xidlehook 0.4.0

xautolock rewrite in Rust, with a few extra features
xidlehook-0.4.0 is not a library.


Because xautolock is annoying to work with.

Warning: This is a really new program, and I've already found (and fixed) a ton of subtle bugs.
I'm not saying it's not going to work, but it might be a little buggy.
Just don't judge it too hard during the first few days, will you?

xidlehook is a general-purpose replacement for xautolock.
It basically just executes a command when the computer has been idle for _ minutes.

Improvments over xautolock:

  • As well as a notifier, there is now a canceller, for when the user stops it from locking.
  • Not specific to locking. Multiple instances can run at the same time.
  • Optional communication using unix sockets to allow activating and deactivating it.
  • Optionally prevent locking when an application is fullscreen.

Missing features:

  • Magic corners
  • Killer stuff
  • Bell, because you should be using --notify
  • All the instance related stuff (-activate, -restart, -exit, etc)


Here's a lock using i3lock, with screen dim support.

xidlehook \
  --time 5 \
  --timer 'xrandr --output "$(xrandr | grep primary | cut -d " " -f 1)" --brightness 1; i3lock' \
  --notify 10 \
  --notifier  'xrandr --output "$(xrandr | grep primary | cut -d " " -f 1)" --brightness .1' \
  --canceller 'xrandr --output "$(xrandr | grep primary | cut -d " " -f 1)" --brightness 1' \

Note: Every command is passed through sh -c, so you should be able to mostly use normal syntax.


Installation using cargo:

cargo install xidlehook

Or if you're on Arch Linux and prefer using the AUR:

AUR package

Or if you want to clone it:

git clone https://github.com/jD91mZM2/xidlehook
cd xidlehook
cargo build --release

Too bloaty?

Does this application have too many dependencies for your taste?
You can disable a few with --no-default-features.

Socket API

The socket API is very simple. Each packet is a single byte.

Note: The socket API requires the "tokio" feature.

Byte Command
0x0 Deactivate
0x1 Activate
0x2 Trigger the timer command