[][src]Crate xgadget


Fast, parallel, cross-variant ROP/JOP gadget search for x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) binaries. Uses the iced-x86 disassembler library.

Current state: decent test coverage, but still in beta. Issues/PRs welcome :)


To the best of my knowledge, xgadget is the first gadget search tool to have these features:

  • JOP search uses instruction semantics - not hardcoded regex for individual encodings
    • Optionally filter to JOP "dispatcher" gadgets with flag --dispatcher
  • Finds gadgets that work across multiple variants of a binary (e.g. different program or compiler versions)
    • Full-match - Same instruction sequence, same program counter: gadget fully re-usable.
      • E.g. pop rsp; add [rax-0x77], cl; ret ------------------------------------- [ 0xc748d ]
    • Partial-match - Same instruction sequence, different program counter: gadget logic portable.
      • E.g. pop rsp; add [rax-0x77], cl; ret; --- [ 'bin_v1.1': 0xc748d, 'bin_v1.2': 0xc9106 ]
    • This is entirely optional, you're free to run this tool on a single binary.

Other features include:

  • Both library API and CLI tool
  • Supports ELF32, ELF64, PE32, PE32+ [1], and raw files
  • Parallel across available cores [2], whether searching a single binary or multiple variants
  • CI/CD for automated integration test and binary releases (Linux, 64-bit) [3]
  • Statistical benchmark harness for performance tuning [4]
  • 8086/x86/x64 only, uses a speed-optimized disassembly backend [5]

API Usage

Find gadgets:

use xgadget;

let max_gadget_len = 5;
let search_config = xgadget::SearchConfig::DEFAULT;

// Search single binary
let bin_1 = xgadget::Binary::from_path_str("/path/to/bin_v1").unwrap();
let bins = vec![bin_1];
let gadgets = xgadget::find_gadgets(&bins, max_gadget_len, search_config).unwrap();
let stack_pivot_gadgets = xgadget::filter_stack_pivot(&gadgets);

// Search for cross-variant gadgets
let bin_1 = xgadget::Binary::from_path_str("/path/to/bin_v1").unwrap();
let bin_2 = xgadget::Binary::from_path_str("/path/to/bin_v2").unwrap();
let bins = vec![bin_1, bin_2];
let cross_gadgets = xgadget::find_gadgets(&bins, max_gadget_len, search_config).unwrap();
let cross_reg_write_gadgets = xgadget::filter_stack_set_regs(&cross_gadgets);

CLI Usage

Run xgadget --help:

This example is not tested
xgadget v0.4.0

About:   Fast, parallel, cross-variant ROP/JOP gadget search for x86/x64 binaries.
Cores:   8 logical, 8 physical

    xgadget [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <FILE(S)>...

    -t, --att              Display gadgets using AT&T syntax [default: Intel syntax]
    -c, --check-sec        Run checksec on the 1+ binaries instead of gadget search
    -d, --dispatcher       Filter to potential JOP 'dispatcher' gadgets [default: all gadgets]
    -e, --extended-fmt     Print in terminal-wide format [default: only used for partial match search]
    -h, --help             Prints help information
        --inc-call         Include gadgets containing a call [default: don't include]
        --inc-imm16        Include '{ret, ret far} imm16' (e.g. add to stack ptr) [default: don't include]
    -j, --jop              Search for JOP gadgets only [default: ROP, JOP, and SYSCALL]
    -n, --no-color         Don't color output, useful for UNIX piping [default: color output]
    -m, --partial-match    Include cross-variant partial matches [default: full matches only]
    -w, --reg-write        Filter to 'pop {reg} * 1+, {ret or ctrl-ed jmp/call}' gadgets [default: all gadgets]
    -r, --rop              Search for ROP gadgets only [default: ROP, JOP, and SYSCALL]
    -p, --stack-pivot      Filter to gadgets that write the stack ptr [default: all gadgets]
    -s, --sys              Search for SYSCALL gadgets only [default: ROP, JOP, and SYSCALL]
    -V, --version          Prints version information

    -a, --arch <ARCH>               For raw (no header) files: specify arch ('x8086', 'x86', or 'x64') [default: x64]
    -b, --bad-bytes <BYTE(S)>...    Filter to gadgets whose addrs don't contain given bytes [default: all gadgets]
    -l, --max-len <LEN>             Gadgets up to LEN instrs long. If 0: all gadgets, any length [default: 5]
    -f, --regex-filter <EXPR>       Filter to gadgets matching a regular expression

    <FILE(S)>...    1+ binaries to gadget search. If > 1: gadgets common to all

Build a dynamically-linked binary from source and install it locally:

cargo install xgadget --features cli-bin    # Build on host (pre-req: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install)

CLI Binary Releases for Linux

Commits to this repo's master branch automatically run integration tests and build a statically-linked binary for 64-bit Linux. You can download it here and use the CLI immediately, instead of building from source. Static binaries for Windows may also be supported in the future.

The statically-linked binary is about 8x slower, presumably due to the built-in memory allocator for target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl. Building a dynamically-linked binary from source with the above cargo install command is highly recommended.

Yeah, but can it do 10 OS kernels under 10 seconds?! Repeatable Benchmark Harness

bash ./benches/bench_setup_ubuntu.sh    # Ubuntu-specific, download/build 10 kernel versions
cargo bench                             # Grab a coffee, this'll take a while...
  • bench_setup_ubuntu.sh downloads and builds 10 consecutive Linux kernels (versions 5.0.1 to 5.0.10 - with x86_64_defconfig).
  • cargo bench, among other benchmarks, searches all 10 kernels for common gadgets.

On an i7-9700K (8C/8T, 3.6GHz base, 4.9 GHz max) machine with gcc version 8.4.0: the average runtime, to process all ten 54MB kernels simultaneously with a max gadget length of 5 instructions and full-match search for all gadget types (ROP, JOP, and syscall gadgets), is only 5.8 seconds! Including partial matches as well takes just 7.2 seconds.


This project started as an optimized solution to Chapter 8, exercise 3 of "Practical Binary Analysis" by Dennis Andreisse [6], and builds on the design outlined therein.



pub use crate::binary::*;
pub use crate::gadget::*;
pub use crate::search::*;
pub use crate::filters::*;
pub use crate::semantics::*;
pub use crate::str_fmt::*;

