wyvern 1.2.0

A simple CLI tool for installing and maintaining linux GOG games
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Visit the last successful build: wyvern-1.3.1

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Wyvern is a command-line tool written in rust that is meant to make downloading GOG games and associated activities easier and faster on linux. It features:

  • Downloading games

  • Installing games without need for the graphical installers

  • One-command updating of games to their latest versions, while only updating files that have changed between versions.

  • GOG Connect functionality so you can scan for and claim games without leaving the terminal

  • Syncing save files to a filesystem backup(with integration with cloud services being worked on).

  • Optional(compile with the 'eidolonint' feature) integration with eidolon, so that it automatically registers installed games to eidolon.

The GitHub repo is a mirror of the main sr.ht repository.

See it working

A gif showing wyvern working


Wyvern is available on crates.io, installable via cargo:

cargo install wyvern

You can download a binary that's automatically built from the latest git commit on my website. If you want to, you can also build it from source if you have cargo installed easily:

git clone https://git.sr.ht/~nicohman/wyvern && cd wyvern

cargo install --path . --force

Plus, it's available on the AUR as wyvern, helpfully maintained by @PinkCathodeCat@cathoderay.tube.


Run wyvern help for a list of commands:

wyvern 1.0.0
nicohman <nicohman@demenses.net>
A simple CLI tool for installing and maintaining linux GOG games

    wyvern <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    connect    Operations associated with GOG Connect
    down       Download specific game
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    install    Install a GOG game from an installer
    ls         List all games you own
    sync       Sync a game's saves to a specific location for backup
    update     Update a game if there is an update available

Contributing/Reporting bugs

Please file isues at the sr.ht issue tracker and patches/pull requests should be sent to the mailing list. However, I will still accept both on GitHub if need be.


  • Very happy to take feature requests!