work 0.4.2

A simple cli todo manager
# Work: a terminal todo manager


## Features:

- [x] use a sqlite database with [rusqlite]

- [x] command line parsing with []

- [x] fuzzy finder built in with [skim]

- [x] config file parsing with [confy]

## Instructions:

`work ls` to list all of your events.

[user@hostname ~]$ work ls
| 1 | test
❌ | 2 | another another test
✅ | 3 | another test

`work add <string of an event to add>` add an event. Ex: `work add "test"`

`work rm <event id>` to remove an event. Ex: `work rm 1`

`work rm fzf` to remove an event or multiple through a fuzzy finder. Search through the events and press tab to select multiple.

`work rm all` delete the whole database of events.

`work edit <event id>` get to a prompt to edit an event. This will allow you to edit the name and make it done. Ex: `work edit 1`

`work edit fzf` the same as `work rm fzf` except multiple are not allowed.

`work done <event id>` Mark an event as done. Ex: `work done 1`

`work done fzf` the same as `work rm fzf` except marking events done. Multiple _are_ allowed.

## Configuration:

You will find a `worktodo.toml` file in `~/.config/worktodo/` (I think it will be on `Library/Preferences/rs.worktodo/worktodo.toml` on macos because that is the default config location) this is the method of configuration. The settings are self explanatory. The config file will be auto generated on the first use of work.


emojis = true
backticks = true
verbose = true
show_id_in_ls = true
ask_for_confirm = true

## Database:

The database file will be stored at `~/.local/share/worktodo/work.db` It is a sqlite database.

## Limits:

- Only works on unix systems for now (I dont have any windows stuff to test on for now). If anyone wants to test it please do!
- on macos the config file is in a different place. i think `Library/Preferences/rs.worktodo/worktodo.toml`.

## Install:

It is on Yay!

cargo install work

You can also

``` bash
git clone
cd work
cargo install --path .