xdelta3 0.1.2

Rust binding for xdelta3
extern crate cc;

use std::env;
use std::process::Command;

use rand::Rng;
use std::fs::{remove_file, File};
use std::io::Write;

fn main() {
    let mut builder = cc::Build::new();
    for i in &[
        "unsigned int",
        "unsigned long",
        "unsigned long long",
    ] {
        let def_name = format!("SIZEOF_{}", i.to_uppercase().replace(" ", "_"));
        builder.define(&def_name, Some(check_native_size(i).as_str()));
    builder.define("SECONDARY_DJW", Some("1"));
    builder.define("SECONDARY_FGK", Some("1"));
    builder.define("EXTERNAL_COMPRESSION", Some("0"));
    builder.define("XD3_USE_LARGEFILE64", Some("1"));

    builder.define("XD3_WIN32", Some("1"));
    builder.define("SHELL_TESTS", Some("0"));


fn check_native_size(name: &str) -> String {
    let builder = cc::Build::new();
    let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
    let compiler = builder.get_compiler();
    let mut compile = Command::new(compiler.path().as_os_str());
    let test_code = format!("#include <stdint.h>\n#include <stdio.h>\nint main() {{printf(\"%lu\", sizeof({})); return 0;}}\n", name);
    // didn't use tempfile since tempfile was having issues on Windows
    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
    let test_binary_fn = format!("{}/test-{}", out_dir, rng.gen::<i32>());

    let test_binary_fn = format!("{}.exe", test_binary_fn);

    let test_source_fn = format!("{}/test-{:x}.c", out_dir, rng.gen::<i32>());
    let mut test_source = File::create(&test_source_fn).expect("Error creating test compile files");

    if compiler.is_like_msvc() {
        compile.args(&[&test_source_fn, &format!("/Fe{}", test_binary_fn)]);
    } else {
        compile.args(&[&test_source_fn, "-o", &test_binary_fn]);
        .expect("Error writing test compile files");
    drop(test_source); // close the source file, otherwise there will be problems on Windows
    for &(ref a, ref b) in compiler.env().iter() {
        compile.env(a, b);
    compile.output().expect("Error compiling test source");

    compile = Command::new(&test_binary_fn);
    let output = compile
        .expect("Error executing test binary")
    let output = String::from_utf8(output).expect("Error converting Unicode sequence");
    return output;