x86 0.15.1

Library to program x86 (amd64) hardware. Contains x86 specific data structure descriptions, data-tables, as well as convenience function to call assembly instructions typically not exposed in higher level languages.
//! Functions to flush the translation lookaside buffer (TLB).

/// Invalidate the given address in the TLB using the `invlpg` instruction.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe as it causes a general protection fault (GP) if the current privilege
/// level is not 0.
pub unsafe fn flush(addr: usize) {
    asm!("invlpg ($0)" :: "r" (addr) : "memory");

/// Invalidate the TLB completely by reloading the CR3 register.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe as it causes a general protection fault (GP) if the current privilege
/// level is not 0.
pub unsafe fn flush_all() {
    use crate::controlregs::{cr3, cr3_write};