ya-service-bus 0.7.3

Golem Service Bus
use crate::error::Error;
use crate::local_router::{router, Router};
use crate::{
    Handle, RpcEndpoint, RpcEnvelope, RpcHandler, RpcMessage, RpcStreamHandler, RpcStreamMessage,
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::FutureExt;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

/// Binds RpcHandler to given service address.
/// ## Example
/// ```no_run
/// use ya_service_bus::{typed as bus, RpcMessage};
/// use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
/// use actix::System;
/// #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
/// struct Echo(String);
/// impl RpcMessage for Echo {
///     const ID :&'static str = "echo";
///     type Item = String;
///     type Error=();
/// }
/// fn main() {
///      let sys = System::new();
///      let _ = bus::bind("/local/echo", |e:Echo| {
///          async {
///             Ok(e.0)
///          }
///      });
///  }
pub fn bind<T: RpcMessage>(addr: &str, endpoint: impl RpcHandler<T> + Unpin + 'static) -> Handle {
    router().lock().unwrap().bind(addr, endpoint)

pub async fn unbind(addr: &str) -> Result<bool, Error> {
    let future = { router().lock().unwrap().unbind(addr) };

pub fn bind_stream<T: RpcStreamMessage>(
    addr: &str,
    endpoint: impl RpcStreamHandler<T> + Unpin + 'static,
) -> Handle {
    router().lock().unwrap().bind_stream(addr, endpoint)

pub fn bind_with_caller<T: RpcMessage, Output, F>(addr: &str, f: F) -> Handle
    Output: Future<Output = Result<T::Item, T::Error>> + 'static,
    F: FnMut(String, T) -> Output + 'static,
    router().lock().unwrap().bind(addr, WithCaller(f))

pub struct Endpoint {
    router: Arc<Mutex<Router>>,
    addr: String,

impl Endpoint {
    pub fn addr(&self) -> &str {

    pub fn call<T: RpcMessage + Unpin>(
        msg: T,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Result<T::Item, T::Error>, Error>> + Send {
            .forward(&self.addr, RpcEnvelope::local(msg))

    pub fn call_as<T: RpcMessage + Unpin>(
        caller: impl ToString,
        msg: T,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Result<T::Item, T::Error>, Error>> + Send {
            .forward(&self.addr, RpcEnvelope::with_caller(caller, msg))

    pub fn call_streaming<T: RpcStreamMessage>(
        msg: T,
    ) -> impl Stream<Item = Result<Result<T::Item, T::Error>, Error>> + Unpin {
            .streaming_forward(&self.addr, msg)

    pub fn call_raw_as(
        caller: &str,
        msg: Vec<u8>,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Vec<u8>, Error>> {
            .forward_bytes(&self.addr, caller, msg, false)

    pub fn push<T: RpcMessage + Unpin>(&self, msg: T) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> {
            .push(&self.addr, RpcEnvelope::local(msg))

    pub fn push_as<T: RpcMessage + Unpin>(
        caller: impl ToString,
        msg: T,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), Error>> {
            .push(&self.addr, RpcEnvelope::with_caller(caller, msg))

    pub fn push_raw_as(
        caller: &str,
        msg: Vec<u8>,
    ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Vec<u8>, Error>> {
            .forward_bytes(&self.addr, caller, msg, true)

impl<T: RpcMessage + Unpin> RpcEndpoint<T> for Endpoint
    T: Send,
    type Result = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Result<T::Item, T::Error>, Error>> + Send>>;

    fn send(&self, msg: T) -> Self::Result {
        Endpoint::call(self, msg).boxed()

    fn send_as(&self, caller: impl ToString + 'static, msg: T) -> Self::Result {
        Endpoint::call_as(self, caller, msg).boxed()

pub fn service(addr: impl Into<String>) -> Endpoint {
    Endpoint {
        router: router(),
        addr: addr.into(),

        T: RpcMessage,
        Output: Future<Output = Result<T::Item, T::Error>> + 'static,
        F: FnMut(T) -> Output + 'static,
    > RpcHandler<T> for F
    type Result = Output;

    fn handle(&mut self, _caller: String, msg: T) -> Self::Result {

struct WithCaller<F>(F);

        T: RpcMessage,
        Output: Future<Output = Result<T::Item, T::Error>> + 'static,
        F: FnMut(String, T) -> Output + 'static,
    > RpcHandler<T> for WithCaller<F>
    type Result = Output;

    fn handle(&mut self, caller: String, msg: T) -> Self::Result {
        (self.0)(caller, msg)

        T: RpcStreamMessage,
        Output: Stream<Item = Result<T::Item, T::Error>> + Unpin + 'static,
        F: FnMut(T) -> Output + 'static,
    > RpcStreamHandler<T> for F
    type Result = Output;

    fn handle(&mut self, _caller: &str, msg: T) -> Self::Result {

pub struct ServiceBinder<'a, 'b, DB, AUX>
    DB: std::clone::Clone + 'static,
    AUX: std::clone::Clone,
    addr: &'b str,
    db: &'a DB,
    aux: AUX,

impl<'a, 'b, DB, AUX> ServiceBinder<'a, 'b, DB, AUX>
    DB: std::clone::Clone + 'static,
    AUX: std::clone::Clone + 'static,
    pub fn new(addr: &'b str, db: &'a DB, aux: AUX) -> Self {
        Self { addr, db, aux }

    pub fn bind<F: 'static, Msg: RpcMessage, Output: 'static>(self, f: F) -> Self
        F: Fn(DB, String, Msg) -> Output,
        Output: Future<Output = Result<Msg::Item, Msg::Error>>,
        Msg::Error: std::fmt::Display,
        let db = self.db.clone();
        let _ = bind_with_caller(self.addr, move |addr, msg| {
            log::trace!("Received call to {}", Msg::ID);
            let fut = f(db.clone(), addr, msg);
            fut.map(|res| {
                match &res {
                    Ok(_) => log::trace!("Call to {} successful", Msg::ID),
                    Err(e) => log::debug!("Call to {} failed: {}", Msg::ID, e),

    pub fn bind_with_processor<F: 'static, Msg: RpcMessage, Output: 'static>(self, f: F) -> Self
        F: Fn(DB, AUX, String, Msg) -> Output,
        Output: Future<Output = Result<Msg::Item, Msg::Error>>,
        Msg::Error: std::fmt::Display,
        let db = self.db.clone();
        let aux = self.aux.clone();
        let _ = bind_with_caller(self.addr, move |addr, msg| {
            log::trace!("Received call to {}", Msg::ID);
            let fut = f(db.clone(), aux.clone(), addr, msg);
            fut.map(|res| {
                match &res {
                    Ok(_) => log::trace!("Call to {} successful", Msg::ID),
                    Err(e) => log::debug!("Call to {} failed: {}", Msg::ID, e),