xt 0.15.1

Translate between serialized data formats
//! Streaming text encoding support for YAML 1.2 streams.
//! xt's needs for text encoding don't overlap especially well with the feature
//! sets that the popular text encoding crates (`encoding` and `encoding_rs`)
//! provide. Both of these crates are designed around the WHATWG Encoding
//! Standard, which has two important consequences:
//! 1. Both crates support far more text encodings than we actually need, since
//!    YAML only requires support for Unicode-based encodings, and not legacy
//!    code pages or other encodings. A past attempt to integrate `encoding_rs`
//!    into xt increased the size of the full release binary by about 10%,
//!    despite the fact that we weren't leveraging its full flexibility. In
//!    contrast, xt's encoding module increases the binary size by less than 2%.
//! 2. Neither crate supports UTF-32. While UTF-32 is an exceptionally rare
//!    encoding, it is called out as a possibility in the YAML 1.2 spec, and
//!    as such it's something I'm interested in supporting if possible.
//! Beyond these two points, xt's encoder provides a natural [`Read`]-based
//! interface that integrates easily with xt's other streaming components, which
//! does not seem to be readily available from the third-party crates.
//! Obviously, there is some additional mental load and long-term maintenance
//! cost associated with implementing this kind of thing from scratch. To help
//! manage that cost, the design of this module is kept relatively simple: a
//! UTF-8 encoder operates on an [`Iterator`] of `io::Result<char>`, which is
//! provided by a UTF-16 or UTF-32 decoder. Endianness is represented at a value
//! level rather than a type level to reduce the number of type instantiations.
//! All of the core functionality either directly relies on or is heavily
//! inspired by the Rust standard library.

use std::cmp::min;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, LowerHex};
use std::io::{self, BufRead, Read, Write};

/// The possible text encodings of a valid YAML 1.2 stream.
pub(super) enum Encoding {

impl Encoding {
	/// The desired length of the prefix for encoding detection.
	pub(super) const DETECT_LEN: usize = 4;

	/// Detects the text encoding of a YAML 1.2 stream based on its leading
	/// bytes.
	/// The detection algorithm is defined in [section 5.2 of the YAML 1.2.2
	/// specification][spec], and relies on the fact that a valid YAML stream
	/// must begin with either a Unicode byte order mark or an ASCII character.
	/// Detection behavior for non-YAML inputs is not well-defined.
	/// The detector looks at up to 4 bytes of the prefix. If the prefix is less
	/// than 4 bytes and the document is longer than the prefix, the result of
	/// the detection may be incorrect.
	/// [spec]: https://yaml.org/spec/1.2.2/#52-character-encodings
	pub(super) fn detect(prefix: &[u8]) -> Encoding {
		if let Some(Ok(prefix)) = prefix.get(0..4).map(TryInto::<[u8; 4]>::try_into) {
			match prefix {
				[0, 0, 0xFE, 0xFF] | [0, 0, 0, _] => return Encoding::Utf32Big,
				[0xFF, 0xFE, 0, 0] | [_, 0, 0, 0] => return Encoding::Utf32Little,
				_ => {}
		if let Some(Ok(prefix)) = prefix.get(0..2).map(TryInto::<[u8; 2]>::try_into) {
			match prefix {
				[0xFE, 0xFF] | [0, _] => return Encoding::Utf16Big,
				[0xFF, 0xFE] | [_, 0] => return Encoding::Utf16Little,
				_ => {}
		// The spec implies that we should try to match a UTF-8 BOM, but since
		// UTF-8 is also the default case there's no good reason to.

/// Reads a YAML 1.2 stream as UTF-8 regardless of its source encoding.
/// Given a UTF-16 or UTF-32 YAML stream, an `Encoder` can transparently
/// re-encode it to UTF-8 and strip any initial byte order mark as it is read
/// from, improving compatibility with parsers that do not accept the full range
/// of supported YAML encodings. Otherwise, an `Encoder` can pass through a
/// UTF-8 stream with little overhead.
pub(super) struct Encoder<R>(EncoderKind<R>)
	R: BufRead;

enum EncoderKind<R>
	R: BufRead,

impl<R> Encoder<R>
	R: BufRead,
	/// Creates an encoder using a known source encoding.
	pub(super) fn new(reader: R, from: Encoding) -> Self {
		use EncoderKind::*;
		use Encoding::*;
		use Endianness::*;

		Self(match from {
			Utf8 => Passthrough(reader),
			Utf16Big => From16(Utf8Encoder::new(Utf16Decoder::new(reader, Big))),
			Utf32Big => From32(Utf8Encoder::new(Utf32Decoder::new(reader, Big))),
			Utf16Little => From16(Utf8Encoder::new(Utf16Decoder::new(reader, Little))),
			Utf32Little => From32(Utf8Encoder::new(Utf32Decoder::new(reader, Little))),

	/// Creates an encoder by detecting the source encoding from the first bytes
	/// of the reader.
	/// See [`Encoding::detect`] for details of the detection process. Note that
	/// `from_reader` provides as many prefix bytes to the detector as it needs
	/// for accurate detection.
	pub(super) fn from_reader(mut reader: R) -> io::Result<impl Read> {
		let mut prefix = ArrayBuffer::<{ Encoding::DETECT_LEN }>::new();
			&mut (&mut reader).take(Encoding::DETECT_LEN as u64),
			&mut prefix,
		let encoding = Encoding::detect(prefix.unread());
		Ok(Encoder::new(prefix.chain(reader), encoding))

impl<R> Read for Encoder<R>
	R: BufRead,
	fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
		match &mut self.0 {
			EncoderKind::Passthrough(r) => r.read(buf),
			EncoderKind::From16(r) => r.read(buf),
			EncoderKind::From32(r) => r.read(buf),

	fn read_to_string(&mut self, buf: &mut String) -> io::Result<usize> {
		match &mut self.0 {
			EncoderKind::Passthrough(r) => r.read_to_string(buf),
			EncoderKind::From16(r) => r.read_to_string(buf),
			EncoderKind::From32(r) => r.read_to_string(buf),

/// The required size of a buffer large enough to encode any `char` as UTF-8,
/// per [`char::encode_utf8`].
const MAX_UTF8_ENCODED_LEN: usize = 4;

/// A streaming UTF-8 encoder that pairs with [`Utf16Decoder`] or
/// [`Utf32Decoder`].
/// If the source document starts with a BOM, the encoder will skip it and
/// reading will begin with the actual text content.
struct Utf8Encoder<S>
	S: Iterator<Item = io::Result<char>>,
	source: S,
	started: bool,
	remainder: ArrayBuffer<MAX_UTF8_ENCODED_LEN>,

impl<S> Utf8Encoder<S>
	S: Iterator<Item = io::Result<char>>,
	fn new(source: S) -> Self {
		Self {
			started: false,
			remainder: ArrayBuffer::new(),

	fn next_char(&mut self) -> Option<io::Result<char>> {
		if self.started {
		} else {
			self.started = true;
			match self.source.next() {
				Some(Ok(ch)) if ch == '\u{FEFF}' => self.source.next(),
				next => next,

impl<S> Read for Utf8Encoder<S>
	S: Iterator<Item = io::Result<char>>,
	fn read(&mut self, mut buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
		let mut written = 0;

		// First, before encoding any new characters, emit the remainder of any
		// character generated by a previous read.
		if !self.remainder.is_empty() {
			let len = self.remainder.read(buf)?;
			buf = &mut buf[len..];
			written += len;
			if !self.remainder.is_empty() {
				return Ok(written);

		// Second, emit as much as we can directly into the destination buffer.
		while buf.len() >= MAX_UTF8_ENCODED_LEN {
			let ch = match self.next_char() {
				Some(Ok(ch)) => ch,
				Some(Err(err)) => return Err(err),
				None => return Ok(written),
			let len = ch.encode_utf8(buf).len();
			buf = &mut buf[len..];
			written += len;

		// Finally, emit as much as we can into the destination buffer's
		// remaining space, storing the remainder of any character that we
		// cannot fully emit at this time.
		while !buf.is_empty() {
			let ch = match self.next_char() {
				Some(Ok(ch)) => ch,
				Some(Err(err)) => return Err(err),
				None => return Ok(written),

			let mut tmp = [0u8; MAX_UTF8_ENCODED_LEN];
			let char_len = ch.encode_utf8(&mut tmp).len();

			let emit_len = min(char_len, buf.len());
			buf = &mut buf[emit_len..];
			written += emit_len;

			if buf.is_empty() {


	fn read_to_string(&mut self, buf: &mut String) -> io::Result<usize> {
		if !self.remainder.is_empty() {
			return Err(io::Error::new(
				"cannot read to string starting from a partial character boundary",

		let mut written = 0;
		while let Some(next) = self.next_char() {
			match next {
				Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => continue,
				Err(err) => return Err(err),
				Ok(ch) => {
					written += ch.len_utf8();

/// A streaming UTF-16 decoder.
struct Utf16Decoder<R>
	R: BufRead,
	endianness: Endianness,
	source: R,
	pos: u64,
	buf: Option<u16>,

impl<R> Utf16Decoder<R>
	R: BufRead,
	fn new(source: R, endianness: Endianness) -> Self {
		Self {
			pos: 0,
			buf: None,

	fn next_u16(&mut self) -> io::Result<Option<u16>> {
		if self.source.fill_buf()?.is_empty() {
			return Ok(None);
		let mut next = [0u8; 2];
		self.source.read_exact(&mut next)?;
		self.pos += next.len() as u64;

impl<R> Iterator for Utf16Decoder<R>
	R: BufRead,
	type Item = io::Result<char>;

	fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
		// This is based on the implementation of `std::char::DecodeUtf16` from
		// the standard library, but is reworked slightly to better support I/O
		// error handling and apply some Clippy style suggestions.

		let pos = self.pos;
		let lead = match self.buf.take() {
			Some(u) => u,
			None => match self.next_u16() {
				Ok(Some(u)) => u,
				Ok(None) => return None,
				Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)),
		match lead {
			0x0000..=0xD7FF | 0xE000..=0xFFFF => {
				// SAFETY: This is not a UTF-16 surrogate, which means that the u16
				// code unit directly encodes the desired code point.
				return Some(Ok(unsafe { char::from_u32_unchecked(u32::from(lead)) }));
			// Leading surrogate; continue on to decode the trailing surrogate.
			0xD800..=0xDBFF => {}
			// Trailing surrogate; invalid without a leading surrogate.
			0xDC00..=0xDFFF => return Some(Err(EncodingError::new(lead, pos).into())),

		let pos = self.pos;
		let trail = match self.next_u16() {
			Ok(Some(u)) => u,
			Ok(None) => return Some(Err(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof.into())),
			Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)),
		if !(0xDC00..=0xDFFF).contains(&trail) {
			// We needed a trailing surrogate and didn't get one. We'll try to decode
			// this as a leading code unit on the next iteration.
			self.buf = Some(trail);
			return Some(Err(EncodingError::new(trail, pos).into()));

		// SAFETY: We've checked that the two code units are a valid surrogate pair.
		Some(Ok(unsafe {
				0x10000 + (u32::from(lead - 0xD800) << 10 | u32::from(trail - 0xDC00)),

/// A streaming UTF-32 decoder.
struct Utf32Decoder<R>
	R: BufRead,
	endianness: Endianness,
	source: R,
	pos: u64,

impl<R> Utf32Decoder<R>
	R: BufRead,
	fn new(source: R, endianness: Endianness) -> Self {
		Self {
			pos: 0,

impl<R> Iterator for Utf32Decoder<R>
	R: BufRead,
	type Item = io::Result<char>;

	fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
		match self.source.fill_buf() {
			Err(err) => return Some(Err(err)),
			Ok(buf) if buf.is_empty() => return None,
			Ok(_) => {}

		let pos = self.pos;
		let mut next = [0u8; 4];
		if let Err(err) = self.source.read_exact(&mut next) {
			return Some(Err(err));
		self.pos += next.len() as u64;

		let unit = self.endianness.decode_u32(next);
		Some(match char::from_u32(unit) {
			Some(ch) => Ok(ch),
			None => Err(EncodingError::new(unit, pos).into()),

/// Represents the endianness of UTF-16 or UTF-32 text.
enum Endianness {

impl Endianness {
	fn decode_u16(&self, buf: [u8; 2]) -> u16 {
		match self {
			Endianness::Big => u16::from_be_bytes(buf),
			Endianness::Little => u16::from_le_bytes(buf),

	fn decode_u32(&self, buf: [u8; 4]) -> u32 {
		match self {
			Endianness::Big => u32::from_be_bytes(buf),
			Endianness::Little => u32::from_le_bytes(buf),

/// An error in a UTF-16 or UTF-32 stream.
struct EncodingError<T>
	T: CodeUnit,
	unit: T,
	pos: u64,

trait CodeUnit: Debug + LowerHex + Send + Sync + 'static {}

impl CodeUnit for u16 {}
impl CodeUnit for u32 {}

impl<T> EncodingError<T>
	T: CodeUnit,
	const BIT_SIZE: usize = std::mem::size_of::<T>() * 8;

	fn new(unit: T, pos: u64) -> Self {
		Self { unit, pos }

impl<T> From<EncodingError<T>> for io::Error
	T: CodeUnit,
	fn from(err: EncodingError<T>) -> Self {
		io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, err)

impl<T> Error for EncodingError<T> where T: CodeUnit {}

impl<T> Display for EncodingError<T>
	T: CodeUnit,
	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
			"invalid or unexpected UTF-{size} code unit 0x{unit:x} at byte {byte}",
			size = Self::BIT_SIZE,
			unit = self.unit,
			byte = self.pos,

/// A reusable fixed-size buffer with one-way read and write support.
/// The array backing an `ArrayBuffer` is logically divided into three
/// contiguous sections:
/// - The *read* section, whose contents have been consumed by previous reads.
/// - The *unread* section, which future reads will produce from.
/// - The *unwritten* section, which future writes will populate.
/// Writes append to the unread section of the array, shrinking the unwritten
/// section. The space in the read section is never reclaimed automatically for
/// future writes. Instead, an `ArrayBuffer` can be emptied and reinitialized
/// using `set`, optionally with an initial slice of unread bytes.
struct ArrayBuffer<const SIZE: usize> {
	buf: [u8; SIZE],
	pos: usize,
	len: usize,

impl<const SIZE: usize> ArrayBuffer<SIZE> {
	/// Returns a new empty buffer.
	fn new() -> Self {
		Self {
			buf: [0u8; SIZE],
			pos: 0,
			len: 0,

	/// Returns the unread portion of the buffer as a slice.
	fn unread(&self) -> &[u8] {

	/// Returns whether the buffer is empty; that is, whether it contains no
	/// unread content.
	fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

	/// Empties and reinitializes the buffer, optionally with an initial slice
	/// of unread bytes.
	/// # Panics
	/// Panics if `buf` is larger than the static size of the buffer.
	fn set(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) {
		let n = buf.len();
			n <= SIZE,
			"set a {SIZE} byte ArrayBuffer with a slice of {n} bytes"
		self.pos = 0;
		self.len = n;

impl<const SIZE: usize> Read for ArrayBuffer<SIZE> {
	fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
		let unread = self.unread();
		let n = min(unread.len(), buf.len());
		self.pos += n;

impl<const SIZE: usize> BufRead for ArrayBuffer<SIZE> {
	fn fill_buf(&mut self) -> io::Result<&[u8]> {

	fn consume(&mut self, amt: usize) {
			amt <= self.unread().len(),
			"consumed {amt} bytes from an ArrayBuffer with {unread} bytes unread",
			unread = self.unread().len(),
		self.pos += amt;

impl<const SIZE: usize> Write for ArrayBuffer<SIZE> {
	fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
		let unwritten = &mut self.buf[self.len..SIZE];
		let n = min(unwritten.len(), buf.len());
		self.len += n;

	fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {

mod tests {
	use super::*;

	use hex_literal::hex;

	fn encode_valid_utf16be() {
		assert_valid_encoding("hello", || {
				&hex!("00 68 00 65 00 6c 00 6c 00 6f")[..],

	fn encode_valid_utf16le() {
		assert_valid_encoding("world", || {
				&hex!("77 00 6f 00 72 00 6c 00 64 00")[..],

	fn encode_valid_utf32be() {
		assert_valid_encoding("hello", || {
				&hex!("00 00 00 68 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 6c 00 00 00 6c 00 00 00 6f")[..],

	fn encode_valid_utf32le() {
		assert_valid_encoding("world", || {
				&hex!("77 00 00 00 6f 00 00 00 72 00 00 00 6c 00 00 00 64 00 00 00")[..],

	fn assert_valid_encoding<R, F>(expected: &'static str, make_encoder: F)
		R: Read,
		F: Fn() -> R,
		let mut result = vec![];
		make_encoder().read_to_end(&mut result).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(std::str::from_utf8(&result), Ok(expected));

		let mut result = String::new();
		make_encoder().read_to_string(&mut result).unwrap();
		assert_eq!(result, expected);

	fn encode_valid_utf16be_small_buffer() {
		let input = &hex!("00 68 00 65 00 6c 00 6c 00 6f 00 20 d8 3d dd a5")[..];
		let mut encoder = Encoder::new(input, Encoding::Utf16Big);

		let mut buf = [0u8; 1];
		let mut result = vec![];
		loop {
			match encoder.read(&mut buf[..]) {
				Ok(0) => break,
				Ok(1) => result.extend_from_slice(&buf[..]),
				Ok(n) => panic!("somehow read {n} bytes into a 1-byte buffer"),
				Err(err) => panic!("{err}"),

		assert_eq!(std::str::from_utf8(&result), Ok("hello 🖥"));

	fn encode_valid_utf16le_empty() {
		let mut encoder = Encoder::new(io::empty(), Encoding::Utf16Little);
		assert_eq!(encoder.read_to_end(&mut vec![]).unwrap(), 0usize);

	fn encode_valid_utf32be_empty() {
		let mut encoder = Encoder::new(io::empty(), Encoding::Utf32Big);
		assert_eq!(encoder.read_to_end(&mut vec![]).unwrap(), 0usize);

	fn encode_to_string_invalid_inside_character() {
		let input = &hex!("d8 3d dd a5")[..];
		let mut encoder = Encoder::new(input, Encoding::Utf16Big);
		io::copy(&mut (&mut encoder).take(1), &mut io::sink()).unwrap();
		let err = encoder.read_to_string(&mut String::new()).unwrap_err();
		assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::InvalidData);

	fn encode_invalid_utf16be_unpaired_lead() {
		let input = &hex!("00 68 00 69 d8 3d 00 0a")[..];
		let mut encoder = Encoder::new(input, Encoding::Utf16Big);
		let err = encoder.read_to_string(&mut String::new()).unwrap_err();

		assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::InvalidData);

		let err = err
		// TODO: We intentionally say that the "unexpected" code unit is the one
		// that isn't a trailing surrogate, which is technically correct but
		// could be more detailed (i.e. we should perhaps say that there's an
		// unpaired surrogate and give that position instead).
		assert_eq!(err.unit, 0x0a);
		assert_eq!(err.pos, 6);

	fn encode_invalid_utf16be_unpaired_lead_eof() {
		let input = &hex!("00 68 00 69 d8 3d")[..];
		let mut encoder = Encoder::new(input, Encoding::Utf16Big);
		let err = encoder.read_to_string(&mut String::new()).unwrap_err();
		assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof);

	fn encode_invalid_utf16le_unpaired_trail() {
		let input = &hex!("68 00 69 00 a5 dd 0a 00")[..];
		let mut encoder = Encoder::new(input, Encoding::Utf16Little);
		let err = encoder.read_to_end(&mut vec![]).unwrap_err();

		assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::InvalidData);

		let err = err
		assert_eq!(err.unit, 0xdda5);
		assert_eq!(err.pos, 4);

	fn encode_invalid_utf16le_truncated() {
		let input = &hex!("68 00 69 00 a5")[..];
		let mut encoder = Encoder::new(input, Encoding::Utf16Little);
		let err = encoder.read_to_end(&mut vec![]).unwrap_err();
		assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof);

	fn encode_invalid_utf32be_surrogate_value() {
		let input = &hex!("00 00 00 68 00 00 00 69 00 00 d8 3d 00 00 dd a5")[..];
		let mut encoder = Encoder::new(input, Encoding::Utf32Big);
		let err = encoder.read_to_end(&mut vec![]).unwrap_err();

		assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::InvalidData);

		let err = err
		assert_eq!(err.unit, 0xd83d);
		assert_eq!(err.pos, 8);

	fn encode_invalid_utf32le_truncated() {
		let input = &hex!("68 00 00 00 69 00 00")[..];
		let mut encoder = Encoder::new(input, Encoding::Utf32Little);
		let err = encoder.read_to_end(&mut vec![]).unwrap_err();
		assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof);

	fn arraybuffer_write_read() {
		const INPUT: &str = "hi 🖥️";

		let mut buf = ArrayBuffer::<10>::new();

		let mut out = String::new();
		assert_eq!(buf.read_to_string(&mut out).unwrap(), INPUT.len());
		assert_eq!(out, INPUT);

	fn arraybuffer_set_bufread() {
		const INPUT: &str = "hello world";

		let mut buf = ArrayBuffer::<{ INPUT.len() }>::new();

		assert_eq!(buf.fill_buf().unwrap(), INPUT.as_bytes());

		buf.consume("hello ".len());
		assert_eq!(buf.fill_buf().unwrap(), INPUT["hello ".len()..].as_bytes());

		let mut out = String::new();
		assert_eq!(buf.read_to_string(&mut out).unwrap(), "world".len());
		assert_eq!(out, "world");

	fn arraybuffer_write_too_big() {
		const INPUT: &str = "whoops";

		let mut buf = ArrayBuffer::<1>::new();
		let err = buf.write_all(INPUT.as_bytes()).unwrap_err();
		assert_eq!(err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::WriteZero);