wtools 0.1.0

Collection of general purpose tools for solving problems. Fundamentally extend the language without spoiling namespace, so may be used solely or in conjunction with another module of such kind.

module::Tools status stable

Collection of general purpose tools for solving problems. Fundamentally extend the language without spoiling namespace, so may be used solely or in conjunction with another module of such kind. Tools contain hundreds of routines to operate effectively with Array, SortedArray, Map, RegExp, Buffer, Time, String, Number, Routine, Error and other fundamental types. The module provides advanced tools for diagnostics and errors handling. Use it to have a stronger foundation for the application.

Try out from the repository

git clone https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools
cd wTools
will .npm.install
node sample/trivial/Sample.s

Make sure you have utility willbe installed. To install willbe: npm i -g willbe@stable. Willbe is required to build of the module.

To add to your project

npm add 'wTools@stable'

Willbe is not required to use the module in your project as submodule.

To use on a web page

Add to you HTML page:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/wTools/out/release.min/Main.s"></script>


Special thanks to wtklbm.