xarc 0.3.0

`xarc` provides atomically swappable atomically refcounted smart pointers as a safer building block for lockfree algorithms than raw atomic pointers. `Xarc` is comparable to `Arc` but with the additional ability to atomically be swapped into and out of `AtomicXarc`. `Xarc` is dereferenceable but cannot have its contents atomically swapped. `AtomicXarc` can have its contents atomically swapped but is not dereferenceable.
name = "xarc"
version = "0.3.0"
authors = ["Mitchell Keith Bloch <bazald@gmail.com>"]
description = "`xarc` provides atomically swappable atomically refcounted smart pointers as a safer building block for lockfree algorithms than raw atomic pointers. `Xarc` is comparable to `Arc` but with the additional ability to atomically be swapped into and out of `AtomicXarc`. `Xarc` is dereferenceable but cannot have its contents atomically swapped. `AtomicXarc` can have its contents atomically swapped but is not dereferenceable."
readme = "README.md"
edition = "2018"
repository = "https://github.com/bazald/xarc/"
license = "MPL-2.0"
keywords = ["memory", "concurrency", "performance", "lock-free", "generic"]
categories = ["concurrency", "memory-management"]

crossbeam-epoch = ">=0.6.0, <0.10.0"
crossbeam-utils = ">=0.7.0, <0.9.0"

crossbeam-queue = ">=0.1.0, <0.4.0"
rayon = ">=0.7.0, <1.6.0"

[target.'cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))'.dev-dependencies]
jemallocator = ">=0.1.8, <0.4.0"