xtree 0.1.8

A simple general purpose tree data structure.
# xtree

A simple rust general purpose tree data structure.
#### Homepage

#### Documentions

#### Sources

## Construct a tree

extern crate xtree;
use xtree::*;
let tree =
        / (tr!(2)
            / tr!(3)
            / tr!(4))
        / tr!(5);
It will construct a tree like below
//      1
//     / \
//   2    5
//  / \
// 3   4
## Depth-First iterate a tree

for value in tree.df_iter(){
    print!("{} ",value);
It will print ```1 2 3 4 5``` in console.
## Breadth-First iterate a tree and Change the value

for value in tree.bf_iter_mut(){
    *value += 1;
    print!("{} ",value);
It will print ```2 3 6 4 5``` in console.
## Freely visit node with Cursor

let mut cursor = tree.cursor();
create a read-only cursor to root node.
move this cursor to the first child node.
get the value of which it pointing now.<br>
it will print ```2``` in console.
## Advanced usage

[More exmples](https://github.com/xstater/xtree/tree/master/examples)