[][src]Crate word_filter

A robust implementation of a Word Filter.

A Word Filter is a system for identifying and censoring specific words or phrases in strings. Common usage includes censoring vulgar or profane language and preventing spam or vandelism in user-provided content.

The Word Filter implementation provided here allows for advanced filtering functionality, including:

  • Finding and censoring filtered words.
  • Ignoring words that are considered "exceptions".
  • Allowing specification of "aliases", i.e. strings that can replace other strings (for example, an alias could be created to replace the letter "a" with the character "@").
  • Ignoring specified separators (such as spaces or other characters) between letters of filtered words.


An example of a functional Word Filter using this crate is as follows:

use word_filter::{Options, WordFilter};

// Filtered words are words that should be detected by the WordFilter.
let filtered_words = &["foo"];
// Exceptions are words that should not be detected by the WordFilter, even if words inside them
// are.
let exceptions = &["foobar"];
// Separators are characters that can appear between letters within filtered words.
let separators = &[" ", "_"];
// Aliases define characters that can be found in place of other characters in a match.
let aliases = &[("f", "F")];

// All of these together are used to create a WordFilter.
let word_filter = WordFilter::new(

// The word filter will both identify and censor the word "foo".
assert!(word_filter.check("Should censor foo"));
assert_eq!(word_filter.censor("Should censor foo"), "Should censor ***");

// The word filter does not identify or censor the word "foobar".
assert!(!word_filter.check("Should not censor foobar"));
assert_eq!(word_filter.censor("Should not censor foobar"), "Should not censor foobar");

// The word filter will ignore separators while matching.
assert!(word_filter.check("Should censor f o_o"));
assert_eq!(word_filter.censor("Should censor f o_o"), "Should censor *****");

// The word filter checks for aliases while matching.
assert!(word_filter.check("Should censor Foo"));
assert_eq!(word_filter.censor("Should censor Foo"), "Should censor ***");



Options for WordFilters.


A word filter for identifying filtered words within strings.



The strategy for censoring in a WordFilter.


The strategy a WordFilter should use to match repeated characters.