xml5ever 0.2.0

Push based streaming parser for xml
# xml5ever

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[API documentation](https://Ygg01.github.io/docs/xml5ever/xml5ever/index.html)

**Warning:** This library is alpha quality, so no guarantees are given.

This crate provides a push based XML parser library that trades well-formedness for error recovery.

xml5ever is based largely on [html5ever](https://github.com/servo/html5ever) parser, so if you have experience with html5ever you will be familiar with xml5ever.

The library is dual licensed under MIT and Apache license.

#Why you should use xml5ever

Main use case for this library is when XML is badly formatted, usually from bad XML
templates. XML5 tries to handle most common errors, in a manner similar to HTML5.

## When you should use it?

  - You aren't interested in well-formed documents.
  - You need to get some info from your data even if it has errors (although not all possible errors are handled).
  - You want to features like character references or xml namespaces.

## When you shouldn't use it

  - You need to have your document validated.
  - You require DTD support.
  - You require an easy to use parser, with lots of extensions (e.g. XPath, XQuery).
  - You require a battle tested, industry proven solution.


Add xml5ever as a dependency in your project manifest.

    xml5ever = "0.1.3"

And add crate declaration in your lib.rs

    extern crate xml5ever

#Getting started

Here is a very simple RcDom backed parser:


    let input = "<xml></xml>".to_tendril();

    // To parse XML into a tree form, we need a TreeSink
    // luckily xml5ever comes with a static RC backed tree represetation.
    let dom: RcDom = parse(std::iter::once(input), Default::default());

    // Do something with dom

The thing that does actual parsing is the `parse` function. It expects an iterator that can be converted into `StrTendril`, so you can use `std::iter::once(input)` or  `Some(input).into_iter()` (where `input` is `StrTendril` like structure).