work_tock 0.1.7

A Program to track your hours across various projects

Work Tock

A command line work tracking program.

See Documentation for basic file format

otherwise the --help command should be useful enough.

Basic Usage

You can use this program to clockin

work_tock -i <JobName>


work_tock -o

The program works with a single text file, and will only read, and append to it, so all data in that file will otherwise remain untouched.

use "-f" to select the file or set it in "$HOME/.config/work_tock/init.toml"


"{HOME}" is the env var $HOME, Any other env var can be used or not.

A standard file looks like this :

    15:00,#Carwashing is implied by previous Job
    Programming,16:00,#Clockout for Carwash is implied by new Job

    _breakfast,#Tags can be added with underscore
    15:00,#Eating is implied as it was the last job
    __,#clears all current tags.
  • Commas and newlines begin a new item
  • Whitespace is ignored next to either side or a break (",","\n")
  • Jobs are Letters only
  • Clockins are "hh:mm"
  • Clockouts are "-hh:mm"
  • Tags begin with an "_" and can be cleared with "__"
  • Dates are dd/mm/yyyy, but if you set year=2019, dates can be dd/mm after that.

Every Clockin will use the most recent Job,Date, and Tags for the clocking,

So given the example file work_tock will produce:

{"Carwashing": 02:20, "Eating": 02:00, "Programming": 01:00}

Total Time = 05:20

Printing and Filters

Using "-p" Will print all entries, but if you want to be morse spcific you can apply a filter and -p will print only entries that pass that filter.

To get more relevent data you can use filters such as "-d" :Today, or "--day 3/1/2019", or by job

eg: work_tock -p --job Carwashing will return

  Carwashing: 12:30-13:50 = 01:20   => 01:20
  Carwashing: 15:00-16:00 = 01:00   => 02:20

{"Carwashing": 02:20}

Total Time = 02:20

For more information use work_tock --help


v 0.1.7

Bug fix -- Now handles empty files properly (Oops)

now takes -q option for clockin to previous Job

v 0.1.6

Added error handling for loggin in and out on different days.

switched order of logging in and printed statements to include the current logout on the printed statements.

v 0.1.5

Documented use of toml instead of lazyf

v 0.1.4

Separated library from application

v 0.1.3

Trying to get repository and docs showing on Cargo

v 0.1.2

Added Docs to readme

v 0.1.1

Added basic usage documentation