xaynet 0.9.0

The Xayn Network project is building a privacy layer for machine learning so that AI projects can meet compliance such as GDPR and CCPA. The approach relies on Federated Learning as enabling technology that allows production AI applications to be fully privacy compliant.
//! A C-API to communicate model updates between a XayNet participant and an application.
//! # Workflow
//! 1. Initialize a [`Client`] with [`new_client()`]. The [`Client`] takes care of the
//!    [`Participant`]'s PET protocol work as well as the networking with the [`Coordinator`].
//! 2. Start the execution of the [`Client`]'s tasks with [`run_client()`].
//! 3. Optionally request status information:
//!     - [`is_next_round()`] indicates if another round of the PET protocol has started.
//!     - [`has_next_model()`] indicates if another global model is available.
//!     - [`is_update_participant()`] indicates if this [`Participant`] is eligible to submit a
//!       trained local model in the current round.
//! 4. Create a new zero-initialized model with [`new_model()`] or get the latest global model with
//!    [`get_model()`]. Currently, the primitive data types [`f32`], [`f64`], [`i32`] and [`i64`]
//!    are supported. The functions return a fat pointer [`PrimitiveModel`] to the cached primitive
//!    model, whereas the primitive model itself is cached within the [`Client`]. The cached
//!    primitive model can then be modified in place, for example for training. The slice is valid
//!    across the FFI-boundary until one of the following happens:
//!    - [`new_model()`] reallocates the memory to which [`PrimitiveModel`] points to.
//!    - [`get_model()`] reallocates the memory to which [`PrimitiveModel`] points to if a new
//!      global model is available since the last call to [`get_model()`].
//!    - [`update_model()`] frees the memory to which [`PrimitiveModel`] points to.
//!    - [`drop_model()`] frees the memory to which [`PrimitiveModel`] points to.
//!    - [`drop_client()`] frees the memory of the [`Client`] including the model.
//! 5. Register the cached model as an updated local model with [`update_model()`].
//! 6. Stop and destroy the [`Client`] with [`drop_client()`].
//! # Safety
//! Many functions of this module are marked as `unsafe` to explicitly announce the possible
//! unsafety of the function body as well as the return value to the caller. At the same time,
//! each `unsafe fn` uses `unsafe` blocks to precisely pinpoint the sources of unsafety for
//! reviewers (redundancy warnings will be fixed by [#69173]).
//! **Note, that the `unsafe` code has not been externally audited yet!**
//! [`Coordinator`]: ../../coordinator/struct.Coordinator.html
//! [`Participant`]: ../../participant/struct.Participant.html
//! [#69173]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/69173

use std::{
    iter::{IntoIterator, Iterator},
    os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_uint, c_ulonglong, c_void},

use tokio::{
    runtime::{Builder, Runtime},

use crate::{
    client::{Client, ClientError, Task},
    mask::model::{FromPrimitives, IntoPrimitives, Model},

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
/// A fat pointer to a cached model of primitive data type which can be accessed from C.
/// This is returned from [`new_model()`] and [`get_model()`]. The length `len` will be small enough
/// such that the respective array fits into memory and the data type `dtype` will be one of the
/// following:
/// - `0`: void data type
/// - `1`: primitive data type [`f32`]
/// - `2`: primitive data type [`f64`]
/// - `3`: primitive data type [`i32`]
/// - `4`: primitive data type [`i64`]
pub struct PrimitiveModel {
    /// A raw mutable pointer to an array of primitive values.
    pub ptr: *mut c_void,
    /// The length of that array.
    pub len: c_ulonglong,
    /// The data type of the array's elements.
    pub dtype: c_uint,

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
/// A primitive model cached on the heap.
/// The fat pointer [`PrimitiveModel`] returned from [`new_model()`] and [`get_model()`] references
/// this memory.
pub(crate) enum CachedModel {

/// A wrapper for a [`Client`] within an asynchronous runtime.
/// This is returned from [`new_client()`]. See the [workflow] on how to use it.
/// [workflow]: index.html#workflow
pub struct FFIClient {
    client: Client,
    runtime: Runtime,

/// Creates a new [`Client`] within an asynchronous runtime.
/// Takes a network `address` to the coordinator to which the [`Client`] will try to connect to.
/// Takes a `period` in seconds after which the [`Client`] will try to poll the coordinator for new
/// broadcasted FL round data again.
/// # Errors
/// Ignores null pointer `address`es and zero `period`s and returns a null pointer immediately.
/// Returns a null pointer if the initialization of the runtime or the client fails.
/// # Safety
/// The method dereferences from the raw pointer arguments. Therefore, the behavior of the method is
/// undefined if the arguments don't point to valid objects.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn new_client(address: *const c_char, period: c_ulonglong) -> *mut FFIClient {
    if address.is_null() || period == 0 {
        return ptr::null_mut() as *mut FFIClient;
    let address = if let Ok(address) = unsafe {
        // safe if the raw pointer `address` comes from a null-terminated C-string
    } else {
        return ptr::null_mut() as *mut FFIClient;
    let runtime = if let Ok(runtime) = Builder::new()
    } else {
        return ptr::null_mut() as *mut FFIClient;
    let client = if let Ok(client) =
        runtime.enter(move || Client::new_with_addr(period as u64, 0, address))
    } else {
        return ptr::null_mut() as *mut FFIClient;
    Box::into_raw(Box::new(FFIClient { runtime, client }))

/// Starts the [`Client`] and executes its tasks in an asynchronous runtime.
/// # Errors
/// Ignores null pointer `client`s and returns an error immediately.
/// If the client must be stopped because of a panic or error or when the client terminates
/// successfully, then one of the following error codes is returned:
/// - `-1`: client didn't start due to null pointer
/// - `0`: no error (only for clients with finite running time)
/// - `1`: client panicked due to unexpected/unhandled error
/// - `2`: client stopped due to error [`ParticipantInitErr`]
/// - `3`: client stopped due to error [`ParticipantErr`]
/// - `4`: client stopped due to error [`DeserialiseErr`]
/// - `5`: client stopped due to error [`NetworkErr`]
/// - `6`: client stopped due to error [`ParseErr`]
/// - `7`: client stopped due to error [`GeneralErr`]
/// - `8`: client stopped due to error [`Fetch`]
/// - `9`: client stopped due to error [`PetMessage`]
/// # Safety
/// The method dereferences from the raw pointer arguments. Therefore, the behavior of the method is
/// undefined if the arguments don't point to valid objects.
/// If the client panicked (error code `1`), it is the users responsibility to not access possibly
/// invalid client state and to drop the client.
/// [`ParticipantInitErr`]: ../../client/enum.ClientError.html#variant.ParticipantInitErr
/// [`ParticipantErr`]: ../../client/enum.ClientError.html#variant.ParticipantErr
/// [`DeserialiseErr`]: ../../client/enum.ClientError.html#variant.DeserialiseErr
/// [`NetworkErr`]: ../../client/enum.ClientError.html#variant.NetworkErr
/// [`ParseErr`]: ../../client/enum.ClientError.html#variant.ParseErr
/// [`GeneralErr`]: ../../client/enum.ClientError.html#variant.GeneralErr
/// [`Fetch`]: ../../client/enum.ClientError.html#variant.Fetch
/// [`PetMessage`]: ../../client/enum.ClientError.html#variant.PetMessage
pub unsafe extern "C" fn run_client(client: *mut FFIClient) -> c_int {
    if client.is_null() {
        return -1_i32 as c_int;
    let (runtime, client) = unsafe {
        // safe if the raw pointer `client` comes from a valid allocation of a `FFIClient`
        (&(*client).runtime, &mut (*client).client)

    // `UnwindSafe` basically says that there is no danger in accessing a value after a panic
    // happened. this is generally true for immutable references, but not for mutable references.
    // currently the docs have a note that it is the user's responsibility to not access possibly
    // invalid values (we could clean up the client ourself but then the paradigm of create-use-
    // destroy all happening on one side, in this case the non-Rust side of the API, is violated
    // and might as well lead to severe bugs/segfaults). the main issue is that we must catch the
    // panic, because letting it propagate across the FFI-boundary is undefined behavior and will
    // most likely result in segfaults. what we can do is to improve error handling on our side to
    // reduce the number of possible panics and return proper errors instead.
    match panic::catch_unwind(unsafe {
        // even though `&mut Client` is `!UnwindSafe` we can assert this because the user will be
        // notified about a panic immediately to be able to safely act accordingly
        panic::AssertUnwindSafe(|| runtime.handle().block_on(client.start()))
    }) {
        Ok(Ok(_)) => 0_i32 as c_int,
        Err(_) => 1_i32 as c_int,
        Ok(Err(ClientError::ParticipantInitErr(_))) => 2_i32 as c_int,
        Ok(Err(ClientError::ParticipantErr(_))) => 3_i32 as c_int,
        Ok(Err(ClientError::DeserialiseErr(_))) => 4_i32 as c_int,
        Ok(Err(ClientError::NetworkErr(_))) => 5_i32 as c_int,
        Ok(Err(ClientError::ParseErr)) => 6_i32 as c_int,
        Ok(Err(ClientError::GeneralErr)) => 7_i32 as c_int,
        Ok(Err(ClientError::Fetch(_))) => 8_i32 as c_int,
        Ok(Err(ClientError::PetMessage(_))) => 9_i32 as c_int,

/// Stops and destroys a [`Client`] and frees its allocated memory.
/// Tries to gracefully stop the client for `timeout` seconds by blocking the current thread before
/// shutting it down forcefully (outstanding tasks are potentially leaked in case of an elapsed
/// timeout). Usually, no timeout (i.e. 0 seconds) suffices, but stopping might take indefinitely
/// if the client performs long blocking tasks.
/// # Errors
/// Ignores null pointer `client`s and returns immediately.
/// # Safety
/// The method dereferences from the raw pointer arguments. Therefore, the behavior of the method is
/// undefined if the arguments don't point to valid objects.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn drop_client(client: *mut FFIClient, timeout: c_ulonglong) {
    if !client.is_null() {
        let client = unsafe {
            // safe if the raw pointer `client` comes from a valid allocation of a `FFIClient`
        if timeout as usize != 0 {
                .shutdown_timeout(Duration::from_secs(timeout as u64));

/// Checks if the next round has started.
/// # Errors
/// Ignores null pointer `client`s and returns `false` immediately.
/// # Safety
/// The method dereferences from the raw pointer arguments. Therefore, the behavior of the method is
/// undefined if the arguments don't point to valid objects.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn is_next_round(client: *mut FFIClient) -> bool {
    if client.is_null() {
    } else {
        let client = unsafe {
            // safe if the raw pointer `client` comes from a valid allocation of a `FFIClient`
            &mut (*client).client
        mem::replace(&mut client.has_new_coord_pk_since_last_check, false)

/// Checks if the next global model is available.
/// # Errors
/// Ignores null pointer `client`s and returns `false` immediately.
/// # Safety
/// The method dereferences from the raw pointer arguments. Therefore, the behavior of the method is
/// undefined if the arguments don't point to valid objects.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn has_next_model(client: *mut FFIClient) -> bool {
    if client.is_null() {
    } else {
        let client = unsafe {
            // safe if the raw pointer `client` comes from a valid allocation of a `FFIClient`
            &mut (*client).client
        mem::replace(&mut client.has_new_global_model_since_last_check, false)

/// Checks if the current role of the participant is [`Update`].
/// # Errors
/// Ignores null pointer `client`s and returns `false` immediately.
/// # Safety
/// The method dereferences from the raw pointer arguments. Therefore, the behavior of the method is
/// undefined if the arguments don't point to valid objects.
/// [`Update`]: ../../participant/enum.Task.html#variant.Update
pub unsafe extern "C" fn is_update_participant(client: *mut FFIClient) -> bool {
    if client.is_null() {
    } else {
        let client = unsafe {
            // safe if the raw pointer `client` comes from a valid allocation of a `FFIClient`
        client.participant.task == Task::Update

/// Gets a mutable slice [`PrimitiveModel`] to a zero-initialized model of given primitive data type
/// `dtype` and length `len`.
/// The new model gets cached, which overwrites any existing cached model. The cache and slice are
/// valid as described in step 4 of the [workflow]. The cached model can be modified in place, for
/// example for training.
/// The following data types `dtype` are currently supported:
/// - `1`: [`f32`]
/// - `2`: [`f64`]
/// - `3`: [`i32`]
/// - `4`: [`i64`]
/// # Errors
/// Ignores null pointer `client`s and returns a [`PrimitiveModel`] with null pointer, length zero
/// and void data type immediately.
/// Returns a [`PrimitiveModel`] with null pointer, length zero and void data type if the model is
/// not representable in memory due to the given length `len` and data type `dtype`.
/// # Safety
/// The method dereferences from the raw pointer arguments. Therefore, the behavior of the method is
/// undefined if the arguments don't point to valid objects.
/// [workflow]: index.html#workflow
pub unsafe extern "C" fn new_model(
    client: *mut FFIClient,
    dtype: c_uint,
    len: c_ulonglong,
) -> PrimitiveModel {
    let max_len = match dtype {
        1 | 3 => isize::MAX / 4,
        2 | 4 => isize::MAX / 8,
        _ => 0,
    } as c_ulonglong;
    if client.is_null() || dtype == 0 || dtype > 4 || len == 0 || len > max_len {
        return PrimitiveModel {
            ptr: ptr::null_mut() as *mut c_void,
            len: 0_u64 as c_ulonglong,
            dtype: 0_u32 as c_uint,
    let client = unsafe {
        // safe if the raw pointer `client` comes from a valid allocation of a `FFIClient`
        &mut (*client).client
    let ptr = match dtype {
        1 => {
            let mut cached_model = vec![0_f32; len as usize];
            let ptr = cached_model.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void;
            client.cached_model = Some(CachedModel::F32(cached_model));
        2 => {
            let mut cached_model = vec![0_f64; len as usize];
            let ptr = cached_model.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void;
            client.cached_model = Some(CachedModel::F64(cached_model));
        3 => {
            let mut cached_model = vec![0_i32; len as usize];
            let ptr = cached_model.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void;
            client.cached_model = Some(CachedModel::I32(cached_model));
        4 => {
            let mut cached_model = vec![0_i64; len as usize];
            let ptr = cached_model.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void;
            client.cached_model = Some(CachedModel::I64(cached_model));
        _ => unreachable!(),
    PrimitiveModel { ptr, len, dtype }

/// Gets a mutable slice [`PrimitiveModel`] to the latest global model converted to the primitive
/// data type `dtype`.
/// The global model gets cached, which overwrites any existing cached model. The cache and slice
/// are valid as described in step 4 of the [workflow]. The cached model can be modified in place,
/// for example for training.
/// The following data types `dtype` are currently supported:
/// - `1`: [`f32`]
/// - `2`: [`f64`]
/// - `3`: [`i32`]
/// - `4`: [`i64`]
/// # Errors
/// Ignores null pointer `client`s and invalid `dtype`s and returns a [`PrimitiveModel`] with null
/// pointer, length zero and void data type immediately.
/// Returns a [`PrimitiveModel`] with null pointer, length zero and data type `dtype` if no global
/// model is available.
/// Returns a [`PrimitiveModel`] with null pointer, length of the global model and data type `dtype`
/// if the conversion of the global model into the primitive data type fails.
/// # Safety
/// The method dereferences from the raw pointer arguments. Therefore, the behavior of the method is
/// undefined if the arguments don't point to valid objects.
/// [workflow]: index.html#workflow
pub unsafe extern "C" fn get_model(client: *mut FFIClient, dtype: c_uint) -> PrimitiveModel {
    if client.is_null() || dtype == 0 || dtype > 4 {
        return PrimitiveModel {
            ptr: ptr::null_mut() as *mut c_void,
            len: 0_u64 as c_ulonglong,
            dtype: 0_u32 as c_uint,
    let client = unsafe {
        // safe if the raw pointer `client` comes from a valid allocation of a `FFIClient`
        &mut (*client).client

    // global model available
    if let Some(ref global_model) = client.global_model {
        // global model is already cached as a primitive model
        if !client.has_new_global_model_since_last_cache {
            match dtype {
                1 => {
                    if let Some(CachedModel::F32(ref mut cached_model)) = client.cached_model {
                        return PrimitiveModel {
                            ptr: cached_model.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
                            len: cached_model.len() as c_ulonglong,
                2 => {
                    if let Some(CachedModel::F64(ref mut cached_model)) = client.cached_model {
                        return PrimitiveModel {
                            ptr: cached_model.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
                            len: cached_model.len() as c_ulonglong,
                3 => {
                    if let Some(CachedModel::I32(ref mut cached_model)) = client.cached_model {
                        return PrimitiveModel {
                            ptr: cached_model.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
                            len: cached_model.len() as c_ulonglong,
                4 => {
                    if let Some(CachedModel::I64(ref mut cached_model)) = client.cached_model {
                        return PrimitiveModel {
                            ptr: cached_model.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
                            len: cached_model.len() as c_ulonglong,
                _ => unreachable!(),

        // convert the global model to a primitive model and cache it
        client.has_new_global_model_since_last_cache = false;
        let len = global_model.len() as c_ulonglong;
        let ptr = match dtype {
            1 => {
                if let Ok(mut cached_model) = global_model
                    .map(|res| res.map_err(|_| ()))
                    .collect::<Result<Vec<f32>, ()>>()
                    // conversion succeeded
                    let ptr = cached_model.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void;
                    client.cached_model = Some(CachedModel::F32(cached_model));
                } else {
                    // conversion failed
                    client.cached_model = None;
                    ptr::null_mut() as *mut c_void
            2 => {
                if let Ok(mut cached_model) = global_model
                    .map(|res| res.map_err(|_| ()))
                    .collect::<Result<Vec<f64>, ()>>()
                    // conversion succeeded
                    let ptr = cached_model.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void;
                    client.cached_model = Some(CachedModel::F64(cached_model));
                } else {
                    // conversion failed
                    client.cached_model = None;
                    ptr::null_mut() as *mut c_void
            3 => {
                if let Ok(mut cached_model) = global_model
                    .map(|res| res.map_err(|_| ()))
                    .collect::<Result<Vec<i32>, ()>>()
                    // conversion succeeded
                    let ptr = cached_model.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void;
                    client.cached_model = Some(CachedModel::I32(cached_model));
                } else {
                    // conversion failed
                    client.cached_model = None;
                    ptr::null_mut() as *mut c_void
            4 => {
                if let Ok(mut cached_model) = global_model
                    .map(|res| res.map_err(|_| ()))
                    .collect::<Result<Vec<i64>, ()>>()
                    // conversion succeeded
                    let ptr = cached_model.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void;
                    client.cached_model = Some(CachedModel::I64(cached_model));
                } else {
                    // conversion failed
                    client.cached_model = None;
                    ptr::null_mut() as *mut c_void
            _ => unreachable!(),
        return PrimitiveModel { ptr, len, dtype };

    // global model unavailable
    client.cached_model = None;
    PrimitiveModel {
        ptr: ptr::null_mut() as *mut c_void,
        len: 0_u64 as c_ulonglong,
        dtype: 0_u32 as c_uint,

/// Registers the cached model as an updated local model.
/// This clears the cached model.
/// # Errors
/// Ignores null pointer `client`s and returns immediately.
/// Returns an error if there is no cached model to register.
/// The error codes are as following:
/// - `-1`: client didn't update due to null pointer
/// - `0`: no error
/// - `1`: client didn't update due missing cached model
/// # Safety
/// The method dereferences from the raw pointer arguments. Therefore, the behavior of the method is
/// undefined if the arguments don't point to valid objects.
/// The memory of the cached model is is either allocated by [`new_model()`] or [`get_model()`].
/// Therefore, the behavior of the method is undefined if the memory was modified in an invalid way.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn update_model(client: *mut FFIClient) -> c_int {
    if client.is_null() {
        return -1_i32 as c_int;
    let client = unsafe {
        // safe if the raw pointer `client` comes from a valid allocation of a `Client`
        &mut (*client).client
    client.local_model = match client.cached_model.take() {
        Some(CachedModel::F32(cached_model)) => {
        Some(CachedModel::F64(cached_model)) => {
        Some(CachedModel::I32(cached_model)) => {
        Some(CachedModel::I64(cached_model)) => {
        None => return 1_i32 as c_int,
    0_i32 as c_int

/// Destroys a [`Client`]'s cached primitive model and frees its allocated memory.
/// It is not necessary to call this function if [`update_model()`] or [`drop_client()`] is called
/// anyways.
/// # Errors
/// Ignores null pointer `client`s and returns immediately.
/// # Safety
/// The method dereferences from the raw pointer arguments. Therefore, the behavior of the method is
/// undefined if the arguments don't point to valid objects.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn drop_model(client: *mut FFIClient) {
    if !client.is_null() {
        let client = unsafe {
            // safe if the raw pointer `client` comes from a valid allocation of a `FFIClient`
            &mut (*client).client

// Temporary Dart wrappers. Will be removed once booleans are supported in Dart FFI, see
// https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/36855.
pub use self::dart::*;

mod dart {
    use std::os::raw::c_uint;

    pub unsafe extern "C" fn is_next_round_dart(client: *mut super::FFIClient) -> c_uint {
        if unsafe {
            // safe if the called function is sound
        } {
            1_u32 as c_uint
        } else {
            0_u32 as c_uint

    pub unsafe extern "C" fn has_next_model_dart(client: *mut super::FFIClient) -> c_uint {
        if unsafe {
            // safe if the called function is sound
        } {
            1_u32 as c_uint
        } else {
            0_u32 as c_uint

    pub unsafe extern "C" fn is_update_participant_dart(client: *mut super::FFIClient) -> c_uint {
        if unsafe {
            // safe if the called function is sound
        } {
            1_u32 as c_uint
        } else {
            0_u32 as c_uint

mod tests {
    use std::{ffi::CString, iter::FromIterator};

    use num::rational::Ratio;

    use super::*;

    fn test_new_client() {
        let client = unsafe { new_client(CString::new("").unwrap().as_ptr(), 10) };
        unsafe { drop_client(client, 0) };

    fn test_run_client() {
        // check for network error when running client without a service
        let client = unsafe { new_client(CString::new("").unwrap().as_ptr(), 10) };
        assert_eq!(unsafe { run_client(client) }, 5);
        unsafe { drop_client(client, 0) };

    // define dummy model of length `len` where all values are set to `val`
    fn dummy_model(val: f64, len: usize) -> Model {
        Model::from_iter(vec![Ratio::from_float(val).unwrap(); len].into_iter())

    macro_rules! test_new_model {
        ($prim:ty, $dtype:expr) => {
            paste::item! {
                fn [<test_new_model_ $prim>]() {
                    let client = unsafe { new_client(CString::new("").unwrap().as_ptr(), 10) };

                    // check that the new model is cached
                    let model = dummy_model(0., 10);
                    let prim_model = unsafe { new_model(client, $dtype as c_uint, 10 as c_ulonglong) };
                    if let Some(CachedModel::[<$prim:upper>](ref cached_model)) = unsafe { &mut *client }.client.cached_model {
                        assert_eq!(prim_model.ptr, cached_model.as_ptr() as *mut c_void);
                        assert_eq!(prim_model.len, cached_model.len() as c_ulonglong);
                        assert_eq!(prim_model.dtype, $dtype as c_uint);
                        assert_eq!(model, Model::from_primitives_bounded(cached_model.iter().cloned()));
                    } else {
                    unsafe { drop_client(client, 0) };

    test_new_model!(f32, 1);
    test_new_model!(f64, 2);
    test_new_model!(i32, 3);
    test_new_model!(i64, 4);

    macro_rules! test_get_model {
        ($prim:ty, $dtype:expr) => {
            paste::item! {
                fn [<test_get_model_ $prim>]() {
                    let client = unsafe { new_client(CString::new("").unwrap().as_ptr(), 10) };

                    // check that the primitive model is null if the global model is unavailable
                    assert!(unsafe { &*client }.client.global_model.is_none());
                    let prim_model = unsafe { get_model(client, $dtype as c_uint) };
                    assert!(unsafe { &*client }.client.cached_model.is_none());
                    assert_eq!(prim_model.len, 0);
                    assert_eq!(prim_model.dtype, 0);

                    // check that the primitive model points to the cached model if the global model is available
                    let model = dummy_model(0., 10);
                    unsafe { &mut *client }.client.global_model = Some(model.clone());
                    let prim_model = unsafe { get_model(client, $dtype as c_uint) };
                    if let Some(CachedModel::[<$prim:upper>](ref cached_model)) = unsafe { &mut *client }.client.cached_model {
                        assert_eq!(prim_model.ptr, cached_model.as_ptr() as *mut c_void);
                        assert_eq!(prim_model.len, cached_model.len() as c_ulonglong);
                        assert_eq!(prim_model.dtype, $dtype as c_uint);
                        assert_eq!(model, Model::from_primitives_bounded(cached_model.iter().cloned()));
                    } else {
                    unsafe { drop_client(client, 0) };

    test_get_model!(f32, 1);
    test_get_model!(f64, 2);
    test_get_model!(i32, 3);
    test_get_model!(i64, 4);

    macro_rules! test_update_model {
        ($prim:ty, $dtype:expr) => {
            paste::item! {
                fn [<test_update_model_ $prim>]() {
                    let client = unsafe { new_client(CString::new("").unwrap().as_ptr(), 10) };
                    let model = dummy_model(0., 10);
                    unsafe { &mut *client }.client.global_model = Some(model.clone());
                    let prim_model = unsafe { get_model(client, $dtype as c_uint) };

                    // check that the local model is updated from the cached model
                    if let Some(CachedModel::[<$prim:upper>](ref cached_model)) = unsafe { &mut *client }.client.cached_model {
                        assert_eq!(prim_model.ptr, cached_model.as_ptr() as *mut c_void);
                        assert_eq!(prim_model.len, cached_model.len() as c_ulonglong);
                        assert_eq!(prim_model.dtype, $dtype as c_uint);
                    } else {
                    assert!(unsafe {  &*client }.client.local_model.is_none());
                    assert_eq!(unsafe { update_model(client) }, 0);
                    assert!(unsafe { &mut *client }.client.cached_model.is_none());
                    if let Some(ref local_model) = unsafe { &*client }.client.local_model {
                        assert_eq!(&model, local_model);
                    } else {
                    unsafe { drop_client(client, 0) };

    test_update_model!(f32, 1);
    test_update_model!(f64, 2);
    test_update_model!(i32, 3);
    test_update_model!(i64, 4);