wrapped-vec 0.1.1

Macro for generating wrapped Vec types and associated boilerplate


wrapped-vec is a Rust crate for auto-generating type definitions and boilerplate code for wrapping Vectors in a custom type. It exports a macro wrapped_vec! that takes an item type and a wrapper type name, creating a named wrapper over Vec of the given item type. For example, wrapped_vec!(Wrapper(Vec<Item>)) creates struct Wrapper(Vec<Item>).

A large number of useful trait impls are auto-generated, including Iter, IntoIter & Expand, plus a small number of useful Vec-style methods like len(), iter() & is_empty().

wrapped_vec! helps you avoid exposing library implementation details or creating brittle APIs that break when plain Vec doesn't provide the right functionality any more. Type synonyms give collections a custom name but don't address these issues. The common workaround of simply wrapping Vec with a custom type requires manually implementing common useful collection traits such as Iter, which involves a lot of boilerplate. Implementing Deref targetting Vec provides the basic Vec methods, but still requires manual implementation of collection traits.


Add wrapped-vec to your Cargo.toml:

wrapped-vec = "0.1"

Import the crate with macros:

use wrapped_vec;

Then define your custom collections and use just like a plain Vec:

pub struct Task { ... };

let batch = TaskBatch::from_iter(vec![Task(), Task()]);
for task in batch {


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