worley-noise 3.1.1

Worley noise implementation

extern crate test;
extern crate worley_noise;

use test::Bencher;
use worley_noise::WorleyNoise;

const WIDTH: u32 = 50;
const HEIGHT: u32 = 50;
const DEPTH: u32 = 50;

/// Benchmarks creation of noise structs
fn create(b: &mut Bencher) {
	b.iter(|| {

/// Benchmarks sampling of 500x500 points
fn sample(b: &mut Bencher) {
	let capacity = (WIDTH * HEIGHT) as usize;
	let noise = WorleyNoise::with_cache_capacity(capacity);
	let mut points = Vec::with_capacity(capacity);
	for x in 0 .. WIDTH {
		for y in 0 .. HEIGHT {
			for z in 0 .. DEPTH {
				points.push((x as f64, y as f64, z as f64));
	b.iter(|| noise.values_3d(&points));