x86_64 0.13.0

Support for x86_64 specific instructions, registers, and structures.
fn main() {

    #[cfg(all(feature = "external_asm", windows))]
    compile_error!("\"external_asm\" feature is not available on windows toolchain!");

    #[cfg(feature = "instructions")]
    if std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH").unwrap() != "x86_64" {
        panic!("\"instructions\" feature is only available for x86_64 targets!");

        feature = "instructions",
        not(feature = "inline_asm"),
        not(feature = "external_asm")
    compile_error!("\"instructions\" feature is enabled, but neither feature \"external_asm\" nor \"inline_asm\" was set!");

    #[cfg(all(feature = "inline_asm", feature = "external_asm"))]
        "\"inline_asm\" and \"external_asm\" features can not be enabled at the same time!"

    #[cfg(all(feature = "instructions", feature = "external_asm"))]
        use std::ffi::OsString;
        use std::fs;

        let entries = fs::read_dir("src/asm")
            .filter_map(|f| {
                f.ok().and_then(|e| {
                    let path = e.path();
                    match path.extension() {
                        Some(ext) if ext.eq(&OsString::from("s")) => Some(path),
                        _ => None,


        for e in entries {
            println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", e.to_str().unwrap());