word_filter 0.4.1

A Word Filter for filtering text.


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A Word Filter for filtering text.

A Word Filter is a system for identifying and censoring specific words or phrases in strings. Common usage includes censoring vulgar or profane language and preventing spam or vandelism in user-provided content.

The Word Filter implementation provided here allows for advanced filtering functionality, including:

  • Finding and censoring filtered words.
  • Ignoring words that are considered "exceptions".
  • Allowing specification of "aliases", i.e. strings that can replace other strings (for example, an alias could be created to replace the letter "a" with the character "@").
  • Ignoring specified separators (such as spaces or other characters) between letters of filtered words.

A Word Filter is useful for checking and altering user-generated text in chat applications, online games, and many other contexts.


An example of a basic Word Filter is as follows:

use word_filter::WordFilterBuilder;

let filter = WordFilterBuilder::new().words(&["foo", "bar"]).build();

assert_eq!(filter.censor("Should censor foo and bar."), "Should censor *** and ***.");

See the documentation for more in-depth usage.

Minimum Supported Rust Version

This crate is guaranteed to compile on stable rustc 1.36.0 and up.


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.