wrangler 1.14.1

Command-line interface for all things Cloudflare Workers
pub mod form;
mod krate;
pub mod package;

pub use package::Package;

use reqwest::blocking::Client;

use crate::settings::toml::Target;
use crate::sites::AssetManifest;

pub fn script(
    client: &Client,
    target: &Target,
    asset_manifest: Option<AssetManifest>,
) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
    let worker_addr = format!(
        target.account_id, target.name,

    let script_upload_form = form::build(target, asset_manifest, None)?;

    let res = client

    let res_status = res.status();

    if !res_status.is_success() {
        let res_text = res.text()?;
        failure::bail!(error_msg(res_status, res_text))


fn error_msg(status: reqwest::StatusCode, text: String) -> String {
    if text.contains("\"code\": 10034,") {
        "You need to verify your account's email address before you can publish. You can do this by checking your email or logging in to https://dash.cloudflare.com.".to_string()
    } else if text.contains("\"code\":10000,") {
        "Your user configuration is invalid, please run wrangler login or wrangler config and enter a new set of credentials.".to_string()
    } else {
        format!("Something went wrong! Status: {}, Details {}", status, text)

fn fails_with_good_error_msg_on_verify_email_err() {
    let status = reqwest::StatusCode::FORBIDDEN;
    let text = r#"{
  "result": null,
  "success": false,
  "errors": [
      "code": 10034,
      "message": "workers.api.error.email_verification_required"
  "messages": []
    let result = error_msg(status, text);