x86 0.52.0

Library to program x86 (amd64) hardware. Contains x86 specific data structure descriptions, data-tables, as well as convenience function to call assembly instructions typically not exposed in higher level languages.
//! Processor state stored in the RFLAGS register.
//! In 64-bit mode, EFLAGS is extended to 64 bits and called RFLAGS.
//! The upper 32 bits of RFLAGS register is reserved.
//! The lower 32 bits of RFLAGS is the same as EFLAGS.

use bitflags::*;

use crate::Ring;

#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
use core::arch::asm;

bitflags! {
    /// The RFLAGS register.
    /// This is duplicated code from bits32 eflags.rs.
    pub struct RFlags: u64 {
        /// ID Flag (ID)
        const FLAGS_ID = 1 << 21;
        /// Virtual Interrupt Pending (VIP)
        const FLAGS_VIP = 1 << 20;
        /// Virtual Interrupt Flag (VIF)
        const FLAGS_VIF = 1 << 19;
        /// Alignment Check (AC)
        const FLAGS_AC = 1 << 18;
        /// Virtual-8086 Mode (VM)
        const FLAGS_VM = 1 << 17;
        /// Resume Flag (RF)
        const FLAGS_RF = 1 << 16;
        /// Nested Task (NT)
        const FLAGS_NT = 1 << 14;
        /// I/O Privilege Level (IOPL) 0
        const FLAGS_IOPL0 = 0b00 << 12;
        /// I/O Privilege Level (IOPL) 1
        const FLAGS_IOPL1 = 0b01 << 12;
        /// I/O Privilege Level (IOPL) 2
        const FLAGS_IOPL2 = 0b10 << 12;
        /// I/O Privilege Level (IOPL) 3
        const FLAGS_IOPL3 = 0b11 << 12;
        /// Overflow Flag (OF)
        const FLAGS_OF = 1 << 11;
        /// Direction Flag (DF)
        const FLAGS_DF = 1 << 10;
        /// Interrupt Enable Flag (IF)
        const FLAGS_IF = 1 << 9;
        /// Trap Flag (TF)
        const FLAGS_TF = 1 << 8;
        /// Sign Flag (SF)
        const FLAGS_SF = 1 << 7;
        /// Zero Flag (ZF)
        const FLAGS_ZF = 1 << 6;
        /// Auxiliary Carry Flag (AF)
        const FLAGS_AF = 1 << 4;
        /// Parity Flag (PF)
        const FLAGS_PF = 1 << 2;
        /// Bit 1 is always 1.
        const FLAGS_A1 = 1 << 1;
        /// Carry Flag (CF)
        const FLAGS_CF = 1 << 0;

impl RFlags {
    /// Creates a new Flags entry. Ensures bit 1 is set.
    pub const fn new() -> RFlags {

    /// Creates a new Flags with the given I/O privilege level.
    pub const fn from_priv(iopl: Ring) -> RFlags {
        RFlags {
            bits: (iopl as u64) << 12,

    pub const fn from_raw(bits: u64) -> RFlags {
        RFlags { bits }

#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
pub fn read() -> RFlags {
    let r: u64;
    unsafe { asm!("pushfq; popq {0}", out(reg) r, options(att_syntax)) };

#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
pub fn set(val: RFlags) {
    unsafe {
        asm!("pushq {0}; popfq", in(reg) val.bits(), options(att_syntax));

// clac and stac are also usable in 64-bit mode
pub use crate::bits32::eflags::{clac, stac};