xcb-dl 0.2.0

Rust bindings for libxcb
//! This crate contains bindings for libxcb, libxcb-xinput, etc.
//! Symbols are loaded dynamically at runtime; linking at compile time is not supported.
//! # Features
//! Only bindings for libxcb are available by default.
//! Enable the appropriately named features to enable bindings for libxcb-xinput etc.
//! # Handling Missing Symbols
//! Symbols are loaded lazily when they are accessed.
//! If this fails, we panic.
//! Enable the `has_symbol` feature to handle missing symbols more gracefully.
//! This enables methods of the form `has_X` that return whether a symbol can be loaded.
//! ```
//! # unsafe {
//! let lib = xcb_dl::Xcb::load().unwrap();
//! if !lib.has_xcb_total_written() {
//!     eprintln!("Cannot monitor total number of bytes written.");
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Constructing Structs
//! Future versions of this crate might add new fields to structs or remove padding fields.
//! This is not considered a breaking change.
//! Construct objects using `Default::default()` to ensure that your code remains valid:
//! ```
//! let format = xcb_dl::ffi::xcb_format_t {
//!     depth: 0,
//!     bits_per_pixel: 0,
//!     scanline_pad: 0,
//!     ..Default::default()
//! };
//! ```
//! # Semantic Documentation
//! This crate contains almost no semantic documentation.
//! Documentation of the X core protocol and extensions is available at [freedesktop] and [x.org].
//! Documentation of the libxcb functions that are not auto-generated from the protocols is available
//!     in the [libxcb] repository. Check `src/xcb.h` and `src/xcbext.h`.
//! [freedesktop]:  https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/proto/xorgproto
//! [x.org]: https://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.7/doc/
//! [libxcb]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libxcb
//! # libxcb Architecture
//! This sections provides a brief overview of the auto-generated functions in libxcb.
//! Consult the [libxcb][libxcb2] documentation for more details.
//! [libxcb2]: https://xcb.freedesktop.org/
//! The terminology in this section is not the official libxcb terminology.
//! libxcb sends **requests** to and receives **messages** from the X server.
//! There are three types of messages:
//! - **value replies**: A success message sent in response to a request.
//! - **error replies**: An error sent in response to a request.
//! - **events**: An event such as a key press.
//! The code that sends a request can specify that replies should automatically be discarded by calling
//!     `xcb_discard_reply`.
//! libxcb maintains two queues for incoming messages:
//! - the **event queue**: Contains messages that can be retrieved via `xcb_poll_for_event` etc.
//! - the **reply queue**: Contains messages that can only be retrieved by the code that sent the request.
//! Events are always placed in the event queue.
//! Value replies are placed in the reply queue unless they are being discarded.
//! Each request has two variants:
//! - **checked**: Error replies are placed in the reply queue unless they are being discarded.
//! - **unchecked**: Error replies are placed in the event queue unless they are being discarded.
//! There are two types of requests:
//! - **void requests**: These do not generate value replies but can generate error replies.
//! - **value requests**: These can generate either value replies or error replies.
//! The default variant of void requests is unchecked.
//! For each such request libxcb provides a function with the suffix `_checked` that uses the checked variant.
//! The default variant of value requests is checked.
//! For each such request libxcb provides a function with the suffix `_unchecked` that uses the unchecked variant.
//! Messages placed in the reply queue must be retrieved by the user.
//! Otherwise they will never be discarded.
//! For void requests, error replies can be retrieved by calling `xcb_request_check`.
//! For every value request libxcb provides a function with the suffix `_reply` that can
//!     be used to retrieve the value or error reply.
//! ## Memory Management
//! libxcb never takes ownership of memory passed to it.
//! The functions that return messages pass ownership of the message to the caller.
//! These messages can be freed with `libc::free`.
//! ## Non-homogeneous Requests
//! Some requests contain variably sized data and possibly non-homogeneous arrays.
//! To simplify creating such requests, libxcb provides auxiliary functions with the suffix `_aux`.
//! These functions take fixed-sized arguments and internally create a serialized request.
//! ## Non-homogeneous Replies
//! Some replies contain variably sized data and possibly non-homogeneous arrays.
//! The data structures of libxcb do not contain fields for this data.
//! Instead, libxcb provides accessor functions to retrieve pointers to these fields.
//! If the fields are non-homogeneous arrays, these accessor functions return iterators.
//! The pointer in these iterators can be advanced by calling an appropriately named `_next` function.
//! If the fields are homogeneous arrays, libxcb provides `_length` functions that return the number
//!     of elements in the array.
//! In some cases these accessor functions return `*mut c_void`.
//! In these cases libxcb usually provides an `_unpack` function that deserializes the data into
//!     a struct.

pub use libs::*;

mod macros;
mod headers;
mod lazy;
mod libs;

pub mod ffi {
    pub use crate::headers::*;
    use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter};

    impl Debug for xcb_client_message_data_t {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            unsafe {
                    .field("data8", &self.data8)

    #[cfg(feature = "xcb_xinput_types")]
    impl Debug for xcb_input_event_for_send_t {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            unsafe {
                    .field("response_type", &self.event_header.response_type)

    #[cfg(feature = "xcb_xkb_types")]
    impl Debug for xcb_xkb_action_t {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            unsafe {
                    .field("type", &self.type_)

    #[cfg(feature = "xcb_xkb_types")]
    impl Debug for xcb_xkb_behavior_t {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            unsafe {
                    .field("type", &self.type_)

    #[cfg(feature = "xcb_randr_types")]
    impl Debug for xcb_randr_notify_data_t {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {