wrflib_widget 0.0.3

The widget toolkit for Wrflib
// Copyright (c) 2021-present, Cruise LLC
// This source code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0,
// found in the LICENSE-APACHE file in the root directory of this source tree.
// You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

use crate::buttonlogic::*;
use wrflib::*;

#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct BgIns {
    base: QuadIns,
    hover: f32,
    down: f32,

static SHADER: Shader = Shader {
    build_geom: Some(QuadIns::build_geom),
    code_to_concatenate: &[
            instance hover: float;
            instance down: float;

            const shadow: float = 3.0;
            const border_radius: float = 2.5;

            fn pixel() -> vec4 {
                let df = Df::viewport(pos * rect_size);
                df.box(shadow, shadow, rect_size.x - shadow * (1. + down), rect_size.y - shadow * (1. + down), border_radius);
                df.blur = 6.0;
                df.fill(mix(#0007, #0, hover));
                df.blur = 0.001;
                df.box(shadow, shadow, rect_size.x - shadow * 2., rect_size.y - shadow * 2., border_radius);
                return df.fill(mix(mix(#3, #4, hover), #2a, down));

pub struct Button {
    component_base: ComponentBase,
    bg_area: Area,
    text_area: Area,
    animator: Animator,

const ANIM_DEFAULT: Anim = Anim {
    duration: 0.05,
    chain: true,
    tracks: &[
        // BgIns::hover
        Track::Float { key_frames: &[(1.0, 0.0)], ease: Ease::DEFAULT },
        // BgIns::down
        Track::Float { key_frames: &[(1.0, 0.0)], ease: Ease::DEFAULT },
        // TextIns::color
        Track::Vec4 { key_frames: &[(1.0, vec4(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1.))], ease: Ease::DEFAULT },

const ANIM_HOVER: Anim = Anim {
    duration: 0.05,
    chain: true,
    tracks: &[
        // BgIns::hover
        Track::Float { key_frames: &[(0.0, 1.0)], ease: Ease::DEFAULT },
        // BgIns::down
        Track::Float { key_frames: &[(1.0, 0.0)], ease: Ease::DEFAULT },
        // TextIns::color
        Track::Vec4 { key_frames: &[(1.0, vec4(1., 1., 1., 1.))], ease: Ease::DEFAULT },

const ANIM_DOWN: Anim = Anim {
    duration: 0.1,
    tracks: &[
        // BgIns::hover
        Track::Float { key_frames: &[(0.0, 1.0)], ease: Ease::DEFAULT },
        // BgIns::down
        Track::Float { key_frames: &[(0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0)], ease: Ease::DEFAULT },
        // TextIns::color
        Track::Vec4 { key_frames: &[(1.0, vec4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.))], ease: Ease::DEFAULT },

impl Button {
    fn animate(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx) {
        let draw_bg = self.bg_area.get_first_mut::<BgIns>(cx);
        draw_bg.hover = self.animator.get_float(0);
        draw_bg.down = self.animator.get_float(1);
        TextIns::set_color(cx, self.text_area, self.animator.get_vec4(2));

    pub fn handle(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx, event: &mut Event) -> ButtonEvent {
        if self.animator.handle(cx, event) {
        let animator = &mut self.animator;
        let hit_event = event.hits(cx, &self.component_base, HitOpt::default());
        handle_button_logic(cx, hit_event, |cx, logic_event| match logic_event {
            ButtonLogicEvent::Down => animator.play_anim(cx, ANIM_DOWN),
            ButtonLogicEvent::Default => animator.play_anim(cx, ANIM_DEFAULT),
            ButtonLogicEvent::Over => animator.play_anim(cx, ANIM_HOVER),

    pub fn draw(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx, label: &str) {
        cx.begin_shader_group(&[&SHADER, &TEXT_INS_SHADER]);

            cx.begin_padding_box(Padding { l: 16.0, t: 12.0, r: 16.0, b: 12.0 });
            self.text_area = TextIns::draw_walk(cx, label, &TextInsProps::DEFAULT);
            let rect = cx.end_padding_box();

            self.bg_area = cx.add_instances(&SHADER, &[BgIns { base: QuadIns::from_rect(rect), ..Default::default() }]);
            self.component_base.register_component_area(cx, self.bg_area);

        self.animator.draw(cx, ANIM_DEFAULT);