yabai 0.5.0

A crate for communicating with the yabai tiling window manager.


A Rust library for communicating with the yabai tiling window manager's ipc socket, acting as a Rust equivalent of the yabai -m command.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

yabai = "0.5.0"

or using cargo add:

cargo add yabai

Sending Commands

You can send commands in a yabai -m like fashion, using a string:

yabai::send("--focus space 2");

Alternatively, you can use the Command enum for more strongly-typed inputs:

let command = yabai::Command::FocusSpace { option: yabai::SpaceOption::Recent };



Displays, spaces, and windows can all be queried:

let displays = yabai::query_displays()?; // Vec<DisplayInfo>

let spaces = yabai::query_spaces()?; // Vec<SpaceInfo>

let windows = yabai::query_windows()?; // Vec<WindowInfo>

Cargo Features

  • "python" - Adds pyo3 derive attributes to yabai command enums.