ya-relay-stack 0.4.1

Embeddable networking stack
use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Div, Mul, Sub};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};

use num_traits::{One, Zero};

pub const DEFAULT_EWMA_ALPHA_SHORT: f32 = 0.9;
pub const DEFAULT_EWMA_ALPHA_MID: f32 = 0.7;
pub const DEFAULT_EWMA_ALPHA_LONG: f32 = 0.2;

#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct ChannelMetrics {
    pub tx: Metrics,
    pub rx: Metrics,

pub struct Metrics {
    pub short: TimeWindow,
    pub mid: TimeWindow,
    pub long: TimeWindow,

impl Default for Metrics {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl Metrics {
    pub fn new(short_alpha: f32, mid_alpha: f32, long_alpha: f32) -> Result<Self, f32> {
        let now = Instant::now();
        let sample_freq = Duration::from_secs(1);

        Ok(Self {
            short: TimeWindow::new(now, sample_freq, Ewma::new(short_alpha)?),
            mid: TimeWindow::new(now, sample_freq, Ewma::new(mid_alpha)?),
            long: TimeWindow::new(now, sample_freq, Ewma::new(long_alpha)?),

    pub fn push(&mut self, value: f32) {
        let now = Instant::now();
        self.short.push(value, now);
        self.mid.push(value, now);
        self.long.push(value, now);

/// Series average abstraction
pub trait Average<T>: Clone {
    fn push(&mut self, value: T);
    fn value(&self) -> T;

/// Exponentially weighted moving average
pub struct Ewma<T = f32>
    T: Clone,
    value: Option<T>,
    alpha: T,
    one_min_alpha: T,

impl<T> Ewma<T>
    T: Zero + One + Sub<Output = T> + PartialOrd + Clone,
    pub fn new(alpha: T) -> Result<Self, T> {
        let zero = T::zero();
        let one = T::one();

        if alpha < zero || alpha > one {
            return Err(alpha);

        let one_min_alpha = one.sub(alpha.clone());

        Ok(Self {
            value: None,

impl<T> Average<T> for Ewma<T>
    T: Zero + Add<Output = T> + Mul<Output = T> + Clone,
    fn push(&mut self, value: T) {
        let new_value = match self.value.take() {
            Some(v) => self.alpha.clone().mul(value) + self.one_min_alpha.clone().mul(v),
            None => value,

    fn value(&self) -> T {

pub struct TimeWindow<V = f32, A = Ewma<V>>
    A: Average<V>,
    size: Duration,
    updated: Instant,
    acc: V,
    total: V,
    average: A,

impl<V, A> TimeWindow<V, A>
    V: Zero,
    A: Average<V>,
    pub fn new(start: Instant, size: Duration, average: A) -> Self {
        Self {
            updated: start - size,
            acc: V::zero(),
            total: V::zero(),

impl<V, A> TimeWindow<V, A>
    V: Add<Output = V> + PartialEq + Zero + Clone,
    A: Average<V>,
    pub fn average(&mut self, time: Instant) -> V {

    pub fn sum(&self) -> V {

    pub fn push(&mut self, mut value: V, time: Instant) {
        if time - self.updated < self.size {
            self.acc = self.acc.clone() + value;
        } else {
            value = value + std::mem::replace(&mut self.acc, V::zero());
            self.push_value(value, time);

    fn advance(&mut self, time: Instant) {
        if time <= self.updated {

        let size_ms = self.size.as_millis() as f64;
        let cycles = ((time - self.updated).as_millis() as f64 + size_ms / 2.) / size_ms;
        let samples = (cycles as usize).saturating_sub(1);
        if samples == 0 {

        if !self.acc.eq(&V::zero()) {
            let value = std::mem::replace(&mut self.acc, V::zero());
            self.push_value(value, self.updated);
        for _ in 0..samples {
            self.push_value(V::zero(), self.updated + self.size);

    fn push_value(&mut self, value: V, time: Instant) {
        self.total = self.total.clone().add(value.clone());
        self.updated = time;

impl<V, A> Add for TimeWindow<V, A>
    V: Zero + Add<Output = V> + AddAssign + PartialEq + Clone,
    A: Average<V> + Add<Output = A>,
    type Output = TimeWindow<V, A>;

    fn add(mut self, mut rhs: TimeWindow<V, A>) -> TimeWindow<V, A> {
        // This condition should be met, but I don't want to panic.
        //assert_eq!(self.size, rhs.size);

        let timestamp = *std::cmp::max(&self.updated, &rhs.updated);


        self.updated = timestamp;
        self.acc += rhs.acc;
        self.total += rhs.total;
        // It uses `Add<Output = V>` operator, which doesn't have to execute simple addition,
        // but it could be more complicated logic.
        self.average = self.average + rhs.average;


impl<T> Add for Ewma<T>
    T: Add<Output = T> + AddAssign + Div<f32, Output = T> + Clone,
    type Output = Ewma<T>;

    fn add(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
        // These conditions should be met, but I don't want to panic.
        //assert_eq!(self.one_min_alpha, rhs.one_min_alpha);
        //assert_eq!(self.alpha, rhs.alpha);

        self.value = match (self.value, rhs.value) {
            (Some(val1), Some(val2)) => Some((val1 + val2) / 2.0f32),
            (Some(val1), None) => Some(val1),
            (None, Some(val2)) => Some(val2),
            (None, None) => None,

impl Add for Metrics {
    type Output = Metrics;

    fn add(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
        self.long = self.long + rhs.long;
        self.mid = self.mid + rhs.mid;
        self.short = self.short + rhs.short;


impl Add for ChannelMetrics {
    type Output = ChannelMetrics;

    fn add(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
        self.rx = self.rx + rhs.rx;
        self.tx = self.tx + rhs.tx;


mod tests {
    use std::time::{Duration, Instant};

    use crate::metrics::{Ewma, TimeWindow};

    // approximate equality for floating-point number repr
    fn assert_approx_eq(val: f64, expected: f64) {
        assert!(val > expected - 0.01);
        assert!(val < expected + 0.01);

    fn time_window_ewma_swift() {
        let mut now = Instant::now();
        let sample_freq = Duration::from_secs(1);
        let until = now + Duration::from_secs(4);

        let avg = Ewma::new(0.8_f64).expect("failed to create an instance of EWMA");
        let mut tw = TimeWindow::new(now, sample_freq, avg);

        while now <= until {
            tw.push(0.1, now);
            now += Duration::from_millis(sample_freq.as_millis() as u64 / 10);
        assert_approx_eq(tw.average(now), 1.);

    fn time_window_ewma_steady() {
        let mut now = Instant::now();
        let sample_freq = Duration::from_secs(1);
        let until = now + Duration::from_secs(4);

        let avg = Ewma::new(0.8_f64).expect("failed to create an instance of EWMA");
        let mut tw = TimeWindow::new(now, sample_freq, avg);

        while now <= until {
            tw.push(123., now);
            now += sample_freq;
        assert_approx_eq(tw.average(now), 123.);

    fn time_window_ewma_tardy() {
        let mut now = Instant::now();
        let sample_freq = Duration::from_secs(1);
        let until = now + Duration::from_secs(8);

        let avg = Ewma::new(0.2_f64).expect("failed to create an instance of EWMA");
        let mut tw = TimeWindow::new(now, sample_freq, avg);

        while now <= until {
            tw.push(1., now);
            now += sample_freq * 2;

        assert_approx_eq(tw.average(now), 0.5);