x3 0.3.0

A CPU efficient audio encoder/decoder using the X3 codec.
 *                                                                        *
 * Rust implementation of the X3 lossless audio compression protocol.     *
 *                                                                        *
 * Copyright (C) 2019 Simon M. Werner <simonwerner@gmail.com>             *
 *                                                                        *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by   *
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or      *
 * (at your option) any later version.                                    *
 *                                                                        *
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,        *
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of         *
 * GNU General Public License for more details.                           *
 *                                                                        *
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License      *
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.   *
 *                                                                        *

// externs
use crate::byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder};

// This crate
use crate::bitpacker::BitPacker;
use crate::crc::crc16;
use crate::error;
use crate::x3;

use error::X3Error;

/// Encode a wav file (represented as `Channels`).  The output will be written to `bp`.
/// ### Arguments
/// * `channels` - The list of channels to encode.  // FIXME: This is currently only one.
/// * `bp` - A `BitPacker` where the compressed data will be written to.
pub fn encode(channels: &[&x3::Channel], bp: &mut BitPacker) -> Result<(), X3Error> {
  if channels.len() > 1 {
    return Err(X3Error::MoreThanOneChannel);
  let ch = &channels[0];
  let mut num_samples = ch.wav.len();

  let samples_per_frame = ch.params.block_len * ch.params.blocks_per_frame;

  let mut last_wav: i16 = 0;
  let stats: &mut [usize; 6] = &mut [0; 6];

  let mut p = 0;
  while num_samples > 0 {
    let encode_num_samples = core::cmp::min(num_samples, samples_per_frame);
    let wav = &ch.wav[p..(p + encode_num_samples)];
    encode_frame(wav, &mut last_wav, bp, &ch.params, stats)?;
    p += samples_per_frame;
    num_samples -= encode_num_samples;

  let t = (stats[0] + stats[1] + stats[2] + stats[3] + stats[4] + stats[5]) as f32;
    "\nStatistics:\n  Rice-0: {:.4}%\n  Rice-1: {:.4}%\n  Rice-2: {:.4}%\n  Rice-3: {:.4}%\n  BFP: {:.4}%\n  Pass-through {:.4}%\n",
    (stats[0] as f32 / t) * 100.0,
    (stats[1] as f32 / t) * 100.0,
    (stats[2] as f32 / t) * 100.0,
    (stats[3] as f32 / t) * 100.0,
    (stats[4] as f32 / t) * 100.0,
    (stats[5] as f32 / t) * 100.0


/// Write the frame header to the bit array.
/// ### Arguments
/// * `bp` - A `BitPacker` where the frame data will be written to.
/// * `num_samples` - The number of samples that are contained in the wav.
/// * `id` -  The source id.
pub fn write_frame_header(bp: &mut BitPacker, num_samples: usize, id: u8) -> Result<(), X3Error> {
  let header: &mut [u8; x3::FrameHeader::LENGTH] = &mut [0u8; x3::FrameHeader::LENGTH];

  // frame_len = header.len + payload.len
  let frame_len = bp.bookmark_get_offset();
  let payload_len = frame_len - x3::FrameHeader::LENGTH;

  // <Frame Key> = "x3"
  let mut p = 0;
  BigEndian::write_u16(&mut header[p..], x3::FrameHeader::KEY);
  p += 2;

  // <Source Id> = The source Id
  header[p] = id;
  p += 1;

  // <Num Channels> = The number of channels
  header[p] = id;
  p += 1;
  // FIXME: Should write the `channel.id` value
  // BigEndian::write_u8(&mut header[p..], channel.id);

  // <Num Samples> = The number of uncompressed samples.
  BigEndian::write_u16(&mut header[p..], num_samples as u16);
  p += 2;

  // <Payload Length> = The number of compressed bytes.
  BigEndian::write_u16(&mut header[p..], payload_len as u16);
  p += 2;

  // <Time> = The timestamp of the first sample in the frame.
  // FIXME: Need to add the time
  p += 8;

  // <Header CRC> = CRC of the frame header
  let header_crc = crc16(&header[0..x3::FrameHeader::P_HEADER_CRC]);
  BigEndian::write_u16(&mut header[p..], header_crc as u16);
  p += 2;

  // <Payload CRC> = CRC of the payload
  let frame = bp.bookmark_get_from();
  let payload = &frame[x3::FrameHeader::LENGTH..(x3::FrameHeader::LENGTH + payload_len)];
  let payload_crc = crc16(payload);
  BigEndian::write_u16(&mut header[p..], payload_crc as u16);

  // Write it back to the bit stream


/// Encode one frame and all it's blocks.  This takes the wav and converts it x3 compressed
/// audio.
/// ### Arguments
/// * `wav` - the raw audio data.
/// * `last_wav` - the last wav value from the previous frame.
/// * `bp` - Where the output x3 compressed bits will be written to.
/// * `params` - The audio parameters.
/// * `stats` - Used for statistics which get printed out at the end.
pub fn encode_frame(
  wav: &[i16],
  last_wav: &mut i16,
  bp: &mut BitPacker,
  params: &x3::Parameters,
  stats: &mut [usize; 6],
) -> Result<(), X3Error> {
  // pack first sample for each channel
  let mut kx = 0; // input sample pointer
  let mut rem_samples = wav.len() - 1; // Remaining samples

  // Now encode blocks of block_length samples. The last block may have fewer than block_length samples.
  // Data from multiple channels are interleaved on a block-by-block basis.
  let mut block_len = params.block_len;

  // Bookmark this location such that we can write the header here

  // Write first sample, <Audio State>, as a raw value
  bp.write_bits(wav[0] as usize, 16);

  let wav_diff: &mut [i32] = &mut [0i32; x3::Parameters::MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH];
  while rem_samples > 0 {
    block_len = core::cmp::min(block_len, rem_samples); // check block size
    *last_wav = wav[kx + block_len];

    // pack the data block for each channel
    let wav = &wav[kx..(kx + block_len)];

    let ftype = x3_encode_block(wav, wav_diff, *last_wav, bp, params)?;

    stats[ftype] += block_len;

    kx += block_len;
    rem_samples -= block_len;

  // Wrap the bit to the next significant bit

  // Write the header details
  write_frame_header(bp, wav.len(), 1)?;


// Calcuate the diff (first order differential) of the raw audio data.
// ### Return
// * the maximum absolute value found in the diff.
fn diff(inp: &[i16], diff: &mut [i32], last_wav: i16) -> i32 {
  let mut max = 0;
  for i in 0..inp.len() - 1 {
    diff[i] = i32::from(inp[i + 1]) - i32::from(inp[i]);
    let a = i32::abs(diff[i]);
    if a > max {
      max = a;
  let last = inp.len() - 1;
  diff[last] = i32::from(last_wav) - i32::from(inp[last]);
  let a = i32::abs(diff[last]);
  if a > max {
  } else {

/// Count the number of bits that it takes to represent a number.
fn count_bits(n: u32) -> u32 {
  32 - n.leading_zeros()

fn encode_rice_block(
  wav: &[i16],
  wav_diff: &mut [i32],
  bp: &mut BitPacker,
  params: &x3::Parameters,
  max_abs_inp_filtd: i32,
) -> Result<usize, X3Error> {
  // Use Rice encoding method

  let block_len = wav.len(); // requested block length
  let mut ftype: usize = 0; // find which code to use

  for t in &params.thresholds {
    if max_abs_inp_filtd > *t as i32 {
      ftype += 1;

  // 2 bit rice block header
  bp.write_bits(ftype as usize + 1, 2);
  let rc = params.rice_codes[ftype];
  let codes = rc.code;
  let num_bits = rc.num_bits;
  let offset = rc.offset;

  for w in wav_diff.iter().take(block_len) {
    let ii = (*w + offset as i32) as usize;
    let code = codes[ii];
    let rc_num_bits = num_bits[ii];
    let num_zeros = rc_num_bits - count_bits(code as u32) as usize;

    bp.write_bits(code, rc_num_bits - num_zeros);


fn encode_bfp_block(
  wav: &[i16],
  wav_diff: &mut [i32],
  bp: &mut BitPacker,
  max_abs_inp_filtd: i32,
) -> Result<usize, X3Error> {
  let block_len = wav.len(); // requested block length
  let ftype: usize; // find which code to use

  // number of bits needed to represent right-justified samples
  let num_bits = count_bits(max_abs_inp_filtd as u32); // number of bits

  if num_bits >= 15 {
    bp.write_bits(15, BFP_HDR_LEN);
    // We write all the bytes out without any compression
    let mut w = i32::from(wav[0]);
    for wd in wav_diff.iter().take(block_len) {
      w += *wd as i32;
      bp.write_bits(w as usize, 16);
    ftype = 5;
  } else {
    bp.write_bits(num_bits as usize, BFP_HDR_LEN);
    // Reduce the number of bits only.
    for wd in wav_diff.iter().take(block_len) {
      bp.write_bits(*wd as usize, num_bits as usize + 1);
    ftype = 4;


/// This will encode NSAMPLES of data.
const BFP_HDR_LEN: usize = 6;
fn x3_encode_block(
  wav: &[i16],
  wav_diff: &mut [i32],
  last_wav: i16,
  bp: &mut BitPacker,
  params: &x3::Parameters,
) -> Result<usize, X3Error> {
  let max_abs_inp_filtd = diff(wav, wav_diff, last_wav);

  if max_abs_inp_filtd <= params.thresholds[2] as i32 {
    // 2 bit rice block header
    encode_rice_block(wav, wav_diff, bp, params, max_abs_inp_filtd)
  } else {
    encode_bfp_block(wav, wav_diff, bp, max_abs_inp_filtd)

//            #######
//               #       ######     ####     #####     ####
//               #       #         #           #      #
//               #       #####      ####       #       ####
//               #       #              #      #           #
//               #       #         #    #      #      #    #
//               #       ######     ####       #       ####

mod tests {
  use crate::bitpacker::BitPacker;
  use crate::encoder;
  use crate::encoder::{encode_frame, x3_encode_block};
  use crate::x3;
  use crate::x3::Parameters;

  const NUM_SAMPLES: usize = 0x0eff;

  fn test_encode_frame() {
    let wav: &[i16] = &[
      -3461, -3452, -3441, -3456, -3462, -3453, -3461, -3461, -3449, -3457, -3463, -3460, -3454, -3450, -3449, -3452,
      -3450, -3449, -3463, -3462, -3453, -3458, -3448, -3447, -3461, -3462, -3452, -3452, -3456, -3459, -3456, -3449,
      -3444, -3451, -3455, -3449, -3453, -3456, -3455, -3458, -3457, -3450, -3453, -3458, -3456, -3458, -3461, -3451,
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      -3458, -3461, -3470, -3464, -3447, -3449, -3456, -3462, -3457, -3449, -3455, -3456, -3448, -3444, -3449, -3442,
      -3442, -3459, -3462, -3456, -3459, -3454, -3454, -3456, -3454, -3452, -3443, -3456, -3454, -3447, -3453, -3457,
      -3460, -3456, -3447, -3451, -3459, -3460, -3462, -3459, -3444, -3443, -3445, -3450, -3459, -3451, -3443, -3450,
      -3452, -3459, -3457, -3456, -3452, -3461, -3467, -3457, -3452, -3449, -3456, -3460, -3454, -3455, -3448, -3439,
      -3445, -3454, -3450, -3440, -3457, -3472, -3458, -3444, -3451, -3458, -3463, -3460, -3456, -3467, -3463, -3450,
      -3451, -3449, -3445, -3442, -3445, -3453, -3453, -3442, -3454, -3455, -3460, -3458, -3462, -3479, -3453, -3445,
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      -3462, -3453, -3459, -3468, -3453, -3452, -3464, -3453, -3454, -3462, -3457, -3452, -3452, -3455, -3463, -3478,
      -3469, -3464, -3472, -3461, -3465, -3461, -3460, -3455, -3456, -3454, -3449, -3455, -3460, -3464, -3456, -3462,
      -3465, -3458, -3461, -3475, -3477, -3479, -3471, -3470, -3466, -3455, -3457, -3463, -3454, -3442, -3449, -3455,
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      -3458, -3463, -3464, -3465, -3466, -3468, -3468, -3468, -3465, -3461, -3470, -3466, -3460, -3470, -3468, -3468,
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      -3469, -3469, -3464, -3469, -3472, -3464, -3472, -3465, -3459, -3477, -3470, -3468, -3475, -3468, -3468, -3474,
      -3470, -3466, -3470, -3480, -3469, -3457, -3472, -3476, -3466, -3456, -3471, -3475, -3468, -3472, -3471, -3470,
      -3468, -3458, -3468, -3481, -3480, -3470, -3456, -3452, -3465, -3475, -3480, -3472, -3474, -3474, -3484, -3480,
      -3471, -3480, -3480, -3473, -3467, -3465, -3464, -3458, -3461, -3465, -3465, -3475, -3483, -3476, -3479, -3479,
      -3472, -3473, -3477, -3473, -3472, -3481, -3473, -3465, -3464, -3463, -3465, -3470, -3475, -3473, -3474, -3467,
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      -3486, -3472, -3457, -3455, -3476, -3492, -3474, -3465, -3475, -3479, -3474, -3478, -3490, -3488, -3482, -3482,
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      -3476, -3473, -3478, -3489, -3490, -3484, -3474, -3482, -3492, -3470, -3470, -3472, -3473, -3477, -3474, -3478,
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      -3472, -3472, -3474, -3478, -3473, -3484, -3495, -3486, -3477, -3488, -3494, -3493, -3488, -3484, -3486, -3484,
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      -3485, -3488, -3490, -3487, -3477, -3483, -3494, -3490, -3479, -3488, -3499, -3490, -3484, -3482, -3483, -3480,
      -3475, -3472, -3476, -3475, -3477, -3479, -3475, -3473, -3476, -3483, -3491, -3489, -3479, -3480, -3488, -3489,
      -3491, -3486, -3488, -3484, -3475, -3487, -3502, -3498, -3481, -3476, -3490, -3499, -3487, -3476, -3484, -3480,
      -3475, -3480, -3496, -3497, -3480, -3476, -3478, -3483, -3488, -3484, -3492, -3496, -3490, -3497, -3494, -3487,
      -3497, -3498, -3493, -3491, -3497, -3500, -3493, -3494, -3496, -3490, -3488, -3485, -3490, -3491, -3492, -3489,
      -3486, -3487, -3485, -3488, -3493, -3495, -3494, -3486, -3486, -3488, -3494, -3499, -3503, -3499, -3495, -3485,
      -3492, -3509, -3503, -3494, -3504, -3496, -3491, -3496, -3490, -3498, -3493, -3482, -3481, -3498, -3500, -3496,
      -3494, -3502, -3497, -3499, -3495, -3485, -3480, -3490, -3494, -3496, -3488, -3494, -3501, -3512, -3501, -3496,
      -3510, -3511, -3493, -3494, -3487, -3501, -3502, -3467, -3483, -3506, -3500, -3491, -3501, -3483, -3490, -3495,
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      -3495, -3494, -3483, -3491, -3492, -3495, -3491, -3489, -3499, -3492, -3479, -3482, -3486, -3479, -3489, -3501,
      -3493, -3489, -3489, -3488, -3485, -3481, -3495, -3495, -3486, -3489, -3496, -3494, -3496, -3493, -3491, -3488,
      -3499, -3500, -3492, -3491, -3490, -3498, -3495, -3495, -3497, -3487, -3485, -3488, -3482, -3485, -3487, -3487,
      -3483, -3496, -3503, -3495, -3482, -3489, -3492, -3501, -3511, -3491, -3495, -3500, -3490, -3492, -3497, -3504,
      -3503, -3497, -3493, -3494, -3489, -3495, -3492, -3483, -3493, -3493, -3490, -3490, -3504, -3499, -3501, -3499,
      -3487, -3496, -3501, -3497, -3493, -3492, -3491, -3492,
    let wl = wav.len();
    let wlh = (wl >> 8) as u8;
    let wll = (wl & 0xff) as u8;

    let expected_x3_output: &[u8] = &[
      // Frame header
      'x' as u8, '3' as u8, // "x3"
      1, 1, // Source Id, Num Channels
      wlh, wll, // Num samples
      2, 144, // Num encoded bytes
      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Time
      110, 210, // Header CRC
      61, 223, // Payload CRC
      // Frame payload
      242, 123, 202, 56, 106, 202, 124, 8, 122, 249, 136, 173, 202, 23, 69, 105, 50, 133, 201, 145, 251, 206, 83, 125,
      159, 181, 181, 187, 83, 151, 166, 35, 77, 194, 163, 77, 162, 57, 40, 226, 8, 249, 137, 153, 184, 188, 231, 226,
      74, 164, 250, 75, 2, 173, 171, 81, 11, 146, 16, 151, 64, 78, 179, 117, 69, 230, 20, 39, 28, 191, 212, 21, 239,
      155, 225, 221, 90, 73, 32, 134, 219, 114, 144, 74, 204, 87, 55, 217, 203, 138, 89, 40, 48, 36, 104, 193, 141,
      106, 121, 6, 160, 84, 138, 16, 129, 251, 192, 5, 233, 255, 97, 121, 123, 68, 107, 242, 0, 123, 161, 178, 194,
      235, 2, 232, 33, 190, 82, 201, 29, 71, 157, 59, 212, 168, 215, 141, 41, 79, 59, 209, 74, 156, 82, 211, 249, 11,
      215, 104, 187, 178, 41, 7, 90, 202, 16, 213, 231, 54, 76, 177, 137, 152, 247, 76, 195, 228, 133, 27, 48, 193, 10,
      104, 2, 2, 44, 12, 24, 16, 52, 195, 2, 101, 225, 124, 85, 63, 208, 133, 125, 86, 222, 78, 194, 57, 228, 179, 117,
      2, 209, 177, 202, 100, 250, 68, 37, 121, 131, 100, 237, 199, 184, 64, 89, 197, 181, 138, 68, 47, 153, 151, 213,
      45, 87, 122, 20, 163, 108, 137, 33, 165, 167, 187, 117, 146, 84, 36, 99, 30, 141, 92, 56, 185, 90, 145, 218, 45,
      208, 190, 89, 36, 47, 179, 236, 141, 178, 149, 218, 115, 173, 57, 148, 214, 246, 73, 68, 38, 102, 123, 136, 228,
      18, 134, 23, 144, 171, 110, 47, 78, 73, 162, 187, 159, 47, 227, 175, 225, 0, 47, 126, 145, 192, 227, 92, 56, 92,
      238, 133, 161, 30, 89, 194, 6, 249, 134, 13, 247, 125, 86, 102, 22, 38, 140, 24, 129, 37, 164, 139, 130, 208, 81,
      48, 230, 121, 76, 223, 130, 222, 237, 135, 79, 162, 137, 32, 138, 234, 210, 156, 151, 72, 78, 25, 120, 69, 189,
      172, 102, 243, 188, 84, 95, 193, 111, 49, 223, 116, 101, 143, 33, 153, 37, 26, 227, 57, 250, 131, 2, 94, 82, 161,
      105, 109, 20, 40, 29, 11, 232, 1, 112, 74, 155, 107, 209, 199, 133, 94, 9, 19, 176, 190, 11, 230, 129, 12, 0,
      128, 120, 95, 193, 143, 168, 41, 239, 88, 189, 176, 146, 166, 2, 37, 53, 30, 124, 50, 112, 188, 193, 124, 8, 64,
      55, 96, 90, 199, 16, 190, 174, 12, 2, 245, 208, 192, 186, 97, 169, 29, 77, 51, 44, 187, 36, 195, 109, 1, 140, 9,
      20, 68, 2, 208, 63, 187, 244, 62, 245, 252, 98, 184, 217, 96, 62, 255, 254, 251, 50, 218, 163, 255, 36, 161, 15,
      79, 117, 171, 139, 245, 26, 105, 69, 26, 186, 82, 47, 17, 89, 70, 236, 33, 108, 226, 85, 107, 203, 221, 190, 49,
      102, 160, 236, 147, 74, 102, 79, 43, 190, 174, 209, 154, 215, 225, 156, 190, 109, 86, 130, 143, 26, 128, 165, 11,
      36, 65, 207, 66, 180, 143, 144, 164, 90, 82, 135, 251, 27, 206, 46, 85, 139, 140, 5, 176, 34, 16, 126, 33, 100,
      97, 180, 1, 93, 173, 62, 132, 24, 208, 150, 20, 89, 10, 75, 30, 163, 171, 9, 180, 99, 213, 104, 49, 69, 253, 144,
      182, 154, 114, 133, 141, 252, 151, 240, 252, 191, 163, 225, 164, 48, 158, 196, 188, 251, 246, 20, 31, 240, 122,
      244, 50, 75, 65, 115, 200, 67, 104, 231, 206, 163, 11, 220, 43, 125, 197, 158, 66, 34, 185, 2, 224, 173, 110, 95,
      217, 198, 201, 21, 79, 232, 179, 51, 89, 183, 8, 196, 180, 129, 77, 210, 75, 4, 122, 76, 180, 182, 152, 137, 86,
      190, 40, 184, 232, 22, 171, 193, 4, 165, 8, 170, 144, 0,
    let x3_output: &mut [u8] = &mut [0u8; NUM_SAMPLES * 2];
    let bp = &mut BitPacker::new(x3_output);
    let mut last_wav: i16 = 0;
    let params = &Parameters::default();
    let stats: &mut [usize; 6] = &mut [0; 6];

    encode_frame(wav, &mut last_wav, bp, params, stats).unwrap();

    assert_eq!(expected_x3_output, bp.as_bytes());

  fn test_encode_frame_zeros() {
    let wav: &[i16] = &[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];

    let wl = wav.len();
    let wlh = (wl >> 8) as u8;
    let wll = (wl & 0xff) as u8;
    let expected_x3_output: &[u8] = &[
      // Frame header
      b'x', b'3', // "x3"
      1, 1, // Source Id, Num Channels
      wlh, wll, // Num samples
      0, 6, // Num encoded bytes
      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Time
      194, 242, // Header CRC
      205, 128, // Payload CRC
      // Frame payload
      0, 0, 127, 255, 248, 0,
    let x3_output: &mut [u8] = &mut [0u8; NUM_SAMPLES * 2];
    let mut last_wav: i16 = 0;
    let bp = &mut BitPacker::new(x3_output);
    let params = &Parameters::default();
    let stats: &mut [usize; 6] = &mut [0; 6];

    encode_frame(wav, &mut last_wav, bp, params, stats).unwrap();

    assert_eq!(expected_x3_output, bp.as_bytes());

  fn test_x3_encode_block() {
    let wav: &[i16] = &[
      -3461, -3452, -3441, -3456, -3462, -3453, -3461, -3461, -3449, -3457, -3463, -3460, -3454, -3450, -3449, -3452,
      -3450, -3449, -3463, -3462,
    let last_wav: i16 = -3462;

    let x3_output: &mut [u8] = &mut [0u8; NUM_SAMPLES * 2 + 1];
    let bp = &mut BitPacker::new(x3_output);
    let params = &Parameters::default();
    let wav_diff: &mut [i32] = &mut [0i32; x3::Parameters::MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH];

    // Run the code
    x3_encode_block(wav, wav_diff, last_wav, bp, params).unwrap();

    // Check output is okay
    let expected_x3_output: &[u8] = &[202, 56, 106, 202, 124, 8, 122, 249, 136, 173, 202, 23, 80, 0];

    assert_eq!(expected_x3_output, bp.as_bytes());

  fn test_x3_encode_block_ftype3() {
    let wav: &[i16] = &[
      -3554, -3559, -3566, -3563, -3553, -3547, -3543, -3552, -3564, -3563, -3558, -3558, -3557, -3547, -3549, -3552,
      -3554, -3556, -3566, -3584,
    let last_wav: i16 = -3584 + 11;

    let x3_output: &mut [u8] = &mut [0u8; NUM_SAMPLES * 2 + 1];
    let bp = &mut BitPacker::new(x3_output);
    let params = &Parameters::default();
    let wav_diff: &mut [i32] = &mut [0i32; x3::Parameters::MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH];

    // Run the code
    x3_encode_block(wav, wav_diff, last_wav, bp, params).unwrap();

    // Check output is okay
    let expected_x3_output: &[u8] = &[105, 111, 24, 196, 18, 125, 42, 40, 203, 219, 178, 194, 206, 0];

    assert_eq!(expected_x3_output, bp.as_bytes());

  fn test_x3_encode_block_bpf_eq16() {
    let wav: &[i16] = &[
      -32341, -16767, 4562, -1601, 9638, 22598, 14100, -12957, -10471, 29926, -14190, 31863, 29234, -16603, 31762,
      1319, 11044, -28931, 17888, -14247,
    let last_wav: i16 = -14247;

    let x3_output: &mut [u8] = &mut [0u8; NUM_SAMPLES * 2 + 1];
    let bp = &mut BitPacker::new(x3_output);
    let params = &Parameters::default();
    let wav_diff: &mut [i32] = &mut [0i32; x3::Parameters::MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH];

    // Run the code
    x3_encode_block(wav, wav_diff, last_wav, bp, params).unwrap();

    // Check output is okay
    let expected_x3_output: &[u8] = &[
      62, 250, 4, 71, 75, 230, 252, 150, 153, 97, 24, 220, 83, 53, 143, 92, 101, 211, 155, 34, 73, 241, 221, 200, 202,
      252, 149, 240, 72, 20, 156, 172, 146, 59, 245, 23, 131, 33, 103, 33, 100, 0,

    assert_eq!(expected_x3_output, bp.as_bytes());

  fn test_x3_encode_block_bpf_lt16() {
    let wav: &[i16] = &[
      -3511, -3493, -3494, -3487, -3501, -3502, -3467, -3483, -3506, -3500, -3491, -3501, -3483, -3490, -3495, -3500,
      -3495, -3492, -3493, -3490,
    let last_wav: i16 = -3490;

    let x3_output: &mut [u8] = &mut [0u8; NUM_SAMPLES * 2 + 1];
    let bp = &mut BitPacker::new(x3_output);
    let params = &Parameters::default();
    let wav_diff: &mut [i32] = &mut [0i32; x3::Parameters::MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH];

    // Run the code
    x3_encode_block(wav, wav_diff, last_wav, bp, params).unwrap();

    // Check output is okay
    let expected_x3_output: &[u8] = &[
      24, 151, 240, 252, 191, 163, 225, 164, 48, 158, 196, 188, 251, 246, 20, 31, 240, 96,

    assert_eq!(expected_x3_output, &x3_output[0..expected_x3_output.len()],);

  fn test_x3_encode_samples() {
    let wav: Vec<i16> = vec![0; 1000];

    // Can only handle signed 16 bit data with one channel.
    let params = x3::Parameters::default();
    let sample_rate = 44100;
    let num_samples = wav.len();

    // Create the channel data
    let first_channel = x3::Channel::new(0, &wav, sample_rate, params);

    // Create the output data
    let x3_len = num_samples * 2;
    let mut x3_out = vec![0u8; x3_len];
    let bp = &mut BitPacker::new(&mut x3_out); // Packer where x3 compressed data is stored.

    encoder::encode(&[&first_channel], bp).unwrap();

    // Get the bytes
    let _x3_bytes = bp.as_bytes();