wonnx 0.3.0

Wonnx is an ONNX runtime based on wgpu aimed at being a universal GPU runtime, written in Rust.
//! DAG representation of ONNX ops allowing for transformations and optimizations before compilation
use crate::onnx::{ModelProto, NodeProto, TensorProto, ValueInfoProto};
use crate::utils::{DataTypeError, Shape};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::ptr;
use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
use thiserror::Error;

pub struct OperatorDefinition<'model> {
    pub(crate) proto: Cow<'model, NodeProto>,
    pub(crate) output_shapes: Vec<Shape>,

impl<'model> OperatorDefinition<'model> {
    pub fn from(
        node: Cow<'model, NodeProto>,
        value_shapes: &HashMap<&'model str, Shape>,
    ) -> Result<OperatorDefinition<'model>, IrError> {
        let mut output_shapes: Vec<Shape> = Vec::with_capacity(node.get_output().len());
        for output_name in node.get_output() {
            if !value_shapes.contains_key(output_name.as_str()) {
                return Err(IrError::OutputNodeNotFound(output_name.to_string()));

        Ok(OperatorDefinition {
            proto: node,

pub enum NodeDefinition<'model> {
    Tensor(Box<Cow<'model, TensorProto>>),
    Input(&'model ValueInfoProto),
    Outputs { names: Vec<String> },
    Missing, // A missing input (optional)

static MISSING_OPTIONAL_INPUT: NodeDefinition<'static> = NodeDefinition::Missing;

pub struct Input<'model> {
    pub source_node: Arc<Node<'model>>,
    pub output_index: usize,

pub struct Node<'model> {
    pub definition: NodeDefinition<'model>,
    pub inputs: Vec<Input<'model>>,

#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum IrError {
    #[error("output node for output {0} not found")]

    #[error("could not find node corresponding to input {input_name} of node {target_node_name}")]
    InputNodeNotFound {
        target_node_name: String,
        input_name: String,

    #[error("issue with data types: {0}")]
    Type(#[from] DataTypeError),

impl<'m> NodeDefinition<'m> {
    pub fn get_name(&self) -> Cow<'_, str> {
        match self {
            // Nodes are identified by their first output's name, because node names are optional (and "only to be used
            // for diagnostic purposes" according to the ONNX IR specification) whereas output names are required and should be unique.
            NodeDefinition::Operator(op_def) => Cow::from(&op_def.proto.get_output()[0]),
            NodeDefinition::Tensor(t) => Cow::from(t.get_name()),
            NodeDefinition::Input(i) => Cow::from(i.get_name()),
            NodeDefinition::Outputs { .. } => Cow::from(" "),
            NodeDefinition::Missing => Cow::from(""),

impl NodeProto {
    // Nodes are identified by their first output's name, because node names are optional (and "only to be used
    // for diagnostic purposes" according to the ONNX IR specification) whereas output names are required and should be unique.
    fn unique_name(&self) -> String {

impl<'model> Node<'model> {
    pub fn new(variant: NodeDefinition<'model>) -> Node<'model> {
        Node {
            definition: variant,
            inputs: vec![],

    pub fn definition(&self) -> &NodeDefinition<'model> {

    /// Construct part of the intermediate representation tree for the indicated node.
    pub fn from_node<'a>(
        model: &'model ModelProto,
        node: Cow<'model, NodeProto>,
        value_shapes: &HashMap<&'model str, Shape>,
        node_definitions_by_output: &'a HashMap<String, NodeDefinition<'model>>,
        nodes_by_unique_name: &mut HashMap<String, Arc<Node<'model>>>,
    ) -> Result<Arc<Node<'model>>, IrError> {
        let node_name = node.unique_name();
        // Did we already translate this node before?
        if nodes_by_unique_name.contains_key(&node_name) {
            let n = nodes_by_unique_name.get(&node_name).unwrap();
            return Ok(n.clone());

        let inputs: Result<Vec<Input<'model>>, IrError> = node
            .map(|input_name: &'model String| {
                let my_input_name = input_name.clone();
                let source_node_definition = node_definitions_by_output

                Ok(match source_node_definition {
                    // The source is another op - continue translating that node
                    NodeDefinition::Operator(source_node_proto) => Input {
                        source_node: Node::from_node(
                        output_index: source_node_proto
                            .position(|s| s == input_name)
                            .ok_or_else(|| IrError::OutputNodeNotFound(input_name.to_string()))?,
                    _ => {
                        // The source is an initializer or model onput
                        let source_name = source_node_definition.get_name().to_string();

                        Input {
                            output_index: 0,
                            // Did we already translate this node?
                            source_node: match nodes_by_unique_name.get(&source_name) {
                                Some(node) => node.clone(),
                                None => {
                                    let node = Arc::new(Node::new(source_node_definition.clone()));
                                    nodes_by_unique_name.insert(source_name, node.clone());

        let translated = Arc::new(Node {
            definition: NodeDefinition::Operator(Box::new(OperatorDefinition::from(
            inputs: inputs?,
        nodes_by_unique_name.insert(node.unique_name(), translated.clone());

    /// Construct an intermediate representation graph for calculating the output with the specified name.
    pub fn from_model(
        model: &'model ModelProto,
        outputs: Option<&[String]>,
    ) -> Result<Arc<Node<'model>>, IrError> {
        // Collect value shapes
        let mut value_shapes: HashMap<&'model str, Shape> = HashMap::new();
        for vi in model.get_graph().get_value_info() {
            value_shapes.insert(vi.get_name(), vi.get_shape()?);

        for vi in model.get_graph().get_output() {
            let output_name = vi.get_name();
            if !output_name.is_empty() {
                value_shapes.insert(output_name, vi.get_shape()?);

        // Sort nodes by output nodes
        let mut node_definitions_by_output = HashMap::<String, NodeDefinition<'model>>::new();
        for node in model.get_graph().get_node().iter() {
            let node_def = NodeDefinition::Operator(Box::new(OperatorDefinition::from(
            for output in node.get_output() {
                if !output.is_empty() {
                    node_definitions_by_output.insert(output.to_string(), node_def.clone());

        // Collect intializer info
        for initializer in model.get_graph().get_initializer().iter() {
            log::debug!("Initializer {}", initializer.get_name());

        let output_names: Vec<String> = match outputs {
            Some(outputs) => outputs.to_vec(),
            None => model
                .map(|x| x.get_name().to_string())

        // Collect input name
        for input in model.get_graph().get_input().iter() {
            if !node_definitions_by_output.contains_key(input.get_name()) {
                log::debug!("Input {}", input.get_name());
                    .insert(input.get_name().to_string(), NodeDefinition::Input(input));
            } else {
                    "Skipping input definition {}: already defined",

        let mut nodes_by_name = HashMap::new();

        let output_nodes: Result<Vec<Input<'model>>, IrError> = output_names
            .map(|output_name| {
                let output_node = model
                    .find(|x| -> bool { x.get_output().contains(output_name) })
                    .ok_or_else(|| IrError::OutputNodeNotFound(output_name.clone()))?;

                let source_node = Node::<'model>::from_node(
                    &mut nodes_by_name,

                let output_index = output_node
                    .position(|s| s == output_name)
                    .ok_or_else(|| IrError::OutputNodeNotFound(output_name.clone()))?;

                Ok(Input {

        Ok(Arc::new(Node {
            definition: NodeDefinition::Outputs {
                names: output_names,
            inputs: output_nodes?,

impl<'model> Debug for NodeDefinition<'model> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            NodeDefinition::Operator(def) => {
                    "op: {} ({})",
            NodeDefinition::Tensor(def) => write!(f, "tensor {}", def.get_name()),
            NodeDefinition::Input(def) => write!(f, "input {}", def.get_name()),
            NodeDefinition::Outputs { .. } => write!(f, "outputs"),
            NodeDefinition::Missing => write!(f, "missing (optional)"),

/// Wrap an Arc<Node> in a struct so we can implement pointer-based comparison for it, and use them as keys in a HashSet/HashMap
pub struct NodeIdentifier<'model>(Arc<Node<'model>>);

impl<'model> Hash for NodeIdentifier<'model> {
    fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
        ptr::hash(Arc::as_ptr(&self.0), state)

impl<'model> PartialEq for NodeIdentifier<'model> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        Arc::ptr_eq(&self.0, &other.0)

impl<'model> Eq for NodeIdentifier<'model> {}

impl<'model> Node<'model> {
    pub fn identifier(self: &Arc<Self>) -> NodeIdentifier<'model> {