x86 0.52.0

Library to program x86 (amd64) hardware. Contains x86 specific data structure descriptions, data-tables, as well as convenience function to call assembly instructions typically not exposed in higher level languages.
//! Intel fence instructions

use core::arch::asm;

/// mfence -- Memory Fence
/// Performs a serializing operation on all load-from-memory and store-to-memory
/// instructions that were issued prior the MFENCE instruction.
pub fn mfence() {
    unsafe { asm!("mfence") };

/// sfence -- Store Fence
/// Orders processor execution relative to all memory stores prior to the SFENCE
/// instruction. The processor ensures that every store prior to SFENCE is
/// globally visible before any store after SFENCE becomes globally visible.
pub fn sfence() {
    unsafe { asm!("sfence") };

/// lfence -- Load Fence
/// Performs a serializing operation on all load-from-memory instructions that
/// were issued prior the LFENCE instruction. Specifically, LFENCE does not
/// execute until all prior instructions have completed locally, and no later
/// instruction begins execution until LFENCE completes.
pub fn lfence() {
    unsafe { asm!("lfence") };