Crate xml_dom

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This crate provides a trait-based implementation of the DOM with minimal changes to the style and semantics defined in the Level 2 specification. The specific mapping from the IDL in the specification is described below, however from a purely style point of view the implementation has the following characteristics:

  1. It maintains a reasonable separation between the node type traits and the tree implementation using opaque NodeRef reference types.
  2. Where possible the names from IDL are used with minimal conversion; see mapping section below.
  3. All IDL attributes become trait functions; see mapping section below.

This leads to a replication of the typical programmer experience where casting between the node traits is required. This is supported by the xml_dom::level2::convert module.


Currently only one feature, quick_parser, is provided which provides a new module parser with the single public function. This feature is enabled by default.

pub fn read_xml(xml: AsRef<str>) -> Result<RefNode>;

This will parse the document and return a new RefNode that corresponds to the Document trait.


use xml_dom::level2::*;
use xml_dom::level2::convert::*;

let implementation = get_implementation();
let mut document_node = implementation
    .create_document(Some(""), Some("html"), None)
println!("document 1: {:#?}", document_node);

let document = as_document_mut(&mut document_node).unwrap();
let mut root_node = document.document_element().unwrap();

let root = as_element_mut(&mut root_node).unwrap();
root.set_attribute("lang", "en");
let _head = root.append_child(document.create_element("head").unwrap());
let _body = root.append_child(document.create_element("body").unwrap());

let xml = document_node.to_string();
println!("document 2: {}", xml);


§Levels supported.

  • Level 1: Only supported as a subset of Level 2 at this time (specification).
  • Level 2: Supported as described in the level2 module (specification).
  • Level 3: Not supported at this time.
  • Level 4: Not supported at this time.

§IDL to Rust Mapping

From the Level 2 documentation:

The Node interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model. It represents a single node in the document tree. While all objects implementing the Node interface expose methods for dealing with children, not all objects implementing the Node interface may have children. For example, Text nodes may not have children, and adding children to such nodes results in a DOMException being raised.

The attributes nodeName, nodeValue and attributes are included as a mechanism to get at node information without casting down to the specific derived interface. In cases where there is no obvious mapping of these attributes for a specific nodeType (e.g., nodeValue for an Element or attributes for a Comment), this returns null. Note that the specialized interfaces may contain additional and more convenient mechanisms to get and set the relevant information.

Wherever possible the documentation included in sections headed Specification is taken from the specification documents listed above.

§Interface Mapping

The actual concrete types used in the DOM tree are RefNode which in turn are references an opaque NodeImpl struct. RefNode` implements all of the DOM specified, and extension, interfaces.

  • The exception type DOMException and associated constants are represented by the enumeration Error.
  • IDL Interface attributes are represented by functions;
    • readonly attributes simply have an attribute_name getter,
    • writeable attributes also have a set_attribute_name setter,
    • some attributes allow null in which case they have an unset_attribute_name setter.
  • IDL function names are altered from lowerCamelCase to snake_case.
  • IDL functions that are marked raises(DOMException) return Result with Error as the error type.
  • IDL attributes of type T that are described as “may be null”, or IDL functions that “may return T or null” instead return Option<T>.

§Primitive Type Mapping

IDL TypeRust TypeUsage
unsigned shortError, u16as representation of exception code
unsigned longusizelist/string indexes and lengths


The DOM implementation makes use of the log crate, although only the warn! and error! macros are used to provide more information than the set of error conditions defined by the DOM.


  • Implementation for DOM Core Level 2.
  • Provides a basic parser from text to DOM using the quick-xml crate.