xd 0.0.3

tool that dumps binary input in a variety of formats
# 0.0.3 (2020-11-23)

- **--table default** ([DEFAULT]https://docs.rs/xd/0.0.3/xd/table/constant.DEFAULT.html) now uses bold and dimmed to enhanced contrast ([h/t @b_]https://twitter.com/b_/status/1328459231918481409)
- improved build performance by moving the README.registry.md generator from build.rs to tests/registry.rs
- added Windows compatibility notes

## xd(1)

- added support for disabling ANSI escapes based on a new **--color** option + isatty(3) + TERM
    - **--table reverse** is now a fatal error when ANSI escapes are unavailable (for now at least)
- fixed bug where ANSI escapes didn’t work on Windows (issue #1)
- improved I/O performance:
    - input is now always fully-buffered, because xd(1) provides no way to limit how much it reads either way
    - **--unbuffered** now flushes after each line, because [Dumper]https://docs.rs/xd/0.0.3/xd/struct.Dumper.html wouldn’t benefit from more frequent writes
    - added **--line-buffered** as an alias for **--unbuffered**, for the same reason

## \[lib]

- [crate::Dumper]https://docs.rs/xd/0.0.3/xd/struct.Dumper.html:
    - added a `use_rich` parameter to `new` (previously effectively true)
- [crate::table::Table]https://docs.rs/xd/0.0.3/xd/table/struct.Table.html:
    - changed from a type alias to a struct with an `inner`
    - added `requires_rich` field (true for [crate::table::REVERSE]https://docs.rs/xd/0.0.3/xd/table/constant.REVERSE.html)
- [crate::table::Reversible]https://docs.rs/xd/0.0.2/xd/table/struct.Reversible.html is now [RichScalar]https://docs.rs/xd/0.0.3/xd/table/struct.RichScalar.html:
    - changed from a tuple struct to an ordinary struct (0 → `scalar`, 1 → `reversed`)
    - added `bold` and `dimmed` flags

# 0.0.2 (2020-11-16)

- xd(1): fixed bug where --table was required

# 0.0.1 (2020-11-16)

- added support for custom tables with optional reverse video ([h/t @bazzargh]https://twitter.com/dazabani/status/1328193107930673153)
    - xd(1): `--table <default|classic|reverse>`
    - \[lib]: xd::table::{[Table]https://docs.rs/xd/0.0.1/xd/table/type.Table.html, [Reversible]https://docs.rs/xd/0.0.1/xd/table/struct.Reversible.html}
- added note about installing on OpenBSD

# 0.0.0 (2020-11-15)

- initial release