xwin 0.2.5

Allows downloading and repacking the MSVC CRT and Windows SDK for cross compilation
targets = [
  { triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl" },
  { triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" },

vulnerability = "deny"
unmaintained = "deny"
yanked = "deny"
ignore = []

unlicensed = "deny"
allow = [
  # This is not really a license for source code, but the encoding* crates
  # pulled in by msi all use it for some reason
copyleft = "deny"
exceptions = [
  { allow = ["MPL-2.0"], name = "webpki-roots" },
  # ring uses code from multiple libraries but all with permissive licenses
  # https://tldrlegal.com/license/openssl-license-(openssl)
  { allow = ["ISC", "MIT", "OpenSSL"], name = "ring" },

name = "ring"
# SPDX considers OpenSSL to encompass both the OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses
# https://spdx.org/licenses/OpenSSL.html
# ISC - Both BoringSSL and ring use this for their new files
# MIT - "Files in third_party/ have their own licenses, as described therein. The MIT
# license, for third_party/fiat, which, unlike other third_party directories, is
# compiled into non-test libraries, is included below."
# OpenSSL - Obviously
expression = "ISC AND MIT AND OpenSSL"
license-files = [{ path = "LICENSE", hash = 0xbd0eed23 }]

name = "encoding_rs"
expression = "(Apache-2.0 OR MIT) AND BSD-3-Clause"
license-files = [{ path = "COPYRIGHT", hash = 0x39f8ad31 }]

multiple-versions = "deny"
deny = []
skip = []

unknown-registry = "deny"
# Lint level for what to happen when a crate from a git repository that is not
# in the allow list is encountered
unknown-git = "deny"
allow-git = []