xenv 0.1.0

A cross-shell env sourcing command
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Visit the last successful build: xenv-0.2.0


A cross-shell env sourcing command.

I use fish a lot, but I also like to do

source .env

when I want to source specific environment variables for a shell session.

As far as I know fish doesn't have this capability, and I figured I would write something that could work across different shells, just in case I switch to zsh or something else.

installation and usage

For now to install it, you need cargo installed. Once installed run the following command:

cargo install xenv
# this will look for a .xenv file in your current working directory
xenv echo hello this is my command

# you can also override this with the XENV_PATH environment variable

env XPATH_ENV=xenv.env xenv env | rg foo

# for bash/zsh/...
# XPATH_ENV=xenv.env xenv env | rg foo

.xenv file format

It'll follow the format for any .env file, but for reference, here's the docker-compose .env rules

# here is an example

# it's case insensitive

# empty keys will be skipped

# empty values are allowed