xaynet-server 0.2.0

The Xayn Network project is building a privacy layer for machine learning so that AI projects can meet compliance such as GDPR and CCPA. The approach relies on Federated Learning as enabling technology that allows production AI applications to be fully privacy compliant.
use std::{pin::Pin, sync::Arc, task::Poll};

use futures::{future::Future, task::Context};
use rayon::ThreadPool;
use tokio::sync::oneshot;
use tower::{
    limit::concurrency::{future::ResponseFuture, ConcurrencyLimit},
use tracing::{debug, info, trace};

use crate::{
    services::messages::{BoxedServiceFuture, ServiceError},
    state_machine::events::{EventListener, EventSubscriber},
use xaynet_core::crypto::EncryptKeyPair;

/// A service for decrypting PET messages.
/// Since this is a CPU-intensive task for large messages, this
/// service offloads the processing to a `rayon` thread-pool to avoid
/// overloading the tokio thread-pool with blocking tasks.
struct RawDecryptor {
    /// A listener to retrieve the latest coordinator keys. These are
    /// necessary for decrypting messages and verifying their
    /// signature.
    keys_events: EventListener<EncryptKeyPair>,

    /// Thread-pool the CPU-intensive tasks are offloaded to.
    thread_pool: Arc<ThreadPool>,

impl<T> Service<T> for RawDecryptor
    T: AsRef<[u8]> + Sync + Send + 'static,
    type Response = Vec<u8>;
    type Error = ServiceError;
    type Future =
        Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>> + 'static + Send + Sync>>;

    fn poll_ready(&mut self, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {

    fn call(&mut self, data: T) -> Self::Future {
        debug!("retrieving the current keys");
        let keys = self.keys_events.get_latest().event;
        let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel::<Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>();

        trace!("spawning decryption task on threadpool");
        self.thread_pool.spawn(move || {
            info!("decrypting message");
            let res = keys
                .decrypt(&data.as_ref(), &keys.public)
                .map_err(|_| ServiceError::Decrypt);
            let _ = tx.send(res);
        Box::pin(async move {
            rx.await.unwrap_or_else(|_| {
                    "failed to receive response from thread-pool".to_string(),

pub struct Decryptor(ConcurrencyLimit<RawDecryptor>);

impl Decryptor {
    pub fn new(state_machine_events: &EventSubscriber, thread_pool: Arc<ThreadPool>) -> Self {
        let limit = thread_pool.current_num_threads();
        let keys_events = state_machine_events.keys_listener();
        let service = RawDecryptor {
        Self(ConcurrencyLimit::new(service, limit))

impl<T> Service<T> for Decryptor
    T: AsRef<[u8]> + Sync + Send + 'static,
    type Response = Vec<u8>;
    type Error = ServiceError;
    type Future = ResponseFuture<BoxedServiceFuture<Self::Response, Self::Error>>;

    fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
        <ConcurrencyLimit<RawDecryptor> as Service<T>>::poll_ready(&mut self.0, cx)

    fn call(&mut self, data: T) -> Self::Future {

mod tests {
    use rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder;
    use tokio_test::assert_ready;
    use tower_test::mock::Spawn;

    use crate::{
        state_machine::events::{EventPublisher, EventSubscriber},

    use super::*;

    fn spawn_svc() -> (EventPublisher, EventSubscriber, Spawn<Decryptor>) {
        let (publisher, subscriber) = utils::new_event_channels();
        let thread_pool = Arc::new(ThreadPoolBuilder::new().build().unwrap());
        let task = Spawn::new(Decryptor::new(&subscriber, thread_pool));
        (publisher, subscriber, task)

    async fn test_decrypt_fail() {
        let (_publisher, _subscriber, mut task) = spawn_svc();

        let req = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
        match task.call(req).await {
            Err(ServiceError::Decrypt) => {}
            _ => panic!("expected decrypt error"),

    async fn test_decrypt_ok() {
        let (_publisher, subscriber, mut task) = spawn_svc();

        let round_params = subscriber.params_listener().get_latest().event;
        let (message, participant_signing_keys) = utils::new_sum_message(&round_params);
        let serialized_message = utils::serialize_message(&message, &participant_signing_keys);
        let encrypted_message =
            utils::encrypt_message(&message, &round_params, &participant_signing_keys);

        // Call the service
        let decrypted_message = task.call(encrypted_message).await.unwrap();
        assert_eq!(decrypted_message, serialized_message);