yabs 0.1.2

Yet another build system


Yet another build system. A C and C++ build system, with projects described using TOML.


To build yabs you will need rustc and cargo. Simply run cargo build --release, this will build a binary called yabs in target/release.


Output of yabs -h

Usage: yabs [OPTION] PROFILE
   or: yabs [OPTION]
Run yabs with [OPTION] on PROFILE

    -f, --file FILE     Use a specified TOML file
    -h, --help          Print help information
    -m, --make PROFILE  Generate Makefile
    -p, --print         Print build file in JSON
    -b, --build         Build profile
        --print-profile PROFILE
                        Print a particular profile from build file in JSON
        --profiles      Print all available profiles in build file
        --sources       Print source files
        --version       Print version information

	yabs -m linux	Generates a Makefile for the build profile 'linux'
	yabs -p		Prints all build profiles

Defining a Project

yabs uses TOML to define projects. For example, a project in C++ using libraries such as SDL2, SDL2-image, SDL2-ttf, and Lua 5.3 would look similar to the following:

name = "kuma"
target = ["kuma"]
lang = "cpp"
compiler = "g++"
cflags = ["std=c++11"]
inc = [
    "`pkg-config --cflags lua5.3 SDL2_image SDL2_ttf`",
libs = [
        "`pkg-config --libs lua5.3 SDL2_image SDL2_ttf`",
ignore = [
static_lib = false

name = "kuma"
static_lib = true
arflags = "rcs"
target = ["libkuma.a"]
lang = "cpp"
comp = "g++"
cflags = ["std=c++11"]
inc = ["src", "/usr/include/SDL2",]
libs = [
ignore = [

Here [linux.project] defines a toml table, which then defines the project corresponding to the key 'linux'.

Building a Project

yabs can build a project directly though this does not support multiple jobs. In the prior example two projects were defined: linux and static_lib. To build linux one would simply run yabs -b linux.

Generating a Makefile

yabs can also generate Makefiles for projects. This can be done with -m, using our previous example: yabs -m linux. This would create a Makefile for our project linux.

Keys and Values

The following tables describes what keys are available to yabs project files.

Key Value Type
name Name for project String
target Name for target binary Array
lang Extension used for source files String
os Operating system String
version Version number String
compiler Compiler to use String
src Source files Array
libs Libraries to link Array
lib_dir Library directories to use Array
inc Include directories Array
cflags Compiler flags Array
lflags Linker flags Array
ignore Directories or files to ignore Array
before_script Scripts to run before a build Array
after_script Scripts to run after a build Array
static_lib Whether the project is a static library Boolean
ar Archiving tool to use String
arflags Flags for archiving tool Array
clean Extra items to clean, these are removed using rm -r Array