x86test-macro 0.0.2

Procedural macro plugin for x86test.
//! This implements the x86test macro to run and also customize the execution
//! of KVM based unit-tests.
extern crate proc_macro;

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::Span;

use syn::punctuated::Punctuated;
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::token::Comma;
use syn::{AttributeArgs, Ident, ItemFn, Lit, Meta, MetaList, NestedMeta};

use quote::quote;

/// Parse two integer literals from args (e.g., like (1, 2)).
fn parse_two_ints(args: Punctuated<NestedMeta, Comma>) -> (u64, u64) {
    if args.len() != 2 {
            .error("needs two numbers as parameters")

    let a = if let NestedMeta::Literal(Lit::Int(first)) = &args[0] {
    } else {
            .error("first parameter not an int literal")

    let b = if let NestedMeta::Literal(Lit::Int(second)) = &args[1] {
    } else {
            .error("second parameter not an int literal")

    (a, b)

/// Checks is ItemFn is annotated with #[should_panic]
fn should_panic(fun: &ItemFn) -> bool {
        .find(|&attr| {
                .find(|&path_segment| path_segment.ident == "should_panic")

/// The `x86test` macro adds and initializes a `X86TestFn` struct for
/// every test function. That `X86TestFn` in turn is annotated with
/// `#[test_case]` therefore all these structs are aggregated with
/// by the custom test framework runner which is declared in `runner.rs`.
/// # Example
/// As an example, if we add x86test to a function, we do the following:
/// ```no-run
/// #[x86test(ram(0x10000, 0x11000), ioport(0x1, 0xfe), should_panic)]
/// fn use_the_port() {
///     unsafe {
///         kassert!(x86::io::inw(0x1) == 0xff, "`inw` instruction didn't read correct value");
///     }
/// }
/// ```
/// Will expand to:
/// ```no-run
/// fn use_the_port() {
///     unsafe {
///         kassert!(x86::io::inw(0x1) == 0xff, "`inw` instruction didn't read correct value");
///     }
/// }
/// #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
/// #[test_case]
/// static use_the_port_genkvmtest: X86TestFn = X86TestFn {
///     name: "use_the_port",
///     ignore: false,
///     identity_map: true,
///     physical_memory: (0x10000, 0x11000),
///     ioport_enable: (0x1, 0xfe),
///     should_panic: true,
///     testfn: x86test::StaticTestFn(|| {
///         use_the_port()
///         // Tell our "hypervisor" that we finished the test
///         unsafe { x86::io::outw(0xf4, 0x00); }
///     })
/// };
/// ```
pub fn x86test(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let args: Vec<NestedMeta> = syn::parse_macro_input!(args as AttributeArgs);
    let input_fn = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as ItemFn);

    let mut physical_memory: (u64, u64) = (0, 0);
    let mut ioport_enable: (u64, u64) = (0, 0);
    let should_panic = should_panic(&input_fn);
    let mut should_halt = false;

    // Parse the arguments of x86test:
    // #[x86test(ram(0xdead, 12), ioport(0x1, 0xfe))]
    // will push (0xdead, 12) to physical_memory and (0x1, 0xfe) to ioport_enable:
    for arg in args {
        //println!("arg {:#?}", arg);
        if let NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::List(MetaList {
            paren_token: _,
        })) = arg
            match ident.to_string().as_str() {
                "ram" => {
                    physical_memory = parse_two_ints(nested);
                "ioport" => {
                    ioport_enable = parse_two_ints(nested);
                x => unreachable!("unsupported attribute: {}", x),
        } else if let NestedMeta::Meta(Meta::Word(ident)) = arg {
            match ident.to_string().as_str() {
                "should_halt" => should_halt = true,
                x => unreachable!("unsupported attribute: {}", x),

    let physical_memory_tuple = {
        let (a, b) = physical_memory;
        quote! { (#a, #b) }

    let ioport_enable_tuple = {
        let (a, b) = ioport_enable;
        quote! { (#a as u16, #b as u32) }

    let struct_name = format!("{}_genkvmtest", input_fn.ident);
    let struct_ident = Ident::new(struct_name.as_str(), Span::call_site());
    let test_name = format!("{}", input_fn.ident);
    let fn_ident = input_fn.ident.clone();

    let ast = quote! {
            #[allow(non_upper_case_globals, unused_attributes)]
            static #struct_ident: X86TestFn = X86TestFn {
                name: #test_name,
                ignore: false,
                identity_map: true,
                physical_memory: #physical_memory_tuple,
                ioport_enable: #ioport_enable_tuple,
                should_panic: #should_panic,
                should_halt: #should_halt,
                testfn: x86test::StaticTestFn(|| {
                    // Tell our "hypervisor" that we finished the test
                    unsafe { x86test::outw(0xf4, 0x00); }

            // Suppress unused attribute #[should_panic] warning (XXX: there is probably a better way to do this)
