x86_64 0.13.5

Support for x86_64 specific instructions, registers, and structures.
//! Functions to read and write model specific registers.

use bitflags::bitflags;

/// A model specific register.
pub struct Msr(u32);

impl Msr {
    /// Create an instance from a register.
    pub const fn new(reg: u32) -> Msr {

/// The Extended Feature Enable Register.
pub struct Efer;

/// FS.Base Model Specific Register.
pub struct FsBase;

/// GS.Base Model Specific Register.
pub struct GsBase;

/// KernelGsBase Model Specific Register.
pub struct KernelGsBase;

/// Syscall Register: STAR
pub struct Star;

/// Syscall Register: LSTAR
pub struct LStar;

/// Syscall Register: SFMASK
pub struct SFMask;

impl Efer {
    /// The underlying model specific register.
    pub const MSR: Msr = Msr(0xC000_0080);

impl FsBase {
    /// The underlying model specific register.
    pub const MSR: Msr = Msr(0xC000_0100);

impl GsBase {
    /// The underlying model specific register.
    pub const MSR: Msr = Msr(0xC000_0101);

impl KernelGsBase {
    /// The underlying model specific register.
    pub const MSR: Msr = Msr(0xC000_0102);

impl Star {
    /// The underlying model specific register.
    pub const MSR: Msr = Msr(0xC000_0081);

impl LStar {
    /// The underlying model specific register.
    pub const MSR: Msr = Msr(0xC000_0082);

impl SFMask {
    /// The underlying model specific register.
    pub const MSR: Msr = Msr(0xC000_0084);

bitflags! {
    /// Flags of the Extended Feature Enable Register.
    pub struct EferFlags: u64 {
        /// Enables the `syscall` and `sysret` instructions.
        const SYSTEM_CALL_EXTENSIONS = 1;
        /// Activates long mode, requires activating paging.
        const LONG_MODE_ENABLE = 1 << 8;
        /// Indicates that long mode is active.
        const LONG_MODE_ACTIVE = 1 << 10;
        /// Enables the no-execute page-protection feature.
        const NO_EXECUTE_ENABLE = 1 << 11;
        /// Enables SVM extensions.
        const SECURE_VIRTUAL_MACHINE_ENABLE = 1 << 12;
        /// Enable certain limit checks in 64-bit mode.
        const LONG_MODE_SEGMENT_LIMIT_ENABLE = 1 << 13;
        /// Enable the `fxsave` and `fxrstor` instructions to execute faster in 64-bit mode.
        const FAST_FXSAVE_FXRSTOR = 1 << 14;
        /// Changes how the `invlpg` instruction operates on TLB entries of upper-level entries.
        const TRANSLATION_CACHE_EXTENSION = 1 << 15;

#[cfg(feature = "instructions")]
mod x86_64 {
    use super::*;
    use crate::addr::VirtAddr;
    use crate::registers::rflags::RFlags;
    use crate::structures::gdt::SegmentSelector;
    use crate::PrivilegeLevel;
    use bit_field::BitField;
    use core::convert::TryInto;

    impl Msr {
        /// Read 64 bits msr register.
        /// ## Safety
        /// The caller must ensure that this read operation has no unsafe side
        /// effects.
        pub unsafe fn read(&self) -> u64 {
            #[cfg(feature = "inline_asm")]
                let (high, low): (u32, u32);
                asm!("rdmsr", out("eax") low, out("edx") high, in("ecx") self.0, options(nostack));
                ((high as u64) << 32) | (low as u64)

            #[cfg(not(feature = "inline_asm"))]

        /// Write 64 bits to msr register.
        /// ## Safety
        /// The caller must ensure that this write operation has no unsafe side
        /// effects.
        pub unsafe fn write(&mut self, value: u64) {
            #[cfg(feature = "inline_asm")]
                let low = value as u32;
                let high = (value >> 32) as u32;
                asm!("wrmsr", in("ecx") self.0, in("eax") low, in("edx") high, options(nostack))

            #[cfg(not(feature = "inline_asm"))]
            crate::asm::x86_64_asm_wrmsr(self.0, value);

    impl Efer {
        /// Read the current EFER flags.
        pub fn read() -> EferFlags {

        /// Read the current raw EFER flags.
        pub fn read_raw() -> u64 {
            unsafe { Self::MSR.read() }

        /// Write the EFER flags, preserving reserved values.
        /// Preserves the value of reserved fields.
        /// ## Safety
        /// Unsafe because it's possible to break memory
        /// safety with wrong flags, e.g. by disabling long mode.
        pub unsafe fn write(flags: EferFlags) {
            let old_value = Self::read_raw();
            let reserved = old_value & !(EferFlags::all().bits());
            let new_value = reserved | flags.bits();


        /// Write the EFER flags.
        /// Does not preserve any bits, including reserved fields.
        /// ## Safety
        /// Unsafe because it's possible to
        /// break memory safety with wrong flags, e.g. by disabling long mode.
        pub unsafe fn write_raw(flags: u64) {
            let mut msr = Self::MSR;

        /// Update EFER flags.
        /// Preserves the value of reserved fields.
        /// ## Safety
        /// Unsafe because it's possible to break memory
        /// safety with wrong flags, e.g. by disabling long mode.
        pub unsafe fn update<F>(f: F)
            F: FnOnce(&mut EferFlags),
            let mut flags = Self::read();
            f(&mut flags);

    impl FsBase {
        /// Read the current FsBase register.
        pub fn read() -> VirtAddr {
            VirtAddr::new(unsafe { Self::MSR.read() })

        /// Write a given virtual address to the FS.Base register.
        pub fn write(address: VirtAddr) {
            let mut msr = Self::MSR;
            unsafe { msr.write(address.as_u64()) };

    impl GsBase {
        /// Read the current GsBase register.
        pub fn read() -> VirtAddr {
            VirtAddr::new(unsafe { Self::MSR.read() })

        /// Write a given virtual address to the GS.Base register.
        pub fn write(address: VirtAddr) {
            let mut msr = Self::MSR;
            unsafe { msr.write(address.as_u64()) };

    impl KernelGsBase {
        /// Read the current KernelGsBase register.
        pub fn read() -> VirtAddr {
            VirtAddr::new(unsafe { Self::MSR.read() })

        /// Write a given virtual address to the KernelGsBase register.
        pub fn write(address: VirtAddr) {
            let mut msr = Self::MSR;
            unsafe { msr.write(address.as_u64()) };

    impl Star {
        /// Read the Ring 0 and Ring 3 segment bases.
        /// The remaining fields are ignored because they are
        /// not valid for long mode.
        /// # Returns
        /// - Field 1 (SYSRET): The CS selector is set to this field + 16. SS.Sel is set to
        /// this field + 8. Because SYSRET always returns to CPL 3, the
        /// RPL bits 1:0 should be initialized to 11b.
        /// - Field 2 (SYSCALL): This field is copied directly into CS.Sel. SS.Sel is set to
        ///  this field + 8. Because SYSCALL always switches to CPL 0, the RPL bits
        /// 33:32 should be initialized to 00b.
        pub fn read_raw() -> (u16, u16) {
            let msr_value = unsafe { Self::MSR.read() };
            let sysret = msr_value.get_bits(48..64);
            let syscall = msr_value.get_bits(32..48);
            (sysret.try_into().unwrap(), syscall.try_into().unwrap())

        /// Read the Ring 0 and Ring 3 segment bases.
        /// Returns
        /// - CS Selector SYSRET
        /// - SS Selector SYSRET
        /// - CS Selector SYSCALL
        /// - SS Selector SYSCALL
        pub fn read() -> (
        ) {
            let raw = Self::read_raw();
                SegmentSelector(raw.0 + 16),
                SegmentSelector(raw.0 + 8),
                SegmentSelector(raw.1 + 8),

        /// Write the Ring 0 and Ring 3 segment bases.
        /// The remaining fields are ignored because they are
        /// not valid for long mode.
        /// # Parameters
        /// - sysret: The CS selector is set to this field + 16. SS.Sel is set to
        /// this field + 8. Because SYSRET always returns to CPL 3, the
        /// RPL bits 1:0 should be initialized to 11b.
        /// - syscall: This field is copied directly into CS.Sel. SS.Sel is set to
        ///  this field + 8. Because SYSCALL always switches to CPL 0, the RPL bits
        /// 33:32 should be initialized to 00b.
        /// # Safety
        /// Unsafe because this can cause system instability if passed in the
        /// wrong values for the fields.
        pub unsafe fn write_raw(sysret: u16, syscall: u16) {
            let mut msr_value = 0u64;
            msr_value.set_bits(48..64, sysret.into());
            msr_value.set_bits(32..48, syscall.into());
            let mut msr = Self::MSR;

        /// Write the Ring 0 and Ring 3 segment bases.
        /// The remaining fields are ignored because they are
        /// not valid for long mode.
        /// This function will fail if the segment selectors are
        /// not in the correct offset of each other or if the
        /// segment selectors do not have correct privileges.
        pub fn write(
            cs_sysret: SegmentSelector,
            ss_sysret: SegmentSelector,
            cs_syscall: SegmentSelector,
            ss_syscall: SegmentSelector,
        ) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
            if cs_sysret.0 - 16 != ss_sysret.0 - 8 {
                return Err("Sysret CS and SS is not offset by 8.");

            if cs_syscall.0 != ss_syscall.0 - 8 {
                return Err("Syscall CS and SS is not offset by 8.");

            if ss_sysret.rpl() != PrivilegeLevel::Ring3 {
                return Err("Sysret's segment must be a Ring3 segment.");

            if ss_syscall.rpl() != PrivilegeLevel::Ring0 {
                return Err("Syscall's segment must be a Ring0 segment.");

            unsafe { Self::write_raw(ss_sysret.0 - 8, cs_syscall.0) };


    impl LStar {
        /// Read the current LStar register.
        /// This holds the target RIP of a syscall.
        pub fn read() -> VirtAddr {
            VirtAddr::new(unsafe { Self::MSR.read() })

        /// Write a given virtual address to the LStar register.
        /// This holds the target RIP of a syscall.
        pub fn write(address: VirtAddr) {
            let mut msr = Self::MSR;
            unsafe { msr.write(address.as_u64()) };

    impl SFMask {
        /// Read to the SFMask register.
        /// The SFMASK register is used to specify which RFLAGS bits
        /// are cleared during a SYSCALL. In long mode, SFMASK is used
        /// to specify which RFLAGS bits are cleared when SYSCALL is
        /// executed. If a bit in SFMASK is set to 1, the corresponding
        /// bit in RFLAGS is cleared to 0. If a bit in SFMASK is cleared
        /// to 0, the corresponding rFLAGS bit is not modified.
        pub fn read() -> RFlags {
            RFlags::from_bits(unsafe { Self::MSR.read() }).unwrap()

        /// Write to the SFMask register.
        /// The SFMASK register is used to specify which RFLAGS bits
        /// are cleared during a SYSCALL. In long mode, SFMASK is used
        /// to specify which RFLAGS bits are cleared when SYSCALL is
        /// executed. If a bit in SFMASK is set to 1, the corresponding
        /// bit in RFLAGS is cleared to 0. If a bit in SFMASK is cleared
        /// to 0, the corresponding rFLAGS bit is not modified.
        pub fn write(value: RFlags) {
            let mut msr = Self::MSR;
            unsafe { msr.write(value.bits()) };