xorsum 4.0.0

Get XOR hash/digest with this command-line tool

///default hash/digest/output length/size in bytes
pub const DEFAULT_LEN: usize = 8;

///Calculates the quotient of `n` and `d`, rounding towards +infinity.
///`n` is the numerator/dividend
///`d` is the denominator/divisor
///# Panics
///If `d` is 0 (maybe also when overflow).
///# Examples
///Basic usage:
///let a = 8;
///let b = 3;
///assert_eq!(div_ceil(a, b), 3);
///assert_eq!(div_ceil(b, a), 1);
const fn div_ceil(n: usize, d: usize) -> usize {
	n / d + (if n % d == 0 { 0 } else { 1 })

///Rounds `n` to nearest multiple of `d` (biased to +infinity)
///# Examples
///Basic usage:
///let a = 8;
///let b = 3;
///assert_eq!(next_multiple(a, b), 9);
///assert_eq!(next_multiple(b, a), 8);
const fn next_multiple(n: usize, d: usize) -> usize {
	match d {
		0 => d,
		_ => div_ceil(n, d) * d,

//why isn't this in `std`?
///returns lowercase hex-encoded expansion of a byte-vector
pub fn u8vec_to_hex_outplace(v: &Vec<u8>) -> String {
	use std::fmt::Write as _;

	let mut hex = String::with_capacity(v.len() * 2);
	for byte in v {
		let _ = write!(hex, "{:02x}", byte);

///convert a byte-vector to its hex-encoded expansion (lowercase)
pub fn u8vec_to_hex_inplace(mut v: Vec<u8>) -> String {
	const TABLE: &[u8; 0x10] = b"0123456789abcdef";
	let len = v.len();
	v.resize(len * 2, 0);
	if len > 0 {
		let mut i = len;
		loop {
			i -= 1;
			//set 2nd target byte to LSBs from source byte
			v[i * 2 + 1] = TABLE[(v[i] & 0xf) as usize];
			//set 1st target byte to MSBs from source byte
			v[i * 2] = TABLE[(v[i] >> 4) as usize];
			if i == 0 {

///digests a byte-slice into an `sbox` "in-place", while also being "pure".
///the reason why `sbox` must be owned, is because `&mut` is a code-smell.
///the public lib will support `&mut [u8]` and `Vec<u8>` in the future (for versatility),
///so don't worry.
fn xor_hasher(bytes: &[u8], mut sbox: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8> {
	let len = sbox.len();
	if len > 0 {
		//faster than `% len` indexing, because of data-parallelism (and avoids div)
		for chunk in bytes.chunks(len) {
			chunk.iter().zip(&mut sbox).for_each(|(&b, k)| *k ^= b);

fn test_hasher() {
	assert_eq!(xor_hasher(&[0], vec![0; DEFAULT_LEN]), vec![0; DEFAULT_LEN]);

///`xor_hasher` wrapper that takes an arbitrary `stream`
pub fn stream_processor(
	stream: impl std::io::Read,
	mut sbox: Vec<u8>,
) -> std::io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
	let len = sbox.len();
	if len > 0 {
		While `Stdin` just uses a `BufReader` internally, it uses the default length.
		The problem is that the buf-len isn't guaranteed to be a multiple of `sbox.len()`,
		which means that we can get a wrong hash, caused by over-using the lower indices.

		To handle this, we'll create our own `BufReader` with a controlled
		length. It will result in double-buffering stdin, but we don't know a better way than that (yet).
		let buf_len = {
			///best buffer size for most systems
			const DEFAULT_BUF_LEN: usize = 0x10000;
			if DEFAULT_BUF_LEN > len {
				next_multiple(DEFAULT_BUF_LEN, len)
			} else {

		let mut reader = std::io::BufReader::with_capacity(buf_len, stream);
		loop {
			use std::io::BufRead as _;

			let read_buf = reader.fill_buf()?;
			let read_len = read_buf.len();
			if read_len == 0 {

			sbox = xor_hasher(read_buf, sbox);

mod tests {
	use crate::module::*;

	#[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] //reason = "`i as u8` doesn't truncate"
	fn hex_cmp() {
		const L: usize = 0x100;
		let mut v: Vec<u8> = vec![0; L];
		for (i, b) in v.iter_mut().enumerate() {
			*b = i as u8;
		assert_eq!(u8vec_to_hex_inplace(v.clone()), u8vec_to_hex_outplace(&v));