[][src]Function wpilib_sys::bindings::HAL_SendError

pub unsafe extern "C" fn HAL_SendError(
    isError: HAL_Bool,
    errorCode: i32,
    isLVCode: HAL_Bool,
    details: *const c_char,
    location: *const c_char,
    callStack: *const c_char,
    printMsg: HAL_Bool
) -> i32

Sends an error to the driver station.

@param isError true for error, false for warning @param errorCode the error code @param isLVCode true for a LV error code, false for a standard error code @param details the details of the error @param location the file location of the errror @param callstack the callstack of the error @param printMsg true to print the error message to stdout as well as to the DS