ws-tool 0.11.0

an easy to use websocket tool
## connection flow

    participant C as Client
    participant S as Server
    Note over C,S: create tcp connection phase 
    C->>S: establish tcp connection(wrap tls, connect via proxy)
    Note over C,S: http protocol upgrade phase | handle by "Handshake" trait
    C-->>S: http upgrade
    S-->>C: 101 upgrade response
    Note over C,S: websocket protocol phase
    loop until one peer sends "Close" frame, frame encode/decode by "FrameCodec" trait
        C--)S: write frame
        S--)C: read frame
    Note right of C: assume client wants to quit
    C--)S: close frame
    alt  receive close from server
        S--)C: close reponse
    else read response timeout
        C-xC: exit
    Note over C,S: close tcp connection