UNIX_EPOCH};
use chrono::prelude::*;
use tokio_test;

fn main() {
    let provider = yahoo::YahooConnector::new();
    // get the latest quotes in 1 minute intervals
    let response = tokio_test::block_on(provider.get_latest_quotes("AAPL", "1m")).unwrap();
    // extract just the latest valid quote summery
    // including timestamp,open,close,high,low,volume
    let quote = response.last_quote().unwrap();
    let time: DateTime<Utc> =
        DateTime::from(UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(quote.timestamp));
    println!("At {} quote price of Apple was {}", time.to_rfc3339(), quote.close);

Get history of quotes for given time period:
use yahoo_finance_api as yahoo;
use std::time::{Duration, UNIX_EPOCH};
use chrono::{Utc,TimeZone};
use tokio_test;

fn main() {
    let provider = yahoo::YahooConnector::new();
    let start = Utc.ymd(2020, 1, 1).and_hms_milli(0, 0, 0, 0);
    let end = Utc.ymd(2020, 1, 31).and_hms_milli(23, 59, 59, 999);
    // returns historic quotes with daily interval
    let resp = tokio_test::block_on(provider.get_quote_history("AAPL", start, end)).unwrap();
    let quotes = resp.quotes().unwrap();
    println!("Apple's quotes in January: {:?}", quotes);


Search for a ticker given a search string (e.g. company name):
use yahoo_finance_api as yahoo;
use tokio_test;

fn main() {
    let provider = yahoo::YahooConnector::new();
    let resp = tokio_test::block_on(provider.search_ticker("Apple")).unwrap();

    let mut apple_found = false;
    println!("All tickers found while searching for 'Apple':");
    for item in resp.quotes 
        println!("{}", item.symbol)


Another method to retrieve a range of quotes is by
requesting the quotes for a given period and lookup frequency. Here is an example retrieving the daily quotes for the last month:

use yahoo_finance_api as yahoo;
use std::time::{Duration, UNIX_EPOCH};
use chrono::{Utc,TimeZone};
use tokio_test;

fn main() {
    let provider = yahoo::YahooConnector::new();
    let response = tokio_test::block_on(provider.get_quote_range("AAPL", "1d", "1mo")).unwrap();
    let quotes = response.quotes().unwrap();
    println!("Apple's quotes of the last month: {:?}", quotes);

With the blocking feature enabled, the last example would just look like
use yahoo_finance_api as yahoo;

fn main() {
    let provider = yahoo::YahooConnector::new();
    let response = provider.get_quote_range("AAPL", "1d", "1mo").unwrap();
    let quotes = response.quotes().unwrap();
    println!("Apple's quotes of the last month: {:?}", quotes);
and the other examples would just change accordingly.