x264-sys 0.2.1

FFI bindings to x264
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::PathBuf;

fn format_write(builder: bindgen::Builder) -> String {
        .replace("/**", "/*")
        .replace("/*!", "/*")

fn main() {
    let libs = system_deps::Config::new().probe().unwrap();
    // TODO pass include paths to bindgen
    let x264 = libs.get_by_name("x264").unwrap();
    let headers = x264.include_paths.clone();
    let buildver = x264.version.split('.').nth(1).unwrap();

    let mut builder = bindgen::builder()
            "pub unsafe fn x264_encoder_open(params: *mut x264_param_t) -> *mut x264_t {{

    for header in headers {
        builder = builder.clang_arg("-I").clang_arg(header.to_str().unwrap());

    // Manually fix the comment so rustdoc won't try to pick them
    let s = format_write(builder);

    let out_path = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());

    let mut file = File::create(out_path.join("x264.rs")).unwrap();

    let _ = file.write(s.as_bytes());