xcb 0.6.1

Rust bindings and wrappers for XCB
# Rust XCB

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Rust-XCB is a set of bindings and wrappers for [XCB](http://xcb.freedesktop.org). It uses the XML
protocol descriptions from XCB to generate the bindings and the wrappers.

Rust-XCB is only intended as an interface to XCB, so provides nothing above and beyond that.

xcb = "0.6.1"

## The bindings

The bindings are generated from the `rs_client.py` script with help from the `xcbgen` library (also
from XCB). The bindings are inside the `ffi` module, which also contains the hand-written bindings
to the core library.

Bindings reflect the C API almost one for one.

## The wrapper

The wrappers are generated from the same files, and provide a safe and more convenient wrapper over
the low-level bindings by having automatic destructors for returned data, trait implementations for
object "types" and other safe helpers.