xed-sys 0.1.1

FFI bindings to Intel XED encoder/decoder library
docs.rs failed to build xed-sys-0.1.1
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure docs.rs builds.
If you believe this is docs.rs' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: xed-sys-0.6.0+xed-2024.05.20


Automatically generated bindings via bindgen for Intel XED

Build Tools

  • libclang
  • clang and clang++
  • yasm
  • GNU/Linux based OS (please note only x64 targets are tested)
  • mkdir
  • rustc/cargo
  • git (new enough to support submodules)
  • python v2.7 (to build xed)

You'll need clang, clang++, ld, and ar to be located in /usr/bin/


cargo build


This project should be considered to be under the Apache2 License


Currently this just includes the decode information