wnfs 0.1.14

WebNative filesystem core implementation
use super::{diff, KeyValueChange, Node, NodeChange, HAMT_VERSION};
use crate::{AsyncSerialize, BlockStore, Hasher, Link};
use anyhow::Result;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use libipld::{serde as ipld_serde, Ipld};
use semver::Version;
use serde::{
    de::{DeserializeOwned, Error as DeError},
    ser::Error as SerError,
    Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer,
use sha3::Sha3_256;
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, fmt, hash::Hash, rc::Rc, str::FromStr};

// Type Definitions

/// Hash Array Mapped Trie (HAMT) is an implementation of an associative array that combines the characteristics
/// of a hash table and an array mapped trie.
/// This type wraps the actual implementation which can be found in the [`Node`](crate::private::Node).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use wnfs::private::Hamt;
/// let hamt = Hamt::<String, usize>::new();
/// println!("HAMT: {:?}", hamt);
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Hamt<K, V, H = Sha3_256>
    H: Hasher,
    pub root: Rc<Node<K, V, H>>,
    pub version: Version,

// Implementations

impl<K, V, H: Hasher> Hamt<K, V, H> {
    /// Creates a new empty HAMT.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use wnfs::private::Hamt;
    /// let hamt = Hamt::<String, usize>::new();
    /// println!("HAMT: {:?}", hamt);
    /// ```
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            root: Rc::new(Node::default()),
            version: HAMT_VERSION,

    /// Creates a new `HAMT` with the given root node.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use std::rc::Rc;
    /// use wnfs::private::{Hamt, Node};
    /// let hamt = Hamt::<String, usize>::with_root(Rc::new(Node::default()));
    /// println!("HAMT: {:?}", hamt);
    /// ```
    pub fn with_root(root: Rc<Node<K, V, H>>) -> Self {
        Self {
            version: HAMT_VERSION,

    /// Gets the difference between two HAMTs at the node level.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use std::rc::Rc;
    /// use wnfs::{
    ///     private::{Hamt, Node},
    ///     MemoryBlockStore
    /// };
    /// #[async_std::main]
    /// async fn main() {
    ///     let store = &mut MemoryBlockStore::default();
    ///     let main_hamt = Hamt::<String, usize>::with_root({
    ///         let node = Rc::new(Node::default());
    ///         let node = node.set("foo".into(), 400, store).await.unwrap();
    ///         let node = node.set("bar".into(), 500, store).await.unwrap();
    ///         node
    ///     });
    ///     let other_hamt = Hamt::<String, usize>::with_root({
    ///         let node = Rc::new(Node::default());
    ///         let node = node.set("foo".into(), 200, store).await.unwrap();
    ///         let node = node.set("qux".into(), 600, store).await.unwrap();
    ///         node
    ///     });
    ///     let node_diff = main_hamt.node_diff(&other_hamt, store).await.unwrap();
    ///     println!("node_diff: {:#?}", node_diff);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub async fn node_diff<B: BlockStore>(
        other: &Self,
        store: &mut B,
    ) -> Result<Vec<NodeChange>>
        K: DeserializeOwned + Clone + fmt::Debug + Eq + Hash + AsRef<[u8]>,
        V: DeserializeOwned + Clone + fmt::Debug + Eq,
        H: Clone + fmt::Debug + 'static,

    /// Gets the difference between two HAMTs at the key-value level.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use std::rc::Rc;
    /// use wnfs::{
    ///     private::{Hamt, Node},
    ///     MemoryBlockStore
    /// };
    /// #[async_std::main]
    /// async fn main() {
    ///     let store = &mut MemoryBlockStore::default();
    ///     let main_hamt = Hamt::<String, usize>::with_root({
    ///         let node = Rc::new(Node::default());
    ///         let node = node.set("foo".into(), 400, store).await.unwrap();
    ///         let node = node.set("bar".into(), 500, store).await.unwrap();
    ///         node
    ///     });
    ///     let other_hamt = Hamt::<String, usize>::with_root({
    ///         let node = Rc::new(Node::default());
    ///         let node = node.set("foo".into(), 200, store).await.unwrap();
    ///         let node = node.set("qux".into(), 600, store).await.unwrap();
    ///         node
    ///     });
    ///     let kv_diff = main_hamt.kv_diff(&other_hamt, store).await.unwrap();
    ///     println!("kv_diff: {:#?}", kv_diff);
    /// }
    pub async fn kv_diff<B: BlockStore>(
        other: &Self,
        store: &mut B,
    ) -> Result<Vec<KeyValueChange<K, V>>>
        K: DeserializeOwned + Clone + fmt::Debug + Eq + Hash + AsRef<[u8]>,
        V: DeserializeOwned + Clone + fmt::Debug + Eq,
        H: Clone + fmt::Debug + 'static,

    async fn to_ipld<B: BlockStore + ?Sized>(&self, store: &mut B) -> Result<Ipld>
        K: Serialize,
        V: Serialize,
            ("root".into(), self.root.to_ipld(store).await?),
            ("version".into(), ipld_serde::to_ipld(&self.version)?),
            ("structure".into(), ipld_serde::to_ipld("hamt")?),

impl<K, V, H: Hasher> AsyncSerialize for Hamt<K, V, H>
    K: Serialize,
    V: Serialize,
    async fn async_serialize<S, B>(&self, serializer: S, store: &mut B) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
        S: Serializer,
        B: BlockStore + ?Sized,

impl<'de, K, V> Deserialize<'de> for Hamt<K, V>
    K: DeserializeOwned,
    V: DeserializeOwned,
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
        D: Deserializer<'de>,
        Ipld::deserialize(deserializer).and_then(|ipld| ipld.try_into().map_err(DeError::custom))

impl<K, V> TryFrom<Ipld> for Hamt<K, V>
    K: DeserializeOwned,
    V: DeserializeOwned,
    type Error = String;

    fn try_from(ipld: Ipld) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        match ipld {
            Ipld::Map(mut map) => {
                let root = Rc::new(
                    Node::<K, V>::deserialize(map.remove("root").ok_or("Missing root")?)
                        .map_err(|e| e.to_string())?,

                let version = match map.get("version").ok_or("Missing version")? {
                    Ipld::String(v) => Version::from_str(v).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?,
                    _ => return Err("`version` is not a string".into()),

                Ok(Self { root, version })
            other => Err(format!("Expected `Ipld::Map`, got {other:#?}")),

impl<K, V, H: Hasher> Default for Hamt<K, V, H> {
    fn default() -> Self {

impl<K, V, H> PartialEq for Hamt<K, V, H>
    K: PartialEq,
    V: PartialEq,
    H: Hasher,
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.root == other.root && self.version == other.version

// Tests

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{dagcbor, MemoryBlockStore};

    async fn hamt_can_encode_decode_as_cbor() {
        let store = &mut MemoryBlockStore::default();
        let root = Rc::new(Node::default());
        let hamt: Hamt<String, i32> = Hamt::with_root(root);

        let encoded_hamt = dagcbor::async_encode(&hamt, store).await.unwrap();
        let decoded_hamt = dagcbor::decode::<Hamt<String, i32>>(encoded_hamt.as_ref()).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(hamt, decoded_hamt);