ws-tool 0.10.0

an easy to use websocket tool


An easy to use websocket client/server toolkit, supporting blocking/async IO.

feature matrix

IO type split proxy tls buffered stream deflate use as client use as server

For tls connection, ws-tool support both native-tls and rustls, ws-tool also support simd utf checking for faster utf8 string checking.

It's tested by autobaha test suit. see test report of 4 example


Every example can be run with

cargo run --example <example_name> --all-features



  • examples/echo_async_server for building a websocket echo server with self signed cert.
  • examples/echo demonstrates how to connect to a server.
  • binance demonstrates how to connect to wss server via http/socks proxy
  • poem demonstrates how to integrate with poem web framework.
  • autobaha_xxx_client are autobaha test suit client
  • bench_xxx are benchmark server examples, showing how to control read/write buffer or other low level config

run autobahn testsuite

start test server


run test on other terminal

cargo ac
cargo aac
cargo adc
cargo aadc

report files should be under test_reports dir.


Performance is a complex issue, and a single performance indicator is not enough to describe the performance of a certain library. Here we only compare QPS as a brief description of ws-tool performance

My test machine is i9-12900k and 32GB, 3200MHz ddr4, and load test client is load_test

Roughly compare with EchoSever example, tungstenite

The following are the benchmark(1 connection only) results, there is no tungstenite with buffered stream test case, because there tungstenite does not work well with buffered stream. ws-tool test cases are all built with simd feature enabled, tokio runtime use current_thread flavor.

300 bytes payload size, 100000000 messages

cargo lt -- -p 300 --count 100000 -t 1 <url>
server count Duration(ms) Message/sec
uWebSocket 100000000 16798 5953089.65
tungstenite 100000000 19905 5023863.35
bench_server(no buffer) 100000000 42395 2358768.72
bench_server(8k) 100000000 16541 6045583.70
bench_async_server(no buffer) 100000000 45774 2184646.31
bench_async_server(8k) 100000000 16360 6112469.44

1M bytes payload size, 100000 messages

cargo lt -- -p 1048576 --count 100 -t 1 <url>
server count Duration(ms) Message/sec
uWebSocket 100000 34900 2865.33
tungstenite 100000 38745 2580.98
bench_server(no buffer) 100000 29854 3349.63
bench_server(8k) 100000 28887 3461.76
bench_async_server(no buffer) 100000 29280 3415.30
bench_async_server(8k) 100000 29384 3403.21

you can try more combinations with load_test tool

http header style

for multiple extension/protocol, ws-tool prefer to use multiple header with the same name, instead of "," separated value. but ws-tool still try to parse extension/protocol from "," separated header value.