yabf 0.2.0

yet another bit field

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Just what the world needed - yet another bit field struct.

This is a small and simple implementation. It only has the basic functionality of a bit field:

  • Set arbitrary bit (if you set the millionth bit the list will use at least 125KB of heap space)
  • Get bit value
  • An iterator over the set bit indices. O(size of container)
  • The container never shrinks.

yabf::Yabf is a std::vec::Vec based bit field

let mut a = Yabf::default();
let mut b = Yabf::with_capacity(12345);
// bits are false by default
assert_eq!(a.bit(45), false);
a.set_bit(12345, true);
assert_eq!(a.bit(12345), true);
b.set_bit(345, true);
assert_eq!(b.bit(345), true);

yabf::SmallYabf is a smallvec::SmallVec based bit field. The struct will be entirely stack allocated if it contains less than 129 bits.

let mut a = SmallYabf::default();
let mut b = SmallYabf::with_capacity(12345);
a.set_bit(45, false);
b.set_bit(12345, true);
assert_eq!(a.bit(45), false);
assert_eq!(b.bit(12345), true);
assert_eq!(a.bit(12345), false);

Rust cargo

yabf::SmallYabf is enabled by default, disable like this:

yabf = {version="0.2",default-features=false}

yabf::SmallYabf is enabled by default

yabf = {version="0.2"}


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